J.C. Angulo, P.A. Bouvrie and J. Antolín.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 53 (2012) 043512.
Information-theoretical complexity for the hydrogenic abstraction reaction.
M. Molina-Espíritu. R.O. Esquivel, J.C. Angulo, J. Antolín and J.S. Dehesa.
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 50 (2012) 1882-1900.
Fisher-like atomic divergences: Mathematical grounds and physical applications.
A.L. Martin, J.C. Angulo and J. Antolín.
Physica A 392 (2013) 5552-5563.
M. Molina-Espíritu, R.O. Esquivel, J.C. Angulo and J.S. Dehesa.
Entropy 15 (2013) 4084-4104.
Information-theoretical analysis for the SN2 exchange reaction CH3Cl + F-.
M. Molina-Espíritu, R.O. Esquivel, J.C. Angulo, J. Antolín, C. Iuga and J.S. Dehesa.
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (2013), DOI: 10.1002/qua.24510.
Atomic and molecular complexities: their physical and chemical interpretations.
J.C. Angulo, J. Antolín and R.O. Esquivel.
Chapter in the monograph 'Statistical Complexity: Applications in Electronic Structure', ed. K.D. Sen (Springer, United Kingdom, 2010) ISBN: 978-90-481-3889-0.