Generated by OntoTerm. Updated: 28/08/2002 3:26:44


origination date: 21/05/2002
originator: Clara
subject field: medicine: disease
check date: 10/06/2002
checker: Pamela

Conceptual Structures

synovial sarcomaterm type: main entry term
reliability code: 10
part of speech: noun
number: singular
definition: rare cancer that begins in synovial tissue of the tendons, bursae or the cavity that separates the bones of a freely movable joint, such as the knee or elbow. Synovial sarcomas occur mainly in the arms and legs, more specifically in the area of large joints, especially the knee region. Less frequently, the disease develops in the head and neck and in the trunk. The symptoms of synovial sarcoma are a deep-seated swelling or a mass that may be accompanied by pain or tenderness. The diagnosis of synovial sarcoma is made by biopsy. The most common treatment is surgery, although chemotherapy and radiation therapy can also be used. Synovial sarcoma occurs mostly in adolescents and young adults, and it affects more males than females. (en)
malignant synoviomaterm type: synonym
reliability code: 10
number: singular
part of speech: noun
definition: see synovial sarcoma (en)
synovial cell carcinomaterm type: synonym
reliability code: 10
part of speech: noun
number: singular
definition: see synovial sarcoma (en)

sarcoma sinovialterm type: main entry term
reliability code: 10
part of speech: noun
number: singular
gender: masculine
definition: cáncer atípico derivado del tejido sinovial de tendones, bolsas y las cavidades que separan los huesos de las articulaciones móviles, como el codo y la rodilla. Los sarcomas sinoviales se originan ante todo en brazos y piernas, donde tienden a crecer en zonas de articulaciones grandes, tales como la rodilla. Es menos frecuente que la enfermedad se desarrolle en cuello, cabeza y tronco. Entre los síntomas del sarcoma sinovial destacan edema o masa tumoral acompañada con dolor o molestias y en casos concretos dolor o molestias. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante biopsia. El tratamiento de elección lo constituye la cirugía, aunque también se pueden emplear radioterapia y quimioterapia. El sarcoma sinovial presenta una mayor incidencia en adolescentes y jóvenes y afecta a más varones que mujeres. (es)
sinovioma malignoterm type: synonym
reliability code: 9
part of speech: noun
number: singular
gender: masculine
definition: véase sarcoma sinovial (es)