Departamento de Álgebra
Universidad de Granada
Non Commutative Algebraic
Geometry by Examples
Lieven Le Bruyn, Amberes
Fechas: del 4 al 8 de abril de 2005
Horario: 11h. - 13h., diario
Lugar: Aula de Conferencias (M1) de
la Facultad de Ciencias, Fuentenueva s/n, Granada.
In this course we will give an introduction to non-commutative
algebraic geometry as proposed by D. Quillen and M. Kontsevich and which is
based on noncommutative (formally) smooth algebras. We will study the
noncommutative varieties associated to interesting arithmetical groups such as
SL2(Z) and GL2(Z) (which will turn out to be noncommutative
manifolds) and the third braid group B3 (which will be singular). We will
explain how noncommutative geometry can help in studying representations of
these groups and (if time allows) we will construct noncommutative
compactifications of them. All necessary concepts will be recalled but some
familiarity with finite groups and their representations and/or matrix algebras
may be useful. Notes will be provided.