Bachelor'S Degree in Telecommunications Engineering

University center E.T.S. de Ingenierías Informática y de Telecomunicación
Credit framework
  • Total credits: 240
  • Optional credits: 30
Bachelor's degree specialties
  • Sistemas de Telecomunicación
  • Telemática
  • Sistemas Electrónicos

First academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
Mathematical Analysis Core course 6
Circuit Analysis Core course 6
Fundamentals of Computer Science Core course 6
Engineering, Business and Society Core course 6
Linear Algebra and Geometry Core course 6
Second semester
Course Course type Credits
Electronic Components and Circuits Core course 6
Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis Core course 6
Statistics and Optimisation Core course 6
Physical Fundamentals of Engineering Core course 6
Linear Systems Core course 6

Second academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
Fundamentals of Programming Compulsory course 9
Telematics Systems Compulsory course 6
Communication Theory Compulsory course 6
Wave Transmission Compulsory course 9
Second semester
Course Course type Credits
Communications 1 Compulsory course 6
Analogue Electronics Compulsory course 6
Digital Electronics Compulsory course 6
Communication Infrastructures and Networks Compulsory course 6
Digital Signals Compulsory course 6

Third academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
Communications 2 Compulsory course 6
Power Electronics Compulsory course 6
Digital Electronic Systems Compulsory course 6
Switching Systems Compulsory course 6
Data Transmission and Computer Networks Compulsory course 6

Fourth academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
Integrated Circuits for Communications (Electronic Systems Specialisation) Compulsory course 6
Wireless Communications Compulsory course 6
Optical Communications Compulsory course 6
Network Design and Dimensioning Compulsory course 6
Electronic Equipment (Electronic Systems Specialisation) Compulsory course 6
Fundamentals of Photonics Elective course 6
Telematics Laboratory Elective course 6
Multimedia Networks (Telematics Specialisation) Compulsory course 6
Corporate and Access Networks Compulsory course 6
Control Systems (Electronic Systems Specialisation) Compulsory course 6
Printed Circuit Technology Elective course 6
Speech Technology Elective course 6
Digital Television and Radio Compulsory course 6
Second semester
Course Course type Credits
Telecommunications Architecture Elective course 6
Further Mathematical Analysis Elective course 6
Physics Applied to Telecommunications Elective course 6
Digital Video Processing Elective course 6
Embedded Systems and Real-Time Programming Elective course 6
Undergraduate Dissertation Compulsory course 12


Sistemas de Telecomunicación

Créditos necesarios para obtener la mención: 48


Créditos necesarios para obtener la mención: 48

Sistemas Electrónicos

Créditos necesarios para obtener la mención: 48