JERC ugr

Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro
Department Statistics and Operational Research
University of Granada

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  • J. E. Ruiz Castro, E. M. Contreras Siles, C. J. Acal González (2022). Shiny en la enseñanza de las distribuciones tipo fase. SEIO 2022 (invited talk)
  • F. Porro, M. Restaino, J. E. Ruiz Castro, M. Zenga (2022). What determines the turnover for football coaches? The case of the Italian Serie A. SEIO 2022 (invited talk)
  • J. E. Ruiz Castro, C. J. Acal González, M. Dawabsha (2022). Continuous MMAPs to model complex multi-state systems with vacation in the repair facility. SEIO 2022 (talk)
  • C. Acal González, J. E. Ruiz Castro, A. M. Aguilera del Pino, J. B. Roldán (2022). Procesos estocásticos con tiempos de permanencia tipo-fase. Evolución en Memorias Resistivas. SEIO 2022 (invited talk)
  • J.E. Ruiz-Castro. M. Dawabsha (2021). Modeling a repairable discrete multi-state system with a vacation policy. CMStatistics 2021 (invited talk)
  • Marialuisa Restaino, J.E. Ruiz-Castro, Mariangela Zenga, F. Porro (2021). Identifying the determinants of soccer coach turnover in Italian League Serie A. CMStatistics 2021 (invited talk)
  • C. Acal, J.E. Ruiz-Castro (2021). A new cut-point PH-distribution to fit a Survival data set. CMStatistics 2021 (invited talk)
  • C. Acal, J.E. Ruiz-Castro, A.M. Aguilera (2020). Distribuciones tipo fase lineales para la Modelización Probabilística de Datos Funcionales en Electrónica. IV Jornadas de Estadística como Herramienta Científica (talk)
  • C. Acal, J.E. Ruiz-Castro, A.M. Aguilera, J.B. Roldán (2020). Phase-type distributions in a vector Markov process to analyse random telegraph noise in resistive memories. CMStatistics 2020 (invited talk)
  • F. Porro, Marialuisa Restaino, Mariangela Zenga, J.E. Ruiz-Castro (2020). Exploring and analysing the determinants of football coach dismissal in Italian League Serie A. CMStatistics 2020 (invited talk)
  • J.E. Ruiz-Castro, Mariangela Zenga (2019). A piecewise Weibull survival model for the analysis of breast cancer subject to endogeneous and exogeneous factors. CMStatistics 2019 (invited talk)
  • J.E. Ruiz-Castro, M. Dawabsha (2019). A complex multi-state redundant system with vacations in the repair. CMStatistics (invited talk)
  • C. Acal, J.E. Ruiz-Castro, A.M. Aguilera, M.C. Aguilera-Morillo, J.B. Roldán (2019). Phase-type probability modelling of functional PCA with applications to resistive memories. MACMAS 2019 (talk)
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro y Mohammed Dawabsha (2019). Un sistema multi-estado complejo k-out-of-n con pérdida de unidades. SEIO 2019 (talk)
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro y Mariangela Zenga (2019). A general piecewise multi-state survival model for the study on the progression of breast cancer. ASMDA 2019 (talk)
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro, Christian Acal González y Ana M. Aguilera del Pino (2019). Herramientas computacionales para el aprendizaje de las distribuciones Tipo Fase: Aplicación con datos reales de memorias resistivas. GENAEIO 2019 (poster)
  • E. Pérez, D. Maldonado, C. Acal, J.E. Ruiz-Castro, A.M. Aguilera, F. Jiménez-Molinos, J.B. Roldán, Ch. Wenger (2019). Temperature impact on the forming voltage distributions in polycrystalline, amorphous and aluminum doped HfO2 RRAM devices. MEMRISYS 2019 (talk)
  • D. Maldonado, C. Acal, M.B. González, J.E. Ruiz-Castro, A.M. Aguilera, R. Picos, F. Jiménez-Molinos, F. Campabadal, J.B. Roldán (2019). An in-depth statistical study of resistive switching energies in unipolar RRAMs. INFOS 2019 (poster)
  • E. Pérez, D. Maldonado, C. Acal, J.E. Ruiz-Castro, F. J. Alonso, A.M. Aguilera, F. Jiménez-Molinos, Ch. Wenger, J.B. Roldán (2019). Analysis of the statistics of device-to-device and cycle-to-cycle variability in TiN/Ti/Al:HfO2/TiN RRAMs. INFOS 2019 (talk)
  • Christian José Acal González, Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro, Ana M. Aguilera del Pino (2018). Distribuciones tipo fase en memorias RRAM con R. X Jornadas de Usuarios de R
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro and Mohammed Dawabsha (2018). A multi-state k-out-of-n: G system subject to multiple events and loss of units. 11th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics, CMStatistics 2018 (invited talk)
  • Mariangela Zenga, Filippo Domma and Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro (2018). Using the Dagum distribution in survival regression models, 11th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics, CMStatistics 2018 (invited talk)
