Bachelor'S Degree in Speech and Language Therapy

University center Facultad de Psicología
Credit framework
  • Total credits: 240
  • Optional credits: 48

First academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
Anatomy of the Organs of Hearing and Speech Core course 6
Measurement Instruments and Research Data Analysis in Speech-Language Therapy Core course 6
Spanish Language Core course 6
Speech-Language Therapy, Science and Profession Compulsory course 6
Psychology of Language Acquisition and Development Core course 6
Second semester
Course Course type Credits
Physiology of the Organs of Hearing, Speech and Voice Core course 6
Basic Educational Principles in Speech-Language Therapy Core course 6
Basic Principles of Speech-Language Methodologies Core course 6
Basic Psychological Processes Core course 6
Psychology of Language Core course 6

Second academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
Psychopathology of Language Compulsory course 6
Clinical Linguistics Compulsory course 6
Neuropsychology Compulsory course 6
Neuropsychology of Language Core course 6
Disorders in Learning to Read and Write Compulsory course 6
Second semester
Course Course type Credits
Aphasia and Degenerative Language Disorders Compulsory course 6
Fundamentals of the Processes of Evaluation and Diagnosis in Speech-Language Therapy Compulsory course 6
Pathology of the Voice, Speech and Hearing Compulsory course 6
Pathologies in the Development of Language and Acquired Disorders Compulsory course 6
Speech and Language Development Disorders Compulsory course 6

Third academic year

Fourth academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
The School Context and Speech-Language Therapy Elective course 6
Communication Skills Elective course 6
Professional Skills and Work Placement Compulsory course 24
Spanish Sign Language Elective course 6
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Elective course 6
Preventive Programmes in Psycho-Linguistic Skills Development Elective course 6
Vocal Rehabilitation Elective course 6
Undergraduate Dissertation Compulsory course 6
Observation and Interviewing Techniques in Educational Contexts Elective course 6
Techniques for Psychological Treatment in Speech-Language Therapy Elective course 6