N ee carcinoma cells in the peritoneal cavity than conventional cytology. Thi 1 es. However, for study of peritoneal cavity B cells, i.v. injection does no 2 absorptive surface of the peritoneal cavity must be preserved as much as po 3 cting cancer cells in the peritoneal cavity of patients with ovarian 4 ins confined to the peritoneal cavity, intraperitoneal (i.p.) chemoth 5 o invade freely the peritoneal cavity. Estradiol stimulates the proli 6 en removal from the peritoneal cavity. Our findings together with evi 7 t doses to be used in the peritoneal cavity. Female non-tumor-bearing rats 8 auma. Insufflation of the peritoneal cavity should be used with caution in 9 nical augmentation of the peritoneal cavity reduces physiological disadvant 10 -spread metastasis in the peritoneal cavity, is very poor. In such cases, o 11 pump was implanted in the peritoneal cavity. The rats received a continuous 12 sothelium that covers the peritoneal cavity and that also lines the mulleri 13 rgically removed from the peritoneal cavity, and blood sugar levels returne 14 n, tumor cells within the peritoneal cavity are exposed to higher concentra 15 ith adenocarcinoma of the peritoneal cavity without a clear primary site sh 16 rculation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Blockade of diaphragmatic lymp 17 sidual tumor in the peritoneal cavity as well as in the retroperitone 18 ee carcinoma cells in the peritoneal cavity than conventional cytology. Thi