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro and Mohammed Dawabsha (2018). MMAPs to Model a warm standby multi-state system with loss of units and a general variate number of repairpersons. 23th International Conference on Computational Statistics, COMSPTAT 2018 (invited talk)
  • Christian Acal, Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro, Ana María Aguilera, Francisco Jiménez Molinos and Juan Bautista Roldán (2018). Reliability Analysis of switching parameters in resistive random access memories. 23th International Conference on Computational Statistics, COMSPTAT 2018.
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro, Ana María Aguilera del Pino, Francisco Javier Alonso Morales, Javier García Montero y Rocío Raya Miranda (2018). Una APP para aprender Estadística y Probabilidad: APPES, XXXVII Congreso Nacional SEIO, SEIO 2018 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro y Mohammed Dawabsha (2018). Modelización y optimización de un sistema multi-estado de fiabilidad mediante un proceso de llegadas markovianas marcadas, XXXVII Congreso Nacional SEIO, SEIO 2018.
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro and Mohammed Dawabsha (2017). Modeling a complex multi-state warm standby system with loss of units through a D-MMAP, 10th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics, CMStatistics 2017 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro and Mariangela Zenga (2017). General discrete non-homogeneous Markov models with multiple absorbing states: Application to breast cancer, 10th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics, CMStatistics 2017 (invited talk).
  • Christian Acal, Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro, Ana María Aguilera, Francisco Jiménez Molinos, Juan Bautista Roldán (2017). 10th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics, CMStatistics 2017.
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro and Mohammed Dawabsha (2017). A Markovian arrival process with marked transitions to model a complex system with loss of units, European Meeting of Statisticians, EMS 2017 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro (2017). Modeling a redundant multi-state system with loss of units through a MMAP, the 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2017 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro and Mariangela Zenga (2017). A discrete piecewise multi-state survival model: application to breast cancer, 17th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Conference, ASMDA 2017 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro, Ana María Aguilera del Pino, Francisco Javier Alonso-Morales, Javier García-Montero y Rocío Raya Miranda (2017). Guiding exercises to learn probability: APPES PROB, 11th International Technology, education and Development Conference, INTED 2017.
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and Mariangela Zenga (2016). A discrete non-homogeneous Markov model in survival analisys: Application to breast cancer, 9th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics, CMStatistics 2016 (invited talk).
  • Filippo Domma, Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and Mariangela Zenga (2016). The Dagum regression model in survival analysis, 22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics, COMPSTAT 2016 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and Mariangela Zenga (2016). Different pathways in the evolution of the breast cancer using a discrete homogeneous Markov model with multiple absorbing states, SMTDA 2016 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and Mariangela Zenga (2015). A discrete homogeneous Markov model with multiple absorbing states. 8th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics, CMStatistics 2015 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and Mariangela Zenga (2015). A study on the Breast Cancer using a discrete piecewise multi-state model. 16th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Conference, ASMDA 2015 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2015). Modeling a warm standby system with corrective and preventive maintenance. 16th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Conference, ASMDA 2015 (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2015). Modelización mediante D-MMAPSs de un sistema multi-estados complejo de fiabilidad sujeto a fallos internos y choques externos. Conference of the SEIO 2015.
