Dr.  Giovanni  M.  Mirouh
Stellar   physicist

Giovanni M . Mirouh

I am Giovanni M. Mirouh, a French-Italian astrophysicist.
I obtained my PhD. in 2016 from the University of Toulouse (France), before postdocs at the International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA, Italy) and the University of Surrey (UK). In 2021, I moved to Granada (Spain), working first at the University and now at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía.

My work focuses on developing tools and methods for the asteroseismology and evolution of main-sequence stars. The main hurdles are the presence of rapid rotation, activity and/or a binary companion. I work with 1D and 2D models and oscillation codes, and I have also worked on stellar population synthesis. My expertise mostly covers rapidly-rotating δ Scuti stars in isolation, binary systems, or clusters within the PLATO space mission framework. I recently started working on M dwarfs to prepare the MOSAIC and ANDES spectrographs to be installed at ELT.

My CV    More about PLATO    More about the ELT

Research lines

Recent publications

Barceló Forteza S., Pascual-Granado J., Suárez J. C., García Hernández A., Mirouh G. M. & Lares Martiz M., 2024
"Characterizing the features of the low-amplitude peaks in delta Scuti stars with TESS", MNRAS, 535, 2189.
Rauer H., Aerts, C., Cabrera J. et al. including Mirouh G. M., 2024
"The PLATO mission", ArXiv preprint, 2406.05447.
García Hernández A., Pascual-Granado J., Lares-Martiz M., Mirouh G. M., Suárez J. C., Barceló Forteza S. & Moya, A., 2024
"The PL diagram for δ Sct stars: back in business as distance estimators", IAUS, 376, 239.
Mirouh G. M., Hendriks D. D., Dykes S., Moe M. & Izzard R. G., 2023
"Detailed equilibrium and dynamical tides: impact on circularization and synchronization in open clusters", MNRAS, 524, 3978.
Pamos Ortega D., Mirouh G. M., García Hernández A., Suárez J. C. & Barceló Forteza S., 2023
"Dating young open clusters using δ Scuti stars. Results for Trumpler 10 and Praesepe", A&A, 675, A167.

My complete publication record can be found here or on ADS.

Outreach and teaching

In every institution where I worked, I taught at all levels (Bachelor, Master and Doctorate) for a total of 220 hours in French, Italian and English. This experience allowed me to create lectures from scratch, design reading lists, grade exams, and take part to evaluation committees. I thus received the habilitation to teach in French universities in 2017 (renewed in 2022).

I have also led outreach projects in France, Italy, the UK and Iran. Notably, I received funding for two outreach projects: “The Sensory Universe” and “The music of stars”. The former allows the general public, children, and visually impaired audiences to apprehend the Universe using their other senses, relying on 3D printings of Galaxies, sonification of stellar winds and interstellar medium chemistry. The latter relates stellar oscillations with classical music through music theory and a dedicated composition. I presented this talk to various local astronomical societies, at the Winchester planetarium (UK), and as an invited talk in Constantine (Algeria). Before those I organized a science conference for elementary school pupils (Toulouse, France) and visited schools to give astronomy talks (in Italy, France, and Benin).

I am always on the lookout for teaching and outreach opportunities, in French, English, Italian (and soon, Spanish), so do not hesitate to get in touch !

Sede del IAA Granada

Get in touch !

Snail mail:
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
Apartado 3004
18080 Granada - Spain

Email: gmirouh at iaa dot es