Ewing's sarcoma | number: singular part of speech: noun term type: main entry term definition: malignant neoplasm of the marrow of the midshaft of the bone, mainly in the upper arm, shinbone and thighbone. It is rare and occurs more frequently in children. The main symptoms are pain and swelling of affected areas. Diagnostic procedures include X-ray of affected areas, blood tests and urine tests, CT scans and bone marrow aspirations. Treatment includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. (en) reliability code: 9 context (x): I_ewsarc.txt originator: Arianne |
sarcoma de Ewing | term type: main entry term reliability code: 9 number: singular gender: masculine definition: neoplasia maligna de la médula ósea, principalmente el húmero, huesos de la mandíbula y el fémur. Es muy poco frecuente y ocurre principalmente en niños y jóvenes. Los síntomas principales son dolor e hinchazón de la parte afectada. Los procedimientos diagnósticos incluyen rayos X, análisis de sangre y de orina, TAC y biopsia. El tratamiento incluye cirugía, radioterapia y quimioterapia. (es) part of speech: noun context (x): E_sarewi.txt origination date: 24/04/2002 |