Álgebra Homológica relativa en categorías abelianas
Alxebra 34, 1982.
n-cocycles non abeliennes
(con A.M. Cegarra).
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sc. Paris 2981, 401-404, 1984.
Sur la theorie de l'obstruction de dimension n
(con A.M. Cegarra).
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sc. Paris
2991-10, 419-422,1984.
Highier dimensional obstruction theory in algebraics categories
(con A.M. Cegarra y A.R. Garzón).
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol 49, 43-102,1987.
Cohomología no abeliana. La sucesión exacta larga
Cuadernos de Álgebra, Volumen: 4, 1987.
The cohomology groups of an epimorphism
(con E.R. Aznar y A. Lirola).
Springer Lecture Notes in Math. Vol1348, 230-241, 1988.
Cohomology and higher Baer invariants
(con A.M. Cegarra).
Journal of Algebra, Vol 132-2, 321-339,1990.
A 3-dimensional non-abelian cohomology of groups with applications to homotopy
classification of continuous maps
(con A.M. Cegarra).
Canadian Journal of Math. Vol 43-2, 265-296, 1991.
Métodos homotópicos en teoría de obstrucción algebraica
(con P.Carrasco y otros).
Homenaje a Pablo Bobillo Guerrero, Univ. de Granada, 163-182, 1992.
Cohomology with coefficients in symmetric cat-groups. An extension of Eilenberg- Mac Lane's
classification theorem
(con A.M. Cegarra y P. Carrasco).
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. Vol 114, 163-189, 1993.
On cat-n-groups and homotopy types
(con A.M. Cegarra y J. Duskin).
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. Vol 86, 135-154, 1993.
A note on Haque's cohomology of rings-groups and
extensions of rings-groups by groups.
Extracta Mathematicae, Vol 11, 426-434, 1996.
On the equivariant 2-type of a G-space
(con J.G. Cabello y E. Faro).
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol 129, 215-245, 1998.
The homotopy type of spaces X with fundamental grupoid G
and an unique non-trivial homotopy G-module \pi_n(X)
(con J.G. Cabello).
Communications in Algebra, Vol 27-2, 725-753, 1999.
Generalized Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces as homotopy
colimits and local cohomology
(con E. Faro y M.A. García-Muñoz).
Proceedings of the Meeting of Andalusians Mathematicians, Vol II, 179-186, 2000.
Homotopy colimits and Cohomology with Local Coefficients
(con E. Faro y M.A. García-Muñoz).
Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differentielle Categoriques, Vol XLIV-1, 63-80, 2003.
Crossed Complexes, Free Crossed Resolutions and
Graph Products of Groups
(con R. Brown y T. Porter).
Research and Exposition in Mathematics. Vol 27, 11-26, 2003
On the geometry of 2-categories and their classifying spaces
(con A.M. Cegarra).
K-theory, Vol 29 (3), 211-229, 2003. Versión ampliada
Classifying spaces for monoidal categories throug geometric nerves
(con A.M. Cegarra).
Canadian Mathematics Bulletin, Vol 47 (3), 321-331, 2004
Postnikov Invariants of Crossed Complexes
(Con E. Faro y M.A. García-Muñoz).
Journal of Algebra, Vol 285-1, 238-291, 2005
A Full and faithful Nerve for 2-categories
(con V. Blanco y E. Faro).
Applied Categorical Structures, Vol 13-3, 223-233, 2005
Categorical non-abelian cohomology and the {S}chreier theory of groupoids
(con V. Blanco y E. Faro).
MathematischeZeitschrift, Vol: 251-1, 41-59, 2005
A Van Kampen theorem for equivariant fundamental groupoids
(con L. Scull).
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Volume 212, Issue 9, September 2008, Pages 2059-2068
Proportionally modular diophantine inequalities and the Stern-Brocot tree
(con J. C. Rosales).
Math. Comp. 78 (2009), no. 266, 1211–1226.
Minimal presentations for monoids with the ascending chain condition on principal ideals.
(con García-Sánchez, P. A.).
Semigroup Forum 85 (2012), no. 1, 185–190.
Tesis Doctorales