Alejandro Rodriguez Navarro

Associate Professor in Mineralogy and Crystallography

Departamento de Mineralogia y Petrologia
Universidad de Granada,
Campus de Fuentenueva
18002 Granada (Spain)
Tel. +34 958 240059
Mobil: +34 615944752
Fax. +34 958 243368

Research Interests

Biomineralization processes and X-ray diffraction methods. In particular, research interests are focused on understanding how organisms control the mineralization of tissues (eggshell, bone and mollusc shell) and how biominerals develop highly organized microstructures. He is also interested in how several environmental factors (water chemistry, pollution) affect mineralization in organisms. Common used techniques are XRD, SEM, TEM, EBSD, FTIR, ICP-mass spectrometry and stable isotopes. Other interests are software development for scientific applications (see XRD2DScan software).

Professional Experience

2008-present Associate Professor of Crystallography and Mineralogy.
2003- 2008. Ramon y Cajal Fellow. Assistant Professor. Universidad de Granada (SPAIN).
2002- 2003 Postdoctoral Fellow. CSIC. Eggdefence: Improving quality and safety of hen eggs in new production systems. 5th European Framework Program Grant (Research).
1999- 2002. Postdoctoral Research Associate. Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, The University of Georgia, (USA). Calcified tissues as indicator of the effect of contamination (Research)
1998- 1999. Postdoctoral Research Associate. Materials Research Laboratory. Pennsylvania State University (USA). Thin film deposition and implant coating (Research).


1997 PhD in Physics
Universidad de Granada, SPAIN

1992 BSc in Physics
Universidad de Granada, SPAIN