




Domingo Aerden - main publications


Kriegsman, L.M., Aerden, D.G.A,M., Bakker, R.J., den Brok, S.W.J. & Schutjens, P.M.T.M., 1989. Variscan tectonometamorphic evolution of the eastern Lys–Caillaouas massif, Central Pyrenees – evidence for late–orogenic extension prior to peak metamorphism. Geologie & Mijnbouw  68, 323–333. PDF.


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 1991. Foliation boudinage control on the formation of the Rosebery pb/zn orebody. Journal of Structural Geology  13, 759–776. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 1993. Formation of massive–sulphide lenses by replacement of folds; the Hercules Pb–Zn Mine, western Tasmania. Economic Geology  88, 377–396. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 1994. Microstructural timing of the Rosebery massive sulphides, Tasmania; evidence for a metamorphogenic origin through mobilization of disseminated base metals.Journal of Metamorphic Geology  12, 505-522. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 1994. Kinematics of orogenic collapse in the Variscan Pyrenees deduced from microstructures in porphyroblastic rocks from the Lys-Caillaouas massif. Tectonophysics  236,  139-160. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 1995. Porphyroblast non-rotation during crust

al extension in the Variscan Pyrenees. Journal of Structural Geology  17, 709-726. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 1995. Tectonic levels in the Palaeozoic basement of the Pyrenees: a review and a new interpretation; Discussion. Journal of Structural Geology  17, 1489-1492. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 1996. The pyrite-type strain fringes from Lourdes, France: indicators of Alpine thrust kinematics in the Pyrenees.Journal of Structural Geology  18, 75-92. DOI


AERDEN, D.., 1996. Du mouvement dans la roche. Pour la SCIENCE, (edicion Francesa de American Scientist). April 1996, 104-105. JPG


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 1998. Tectonic evolution of the Montagne Noire and a possible orogenic model for syn-collisional exhumation of deep rocks, Hercynian belt, France. Tectonics , 17, 62-79. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M & Malavieille, J. 1999. Origin of a large-scale fold nappe in the Montagne Noire (Variscan Belt, France). Journal of Structural Geology, 21, 1321-1333. DOI


Mller, W., Aerden, D.G.A.M., & Halliday, A.N., 2000. Isotopic dating of strain fringe increments: duration and rates of deformation in shear zones. SCIENCE, 288, 2195-2198. DOI


Koehn,D., Aerden, D.G.A.M., Bons,P.D., Passchier,C.W. 2001. Computer experiments to investigate complex fibre patterns in natural antitaxial strain fringes. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 19, 217-231. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M. & J. Sanchez San Roman, 2002. Stereofit: a program for fitting directional data to multiple planes and some applications in structural geology. Computers & Geosciences 28, 81-85. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 2003. Preferred orientation of planar microstructures determined via statistical best-fit of measured intersection-lines: the "FitPitch" computer program. Journal of structural Geology, 25, 923-934. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 2004. Correlating deformations in the Iberian Massif (Variscan belt) using porphyroblasts; implications for the development of the Ibero-Armorican Arc. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 177-196. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., 2005.  Comment on Reference frame, angular momentum, and porphyroblast rotation by Dazhi Jiang and Paul F. Williams. Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 1128-1133. DOI


Aerden, D., Sayab, M., 2008. From Adria- to Africa-driven orogenesis: Evidence from porphyroblasts in the Betic Cordillera, Spain. Journal of Structural Geology 30,1272–1287. DOI


Aerden, D., Sayab, M, Bouybaouene, M.,  2010. Conjugate shear folding: a mechanism for foliation development in folds and shear zones. Journal of Structural Geology 32,  1030-1045. DOI


Shah, S.Z. Sayab, M., Aerden, D.G.A.M, Asif-Kahn, M. 2011. Foliation intersection axes preserved in garnet porphyroblasts from the Swat area, NW Himalaya: A record of successive crustal shortening directions between the Indian plate and Kohistan-Ladakh Island Arc. Tectonophysics 509, 14-32. DOI


Aerden, D.G.A.M., Sayab, M., 2012. The interrelationship between deformation and metamorphism: papers presented at an international meeting held in Granada, Spain (23–26 May 2011) celebrating the career contribution of T.H. Bell. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 30, 623–624. DOI


Shah, S.Z., Sayab, M., Aerden, D., Iqbal, Q., 2012. Formation mechanism and tectonic significance of millipede microstructures in the NW Himalaya. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 59, 3–13. DOI


