Generated by OntoTerm. Updated: 28/08/2002 3:26:02


originator: Clara
origination date: 09/05/2002
subject field: medicine: disease
check date: 03/06/2002
checker: Pamela

Conceptual Structures

mycosis fungoidesdefinition: rare cancer of the lymphocytes affecting the skin, which is related to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and leukemia, and is believed to be caused by the uncontrolled growth of helper T cells. It is commonly preceded by skin disorders such as chronic eczema and psoriasis. The first symptoms are usually a generalized itching and areas of raised, reddened skin, which can appear just about anywhere on the body. Mycosis fungoides, whose name derives from the mushroom-like appearance of the tumors in an advanced stage of the disease, frequently progresses very slowly. It can appear as raised patches of skin for many years, which may eventually ulcerate as the disease progresses, and the lymph nodes may become enlarged and appear as lymphomas. The most common form of treatment is radiation therapy, although other treatments may include photodynamic therapy, photopheresis, PUVA therapy, biological therapy, and chemotherapy. (en)
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10
term type: main entry term
context (x): i_mycfun.txt

origination date: 12/06/2002
originator: Arianne

micosis fungoidesterm type: main entry term
reliability code: 10
part of speech: noun
number: singular
gender: feminine
definition: atípico cáncer de los linfocitos que afecta a la piel y que está relacionado con el linfoma de no Hodgkin y con la leucemia y que deriva del crecimiento descontrolado de células T helper. Normalmente le preceden trastornos cutñaneos, como eccema crónico y soriasis. Los primeros síntomas suelen ser picor generalizado, zonas irritadas y piel enrojecida en cualquier parte del cuerpo. La micosis fungoides,que recibe este nombre por la forma de champiñón que presentan los tumores en estadio avanzado, a menudo progresa lentamente. Pueden aparecer zonas de piel irritada durante años, que a veces dan lugar a úlceras si la enfermedad avanza y los ganglios linfáticos pueden aumentar de tamaño y convertirse en linfomas. El tratamiento de elección lo constituye la radioterapia, aunque también se pueden aplicar terapia fotodinámica, fotoferesis, fotoquimioterapia tópica, terapia biológica y quimioterapia. (es)
context (x): e_micfun.txt

origination date: 12/06/2002
originator: Arianne