N Concordance 1 no time should the administration of a granulocyte transfusion be considered a 2 n number of days to achieve an absolute granulocyte count of 0.5 x 10(9)/l and a 3 cing specific cytokines that accelerate granulocyte recovery following cytoreduc 4 by the receptor tyrosine kinase agonist granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulatin 5 Recombinant growth factors such as granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulatin 6 high concentration of lipids, decrease granulocyte activity therefore could be 7 imated CE of CD34+ cells nor diminished granulocyte contamination. For the total 8 vements in techniques and equipment for granulocyte collection, the relevance of 9 sed on the magnitude of 7-day post-5-FU granulocyte recovery, the results demons 10 phase I trial of the recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulatin 11 se, (CGD) or for neonates with immature granulocyte function complicated by limi 12 (CD32) and Fc gammaRIII (CD16), induced granulocyte apoptosis within 24 hours. G 13 of carbohydrate supplementation on the granulocyte and monocyte response to 2.5 14 established standards stating that the granulocyte apheresis unit shall include 15 er circulation times. The fact that the granulocyte donor was also the marrow do