Workshop on Words and Concepts

Granada 20-21 September 2010


background image "Bag of Words" (taken from Wikimedia Commons)

Dates Location Speakers Organizers Aim Further information


Words and Concepts

An interdisciplinary workshop on philosophy, psychology, and linguistics.


Dates: September 20th–21st, 2010


Venue: Carmen de la Victoria,University of Granada, Spain


Guest speakers:


Emma Borg (University of Reading)

Daniel Casasanto (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)

Vyvyan Evans (University of Bangor)

Elisabetta Lalumera (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Eric Margolis (University of British Columbia)

Louise McNally (Pompeu Fabra University)

Gabriella Vigliocco (University College London)

Daniel Weiskopf (Georgia State University)



Research Group FFI2008-06421-C02


-from the University of Granada: Juan José Acero, José Luis Liñán, Fernando Martínez Manrique, José Manuel Palma, Miguel Ángel Pérez Jiménez

-from the University of Valladolid: Juan Luis Barba, Juan Bautista Bengoetxea, Mª de la
Concepción Caamaño, Cristina Corredor, Teresa Solias
-from the University of the Basque Country: Agustín Vicente, Begoña Vicente


Local organizing committee:

Juan José Acero, José Luis Liñán, Fernando Martínez Manrique, José Manuel Palma


Aim of the workshop:


One of the key elements in the relation between language and thought is the relation between words and concepts, i.e., between the basic elements from the lexico-linguistic sphere and the elements that are typically regarded as the basic constituents of a significant part of our mental life. There are a number of fundamental questions that are currently debated in this respect:
1) Do concepts correspond to word meanings? Or is there a difference between linguistic meaning and conceptual content? If there is such a difference and it is psychologically real, which is the relation between both levels of representation? Do the normative aspects of concepts pose a problem for their naturalization?
2) If word meanings are actually concepts, what kind of concepts are they? Are the structured elements or rather, as some authors contend, conceptual atoms? If they are structured, what kind of structure is it, and what sort of internal compositional relations are allowed? Is it plausible to conceive of a plurality of conceptual kinds?
3) Are words mere labels for pre-existent concepts, or is it possible to create new concepts from purely linguistic mechanisms? How are linguistic differences reflected in the respective lexical acquisition processes?
4) Do the speakers of different languages have different conceptual repertoires in virtue of their linguistic differences? If this is so, what sort of differences are they, and what is their significance?
We believe that the nature of the issues invites a markedly interdisciplinary approach, especially from philosophy, psychology, and linguistics. So the aim of this workshop is to provide a forum of discussion for researchers in the three areas.



Further information:

Updates about the workshop, as well as additional information on accommodation and travel, will be posted at this website

More information about the workshop can be requested from the contact person:

- by post:

Fernando Martínez Manrique

Departamento de Filosofía I, Edificio Psicología

18071 Granada, Spain

- by phone: (+34) 958242098

- by fax: (+34) 958248981

- by e-mail: fmmanriq <<at>>