originator: ArianneURL: http://www.stjude.org/Medical/brain-stem.htm
origination date: 25/01/2001
originator: Arianne
origination date: 25/01/2001
brain stem glioma | term type: main entry term part of speech: noun number: singular animacy: inanimate reliability code: 10 definition: astrocytoma arising in the lowest part of the brain; they may grow rapidly or slowly and are rarely invasive. The types of treatment used are surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. (en) context (x): I_brsteg.txt origination date: 05/12/2001 |
glioma del tronco cerebral | definition: astrocitoma situado en el mesencéfalo, en la protuberancia o en el bulbo. Puede crecer de forma rápida o más lenta, y rara vez es invasivo. Los tipos de tratamiento utilizados para este tumor incluyen cirugía, radiación y quimioterapia. (es) gender: masculine number: singular part of speech: noun reliability code: 10 term type: main entry term |
astrocitoma del tronco cerebral | term type: synonym reliability code: 8 part of speech: noun gender: masculine definition: ver glioma del tronco cerebral (es) number: singular |