Photo of Maria Bermudez-Edo, researcher in IoT, ML, IA and Semantics

Maria Bermudez-Edo

Associate Professor

University of Granada

A telecoms engineer with extensive international experience working for leading ICT firms and organizations, I have collaborated in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams across Europe, Asia, and North America. My core expertise lies in the Internet of Things (IoT), Data Analytics, and the application of IT in business, with a particular focus on Semantics, which was the subject of my PhD. Open-minded and adaptable, I take a flexible approach to problem-solving. I have successfully completed projects in both the private and public sectors, consistently delivering high-quality results on time. I was a postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Surrey, with two extended secondments to UC Berkeley and ETH Zurich, which honed my skills in research, teaching, and project management, particularly in the areas of the Internet of Things, Future Internet, Data Analytics, and Semantics. During my time at the University of Granada, I earned two MSc degrees and a PhD, all with distinction. Previously, I worked at the European Patent Office and with leading private telecom companies (Siemens and Telefonica), which provided me with extensive knowledge of Telecom innovation and expertise in Computer Science.

My Research

Latest Research Highlights

New results published within our OnTheEdge research project:

  • EEG headbands vs caps: How many electrodes do I need to detect emotions? The case of the MUSE headband. Computers in Biology and Medicine

  • New results published within our EU LifeWatch-ERIC Smart Ecomountains research project:

  • SASD: Self-Attention for Small Datasets—A case study in smart villages. Expert Systems with Applications.
  • Predicting Overnights in Smart Villages: The Importance of Context Information. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics

  • Our research project OnTheEdge has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Agencia Estatal de Investigación).

  • We will study the stress in the eldery, using IoT and continuum computing
  • Selection of JCR journal papers

  • Bolaños-Martinez, D., Durán-López, A., Garrido, J. L., Delgado-Márquez, B., & Bermudez-Edo, M. (2025). SASD: Self-Attention for Small Datasets—A case study in smart villages. Expert Systems with Applications, 126245.
  • Garcia-Moreno, F. M., Badenes-Sastre, M., Expósito, F., Rodriguez-Fortiz, M. J., & Bermudez-Edo, M. (2025). EEG headbands vs caps: How many electrodes do I need to detect emotions? The case of the MUSE headband. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 184, 109463.
  • Bolaños-Martinez, D., Bermudez-Edo, M., & Jose Luis Garrido (2024). Predicting Overnights in Smart Villages: The Importance of Context Information. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics.
  • Durán-López, A., Bolaños-Martinez, D., Delgado-Márquez, L., & Bermudez-Edo, M. (2024). RouteRecoverer: A tool to create routes and recover noisy license plate number data. Software Impacts, 20, 100636.
  • Gungormus, D. B., Garcia-Moreno, F. M., Bermudez-Edo, M., Sánchez-Bermejo, L., Garrido, J. L., Rodríguez-Fórtiz, M. J., & Pérez-Mármol, J. M. (2024). A semi-automatic mHealth system using wearable devices for identifying pain-related parameters in elderly individuals. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 184, 105371.
  • Bolaños-Martinez, D., Bermudez-Edo, M., Garrido, J. L., & Delgado-Márquez, B. L. (2024). Spatio-temporal dynamics of vehicles: Fusion of traffic data and context information. Data in brief, 53, 110084.
  • Bolaños-Martinez, D., Bermudez-Edo, M., & Jose Luis Garrido (2023). Clustering pipeline for vehicle behavior in smart villages. Information Fusion.
  • Garcia-Moreno, F. M., Bermudez-Edo, M., Pérez-Mármol, J. M., Garrido, J. L., & Rodríguez-Fórtiz, M. J. (2023). Systematic design of health monitoring systems centered on older adults and ADLs. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 23(Suppl 3), 300.
  • De, S., Bermudez-Edo, M., Xu, H., & Cai, Z. (2022). Deep Generative Models in the Industrial Internet of Things: a Survey. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
  • García-Moreno, F. M., Bermudez-Edo, M., Rodríguez-García, E., Pérez-Mármol, J. M., Garrido, J. L., & Rodríguez-Fórtiz, M. J. (2022). A Machine Learning Approach for Semi-automatic Assessment of IADL Dependence in Older Adults with Wearable Sensors. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 104625.
  • Martín, J. C. G., Guirado, D., Frattin, E., Bermudez-Edo, M., ... & Muñoz, O. (2021). On the application of scattering matrix measurements to detection and identification of major types of airborne aerosol particles: Volcanic ash, desert dust and pollen. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 271, 107761.
  • Garcia-Moreno, F. M., Bermudez-Edo, M., Garrido, J. L., & Rodríguez-Fórtiz, M. J. (2020). Reducing Response Time in Motor Imagery Using A Headband and Deep Learning. Sensors, 20(23), 6730.
  • Elsaleh, T., Enshaeifar, S., Rezvani, R., Acton, S. T., Janeiko, V., & Bermudez-Edo, M. (2020). IoT-Stream: A Lightweight Ontology for Internet of Things Data Streams and Its Use with Data Analytics and Event Detection Services. Sensors, 20(4), 953.
  • Garcia-Moreno, F. M., Bermudez-Edo, M., Garrido, J. L., Rodríguez-García, E., Pérez-Mármol, J. M., & Rodríguez-Fórtiz, M. J. (2020). A microservices e-Health system for ecological frailty assessment using wearables. Sensors, 20(12), 3427.
  • Şefki Kolozali, Maria Bermudez-Edo, Nazli Faraji Davar, Payam Barnaghi, Feng Gao, Muhammad Intizar Ali, Alessandra Mileo, Marten Fischer, Thorben Iggena, Daniel Kuemper, Ralf Tonjes (2019). Observing the Pulse of a City: A Smart City Framework for Real-time Discovery, Federation, and Aggregation of Data Streams. IEEE Internet of Thing Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 2651-2668, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2872606.
  • Bermudez-Edo, Maria; Barnaghi, Payam; Klaus Moessner. Analysing Real World Data Streams with Spatio-Temporal Correlations: Entropy vs. Pearson Correlation. Automation in Construction 88C (2018) pp. 87-100.
  • Leyva-de la Hiz, Dante. Hurtado-Torres, Nuria; Bermudez-Edo, María. The Heterogeneity of Levels of Green Innovation by Firms in International Contexts: A Study Based on the Home-Country Institutional Profile. Organization & Environment (O&E).
  • Bermudez-Edo, Maria; Barnaghi, Payam (2018). Spatio-Temporal Analysis for Smart City Data. WWW2018.
  • Bermudez-Edo, Maria; Elsaleh, Tarek; Barnaghi, Payam; Taylor, Kerry. 2017. IoT-Lite: A Lightweight Semantic Model for the Internet of Things and its Use with Dynamic Semantic. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Springer June 2017, Volume 21, Issue 3, pp 475–487.
  • Bermudez-Edo, Maria; Elsaleh, Tarek; Barnaghi, Payam; Taylor, Kerry. 2015. IoT-Lite Ontology. W3C Member Submission. 26 November 2015 “pdf Updated version:
  • Bermudez-Edo, Maria; Hurtado-Torres, N., Ortiz, N. The Influence of International Scope on the Relationship Between Patented Environmental Innovations and Firm Performance. Business and Society 56(2): 357-387, 2017.
  • Sergio Ricciardi, Jose Roberto Amazonas, Francesco Palmieri, and Maria Bermudez-Edo, Ambient Intelligence in the Internet of Things. Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2017, Article ID 2878146, 3 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/2878146.
  • Kolozali, S., Puschmann, D., Bermudez-Edo, M., & Barnaghi, P. (2016). On the Effect of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Analysis of Time-Series Sensory Data. IEEE Internet of Thing Journal. “pdf
  • Barnaghi, Payam; Bermudez-Edo, Maria; Toenjes, Ralf. 2015. Challenges for Quality of Data in Smart Cities. ACM Journal of Data and Information quality. “pdf
  • Bermudez-Edo, M., Hurtado, M. V., Noguera, M., & Hurtado-Torres, N. (2015). Managing technological knowledge of patents: HCOntology, a semantic approach. Computers in Industry. “pdf
  • Kolozali, Sefki; Bermudez-Edo, Maria; Puschmann, Daniel; Barnaghi, Payam. 2014. A Knowledge-based Approach for Real-Time IoT Data Stream Annotation and Processing. IEEE Internet of Things (iThings), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, and Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), IEEE and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing(CPSCom). 215-222. “pdf
  • Bermudez-Edo, Maria; Noguera-García, Manuel; Hurtado-Torres, Nuria Esther; Hurtado-Torres, Maria Visitacion; Garrido-Bullejos, José Luis. 2013. Analyzing a firm's international portfolio of technological knowledge: A declarative ontology-based OWL approach for patent documents. Advanced engineering informatics. 27: 358-365. “pdf

