About me

I was born in the quaint city of Granada back in the 80s. I graduated in Physics in 2008 and was crazy enough to pursue a PhD in Astroparticle Physics thereafter, working in the Pierre Auger Observatory. I had my viva in 2014 based on my thesis of flamboyant title "Inferring the mass composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays through the characterisation of the muon production profile".

After that I spent a very happy few years at the University of Sussex researching neutrino oscillations in the NOvA experiment. Then I felt the urge to use my skills in the private sector for a while, working for Willis Towers Watson and later IQVIA as a Data Scientist. But an opportunity to return to academia -and to Granada- came and I decided to take the leap back. I currently spend my time working in the DUNE and SBND neutrino experiments and teaching Elementary Physics to first-year Biologists.

In my very limited free time I enjoy reading, videogames and DJing. Oh! And I'm also trying to learn Japanese!
