T-matrix and related computer codes
This is Arturo Quirantes' webpage in computer
codes. Here you will find a compilation of the main programs
I've used on my light scattering research. I´ve decided to
make them available to the scientific community. You can freely
use them for non-profit purpuses, acknowledging original source and
All programs are written in Fortran language, and
have been tested on Windows (sometimes also Linux) platforms.
codes are not static, and improvements are made from time to time.
Check the Updates section -at the bottom
of this page- to see if new versions have been made. And don´t
forget to take a look at the Graphics,
All codes are signed with my PGP
Key (ID 0x4E2031EC)
Feel free to send me any comments,
suggestions or additions.
e-mail: aquiran at ugr dot es
Snail Mail:
Departamento de Física Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias
Campus Universitario Fuentenueva
18071 Granada (Spain)
Main computer programs
Here´s some graphics I´ve done from my
computer codes. You might want to use them to compare to your
own data; plus, they look cool!
1) Scatering matriz
elements for coated spheroids. In all cases q is the
core/particle ratio, kr is the equivalent-volume outer size
parameter, the refractive indices are 2.32+i0.36 (core) and 1.2
(coating), and eps is the axial ratio (<1 for prolate spheroids,
>1 for oblate, =1 for spheres). 3-D graphics for kr=8 have
been published in Arturo Quirantes: "Light
scattering properties of spheroidal coated particles in random
orientation" J. Quant. Spectros. Radiat. Transfer
63, 263-275 (1999) (See my Research
file page for the full paper in pdf format).
figures are jpg. Please note that their sizes range from 300 to
700 kB.
kr=1 |
kr=5 |
kr=8 |
kr=10 |
Eps=0.6 |
Eps=1.0 |
Eps=1/0.6 |
... and some useful subroutines
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