  • Recent International Projects

  • EU LifeWatch-ERIC Smart Ecomountains: SmartPoqueira.
  • EU H2020 FIESTA: Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications.
  • EU FP7-2012-ICT-FI collaborative Project, FI-Core/FIWARE: Future Internet Core Platform Extension, Availability and Sustainability.
  • EU FP7 CityPulse: Real-Time IoT Stream Processing and Large-scale Data Analytics for Smart City Applications.
  • EU FP7 IoT.est: Internet of Things Environment for Service Creation and Testing. Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP).
  • EU COST ACTION IC0903 MOVE: knowledge discovery from moving objects.

  • Sporadic Collaborations on the creation of the ontologies for the EU H2020 IoT-Crawler: a search engine for Internet of Things devices and the project EU H2020 Activage: Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments.

    Current/Recent National/Regional/Local Projects (Principal Investigator - PI)

  • NATIONAL (PI). PID2023 OnTheEdge: A Health Platform with services on the continuum computing to detect stress and anxiety in the elderly.
    OnTheEdge is a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) and the ERDF from EU. Project ref. PID2023-149185OB-I00
  • REGIONAL (CO-PI). C-SEJ-128-UGR23 SmartMountains: Analysis and management of mobility in national mountain parks: use of machine learning for sustainability against climate change.
    SmartMountains is a research project funded by FEDER (EU). Project ref. C-SEJ-128-UGR23
  • LOCAL (PI). PP2023 Dy-MIoT-Health: A dynamic Internet of Things (IoT) platform for edge computing.
    Dy-MIoT-Health is a research project funded by the University of Granada. PP2023.PP.63
  • NATIONAL (CO-PI). PID2019 MIoT-Health: Microservice-oriented design of IoT systems for a holistic and ecological assessment in eHealth - A case study of active and healthy ageing.
    MIoT-Health is a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Agencia Estatal de Investigación). Project ref. PID2019-109644RB-I00
  • Teaching This Year

    Master degree, undergraduate IS at University of Granada

    Master Degree

    Ubiquitous Computing (IoT)
    Semantic Web
    Project Management


    Object Oriented Programming


    Internet of Things
    Smart Cities
    Online Booking Engine

    Teaching in Previous Years

    Some of the topics I taught during my career:

    Multidimensional Databases
    Distributed Computing
    Computer Networks
    Data Transmission
    Software foundations
    Distributed Databases
    Business Information Systems
    Network Management

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