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2015). D-MAPs en la modelización de un sistema multi-estados de fiabilidad con mantenimiento preventivo. Conference of the RSME 2015(invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and Mariangela Zenga (2014). A discrete piecewise multi-state model in survival: application to breast cancer.7th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (ERCIM 2014) (invited talk).
  • P.R. Bouzas; Ruiz-Fuentes, N. and Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2014). Forecasting compound Cox processes.7th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (ERCIM 2014) (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2014). Preventive maintenance in a complex warm standby system. A transient analysis. 21st International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2014) (invited talk).
  • Quan-Lin, Li; Meng Wang and Ruiz Castro, J.E. (2013). A Mean-Field Limiting Method for Reliability Computation in Repairable Stochastic Networks. 29th European Meeting of Statisticians(EMS 2013) (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2013). Improving the performance of a complex multi-state system through random inspections. 29th European Meeting of Statisticians(EMS 2013) (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2012). Preventive and corrective maintenance for a device subject to internal failures and external shocks. 5th International Conference of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group on Computing & Statistics (ERCIM 2012) (invited talk).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2012).Preventive Maintenance for a complex reliability system: Algorithmical Analysis. III Seminar on Functional Data Analysis.
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2012).Mantenimiento preventivo en un sistema de fiabilidad con pérdida de unidades. XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa.
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2011). Modelos de regresión funcional para predecir concentración de polen. I Reunión de Trabajo del Grupo de Análisis de Datos Funcionales de la SEIO (FDA-SEIO 2011).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro (2010). Algoritmización y análisis estacionario de un sistema complejo discreto k-out-of-n: G. XXXII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (sesión invitada).
  • Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and Paula R. Bouzas (2010). A transient analysis of a complex discrete k-out-of-n: G system with multi-state components. XIX International Conference on Computational Statistics.
  • Paula R. Bouzas, Nuria Ruiz-Fuentes and Juan Eloy Ruiz-Castro (2010). Forescasting a compound Cox process by means of PCP. XIX International Conference on Computational Statistics.
  • Galiano, D.; Mendoza, N.; Salamanca, A.; González, I.; Marín, L.; Andrés, P.; Ruiz-Castro, J.E.; Sánchez Borrego. R.; Quereda, F. (2009). Age at menarche does not affect the risk for breast cancer or metabolic syndrome in a Spanish population of postmenopausal women. 8th Congress of the European Society of Gynecology.
  • Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy y Fernández-Villodre, Gemma (2009). Un sistema con múltiples componentes dispuestas en reserva activa con pérdida de unidades. XXXI Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa.
  • Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy (2009). Phase distributions in reliability and survival analysis. Seminar on Functional Data Analysis (FDA).
  • Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Pérez Ocón, Rafael and Fernández-Villodre, Gemma (2008). Algorithmic and computational analysis of a multi-component complex system. ESREL 2006 Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk.
  • Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Pérez Ocón, Rafael and Fernández-Villodre, Gemma (2007). A discrete repairable reduntant system involving phase type distributions. MMR 2007, Mathematical Methods in Reliability.
  • Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Pérez Ocón, Rafael and Fernández-Villodre, Gemma (2007). A discrete redundant system subject to different types of failures. ASMDA 2007.
  • Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Pérez Ocón, Rafael and Fernández-Villodre, Gemma (2006). A discrete reduntant system involving phase type distributions. ESREL 2006 Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk.
  • García Leal, J.; Hidalgo Ruiz, E.; Lara Porras, A.; Quesada Rubio, J.M.; Ramos Ábalos, E.; Raya Miranda, R.; Ruiz Castro, J.E.; Sánchez Borrego, I.R. and Tarifa Blanco, J. (2006). New methodology for teaching Statistics in Biology: an interactive guide to learning with SPSS. 7th International Conference on Teaching Statistics.
  • Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Pérez Ocón, Rafael y Fernández-Calvillo Villodre, Gemma (2006).Un sistema multicomponentes reparable en tiempo discreto. XXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa.
  • García Leal, J.; Hidalgo Ruiz, E.; Lara Porras, A.; Quesada Rubio, J.M.; Ramos Ábalos, E.; Raya Miranda, R.; Ruiz Castro, J.E.; Sánchez Borrego, I.R. y Tarifa Blanco, J. (2006). Guía Interactiva de autoaprendizaje de SPSS. XXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa.
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Montoro Cazorla, Delia and Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy (2005). A reliability system governed by a LDQBD process. International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis.
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Montoro Cazorla, Delia and Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy (2005). A reliability system governed by a LDQBD process. International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis.
  • Montoro Cazorla, Delia; Pérez Ocón, Rafael and Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy (2005). An approach to a general repairable system with infinite spares. 55th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Montoro Cazorla, Delia; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy (2004). Modelo de choques y desgaste: tiempos involucrados con distribuciones tipo fase. XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O.
  • Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Montoro Cazorla, Delia (2004). Un modelo semi-Markoviano con distribuciones tipo fase en supervivencia. XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e I.O.
  • Pérez-Ocón, Rafael; Montoro-Cazorla, Delia and Ruiz-Castro, Juan Eloy (2004). Transient Analysis of a Two-Unit System Modelled by a General Markov Process. 4th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Methodology and Practice
  • Ruiz-Castro, Juan Eloy; Montoro-Cazorla, Delia; Pérez-Ocón, Rafael and Fernández-Villodre, Gemma (2004). A two-system governed by PH-distributions with memory of the failure phase. Computational Statistics 2004
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael and Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy (2003). Markovian Models in Survival Studies. 54th International Statistical Institute Session 2003
  • Montoro Cazorla, Delia; Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy (2002). Transient analysis of a two units cold standby system with phase type degradation and two maintenace policies.2nd Euro-Japanese Workshop on Stochastic Modelling for Finance, Insurance, Production and Reliability
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Montoro Cazorla, Delia (2002). An Approach to Reliability Systems Using PH-distributions. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Methodology and Practice (invited session)
  • Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Montoro Cazorla, Delia (2002). Algorithmic and Computational Procedures for a Markov Model in Survival Analysis. Computational Statistics 2002 (full contribution)
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Montoro Cazorla, Delia (2001). Distribuciones Tipo Fase en el Análisis de Tiempos de Vida. XXVI Congreso Nacional de Estadística, I.O. e Informática
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Gámiz Pérez, M. Luz (2000). Nonhomogeneous Markov Model for Survival and Maintenance of Fibre Optic Cables. Mathematical Methods on Reliability Conference
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Torres-Castro, Inmaculada; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Gámiz Pérez, M. Luz (1999). Lifetime Study of a Repairable Model with three types of Failure. IX International Symposium Applied Stochastic Model and Data Analysis
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Gámiz Pérez, M. Luz (1998). Semi-Markov Models for Lifetime Data Analysis. 2nd International Symposium on Semimarkov-Models: Theory and Methods
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Gámiz Pérez, M. Luz (1997). Ageing Properties in Markov Processes Applied to Breast Cancer. 8th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Gámiz Pérez, M. Luz (1997). Modelos Estocásticos aplicados a la supervivencia del cáncer de mama. II Reunión de Trabajo en Predicción Dinámica
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Gámiz Pérez, M. Luz (1997). Análisis y Predicción de la Supervivencia al Cáncer de Mama usando Modelos Dinámicos. XXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística, I.O. e Informática
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy; Gámiz Pérez, M. Luz (1996). Máxima Verosimilitud en un Proceso de Markov con Mathematica. I Congreso de Mathematica en España
  • Pérez Ocón, Rafael; Gámiz Pérez, M. Luz; Ruiz Castro, Juan Eloy (1995). Caracterización de Distribuciones de la Clase HNBUE. XXII Congreso Nacional de Estadística, I.O. e Informática


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