AERDEN, D.G.A.M., JOHNSON, S.E., MICHIBAYASHI, K. 2013.P reface to "Deformation, Porphyroblasts and Mountain Building: A Special Issue in Honour of the Career Contributions of T.H. Bell". Tectonophysics 587, 1-3 DOI


AERDEN, D.G.A.M., BELL, T.H., PUGA, E., SAYAB, M., LOZANO, J.A., DIAZ DE FEDERICO, A. 2013. Multi-stage mountain building vs. relative plate motions in the Betic Cordillera deduced from integrated microstructural and petrological analysis of porphyroblast inclusion trails. Tectonophysics 587, 188-206. DOI


SAYAB, M., SUURONEN, J.P., HLTT, P., AERDEN, D., LAHTINEN, R., KALLONEN, A.P., 2015. High resolution X-ray computed micro-tomography: A holistic approach to metamorphic fabric analyses. GEOLOGY, 43, 55-58. DOI


MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN J.R., AERDEN, D.G.A.M., CARRERAS, J. 2015. The Castilian bend of Rudolf Staub (1926): Historical perspective of a forgotten orocline in Central Iberia. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 108, 289-303. DOI


SAYAB, M., SHAH, S.Z., AERDEN, D., 2016. Metamorphic record of the NW Himalayan orogeny between the Indian plate-Kohistan Ladakh Arc and Asia: Revelations from foliation intersection axis (FIA) controlled P–T–t–d paths. Tectonophysics 671, 110–126. DOI


SAYAB, M., MIETTINEN, A., AERDEN, D., KARELL, F.., 2017. Orthogonal switching of AMS axes during type-2 fold interference: Insights from integrated X-ray computed tomography, AMS and 3D petrography. Journal of Structural Geology, 103, 1-16. DOI


AERDEN, D., SAYAB, M., 2017. Probing the prodigeous strain fringes from Lourdes. Journal of Structural Geology 105, 88–106. DOI


RUIZ FUENTES, A., AERDEN, D.G.A.M., 2018. Transposition of foliations and superposition of lineations during polyphase deformation in the Nevado-Filabride complex: tectonic implications. Int. J. Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch). DOI


SAYAB, M., AERDEN, D., MARKKU; ET AL., 2018. Virtual Structural Analysis of Jokisivu Open Pit Using "Structure-from-Motion' Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Photogrammetry: Implications for Structurally-Controlled Gold Deposits in Southwest Finland. Remote Sensing 10, DOI


SAYAB, M., MOLNÁR, F., AERDEN, D., NIIRANEN, T., KUVA, J. 2019. A succession of near-orthogonal horizontal tectonic shortenings in the Paleoproterozoic Central Lapland Greenstone Belt of Fennoscandia: constraints from the world-class Suurikuusikko gold deposit. Mineralium Deposita, DOI


AERDEN, D.G.A.M., RUIZ-FUENTES, A., 2020. X-ray computed microtomography of spiral garnets: A new test of how they form. Journal of Structural Geology 136. DOI.


SAYAB, M., AERDEN, D., KUVA, J., HASSAN, W.U. 2021. Tectonic evolution of the Karakoram metamorphic complex (NW Himalayas) reflected in the 3D structures of spiral garnets: Insights from X-ray computed micro-tomography. Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2021) DOI


AERDEN, D. G. A. M., RUIZ-FUENTES, A., SAYAB, M., AND FORDE, A. (2021). Kinematics of subduction in the Ibero-Armorican arc constrained by 3D microstructural analysis of garnet and pseudomorphed lawsonite porphyroblasts from de Groix (Variscan belt), Solid Earth, 12, 971–992. DOI.


AERDEN, D. G. A. M., FARRELL, T. P., BAXTER, E. F., STEWART, E. M., RUIZ-FUENTES, A., & BOUYBAOUENE, M. (2022). Refined tectonic evolution of the Betic-Rif orogen through integrated 3-D microstructural analysis and Sm-Nd dating of garnet porphyroblasts. Tectonics, 41, e2022TC007366. DOI.


RUIZ-FUENTES, A., AERDEN, D. G. A. M., (2023). Deciphering western Mediterranean kinematics using metamorphic porphyroblasts from the Alpujárride Complex (Betic Cordillera). Journal of Structural Geology, 168, 104823. DOI.


FARRELL, T.P., AERDEN, D., BAXTER, E.F., STARR, P.G., WILLIAMS, M.L. (2024)  Rapid development of spiral garnets during subduction zone metamorphism revealed from high-resolution Sm-Nd garnet geochronology. GEOLOGY, Jan. 2024  DOI.