Generated by OntoTerm. Updated: 28/08/2002 3:24:58


subject field: medicine: diagnostic procedure
origination date: 02/11/2001
originator: Claudia
check date: 06/05/2002
checker: Pamela

Conceptual Structures

linear acceleratorterm type: main entry term
reliability code: 10
part of speech: noun
number: singular
definition: type of X-ray machine used for external beam radiation therapy that employs high-energy beams. This machine can deliver high doses of radiation to deep-lying tumors. It administers a precise, intense beam directed where the cancer is located. This has the advantage of limiting radiation damage to other parts of the body and to the skin. For that reason, it is a widely used technique. (en)
context (x): i_lineacc.txt

origination date: 04/06/2002
originator: Arianne
Linacdefinition: type of X-ray machine used for external beam radiation therapy that employs high-energy beams. This machine can deliver high doses of radiation to deep-lying tumors. It administers a precise, intense beam directed where the cancer is located. This has the advantage of limiting radiation damage to other parts of the body and to the skin. For that reason, it is a widely used technique. (en)
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10
term type: abbreviated form of term
megavoltage linear acceleratorterm type: synonym
reliability code: 10
part of speech: noun
number: singular
definition: type of X-ray machine used for external beam radiation therapy that employs high-energy beams. This machine can deliver high doses of radiation to deep-lying tumors. It administers a precise, intense beam directed where the cancer is located. This has the advantage of limiting radiation damage to other parts of the body and to the skin. For that reason, it is a widely used technique. (en)

acelerador linealgender: masculine
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10
term type: main entry term
definition: máqina que emite electrones de alta energía por medio de un campo magnético, llegando a tumores muy profundos. Los rayos son precisos e intensos por lo que se restringe el daño producido por la radiación en otras partes del cuerpo y la piel. Por esta razón, se utiliza esta técnica con frecuencia. (es)
context (x): e_acelin.txt

origination date: 03/06/2002
originator: Arianne