Revista de estudios de Antigüedad Clásica
Nº. 1, 1990


ALGANZA ROLDÁN, Minerva, Universidad de Granada: Sobre los epílogos de las batallas de Himera y Tanagra en la obra de Diodoro de Sicilia.
Abstract: The trought of History as magistra vitae, one of the stoical common-places, plays a dominat rule in the Diodorus'historiographic program. In his military narrations he gives concrete form to this intention basically in the epilogue. We analyse in this paper the epilogues of the battles of Himera and Tanagra, both in a historical and litterary perspectives: sources, confrontation with other versions and the retorical proceeding used to articulate the subject.

ARRIOLA ACIÁN, Eva y VILLENA PONSODA, Miguel, Universidad de Granada: Nota sobre los términos Angeloi y Présbeis en las helénicas de Jenofonte.
: In this paper, it is our intention to shed light on why there occurred an increase in the member-ship of embassies after the Peloponesian War; it is claimed that such increase was not closely related to the importance of 'legationes', since from our viewpoint embassis were nnot 'collegiated' and hence had their fonctions surtailed ab origine.

 BENAVENTE, Mariano, Facultad de Humanidades de Jaén: Nota sobre el Eufemismo en Tucídides.
Abstract: The greek word µµ is relatively tardy (Cf. Eust -1938-52; Demetr. Eloc. 281; Corn. ND 21; Hermog. Prog 7; etc). Howsoever, the notion and use of euphemism occurs in authors as Thucydidis and Plato. The euphemism comprises diverse lexical ambits (taboo of the dread, pudicity's taboo, delicacy'taboo, etc.). in the work of Thucydidis the euphemism appears well in all these ambits; the following texts: II 50-2 and VI 57-4 (delicacy's taboo); I 48-4, III 107-4 and VI 67-1 (taboo of the dread); II 3-2 and II 49-8 (pudicity's taboo). The texts are only examples. The totality of the euphemism in this author requires a more broad study than the present trial.

CABRERA MORENO, Juliana, Universidad de Granada: El ascetismo radical de los Palliati: ¿Los nuevos cínicos cristianos? Algunos apuntes al tema.
Abstract: This work studies, in the Late Antiquity (4th-5th Centuries), the features of a certain kind of the ascetism, with no subjection to any discipline, in a time when monastic trends are imposed averywhere. The ascetic men and women dressed in nigrum pallium were criticed in the same terms by ecclesiastic and pagan writers, and compared to cinic philosophers.

CAMACHO ROJO, José M, Universidad de Granada: Apuntes para un estudio de la tradición clásica en la obra de Federico García Lorca.
: In this paper we intend to show the lasting validity and richness of texture in certain aspects of the greco-latin tradition, in particular of its mythology, in the work of García Lorca. For this purpose, we have collected together a large body of the writer's words and statements which make reference to the afore mentioned subject. This material is analysed in three ways:
1) Lorca's literary education. Examination of the main evidence concerning Lorca's knowledge of Greek and Latin literatures.
2) The classical tradition in his poetic work. A study of the reasons why Lorca made use of certain mythes: metaphorical creation, the creation of poems based on the reinterpretations of myths and the creation of symbols
.3) The classical tradition in his dramatic work. The relation between the tragedies of Lorca and those of ancient Greece is apparent in at least three ways: the meaning of tragedy, the similarity in the usage of dramatic elements and, sometimes, in the characters of the play.

CAMPOS DAROCA, Javier y LÓPEZ CRUCES, Juan Luis, Universidad de Granada: Teopompo y el saber revelado.
Abstract:In order to reassert the interest of the author in divine affairs, mainly in oracles and in 'theíoi ándres' like Epimenides, Pherecydes or Pythagoras, interest which was not uncommon in his time, this paper re-examines some theopompean fragments.

CASTILLO HERRERA, Marina del, Universidad de Granada: Los gramáticos latinos y el acento de enclítica.
Abstract: The enclitic accent is still one of the problems that Classical Philology has to solve. The present paper aims at reviewing once again the testimony of the Ancient Grammar, this time from the point of view of its precedents in the chapter De accentibus of the Grammar until it achieves its final expresion. it can be noticed that, from this perspective, the grammatical testimony provides as well new information or makes more definitive the data that it had previously supplied.

DÍAZ Y DÍAZ, Pedro Rafael, Universidad de Granada: Julián de Toledo: Historia del rey Wamba (Traducción y notas).
Abstract: We present here the first whole translation of the Historia Wambaeregis, written by St. Julian bishop of Toledo (680-690), into Spanisch. It contains the Epistola Pauli perfidi, the Historia rebellionis Pauli adversus Wambam, the Insultatio vilis provinciae Galliae, and the Iudicium in tyrannorum perfidia promulgatum. this translation is based on the edition of W. Levison, MGH SS.rr. MM., vol. V (1910), pp. 486-535. We have tried to reflect the original Latin text as faithful as possible.

ESPEJO MURIEL, Carlos, Universidad de Granada: Una variante sexual en el rito de hospitalidad griego.
Abstract: This work deals with the ritual of hospitality in primitive Greece, that is to say -according with professor Finley's thesis- Greece between XIIth and VIIIth centuries B.C. First of all, the author introduces us into the incredible world of rituals, in its theoric field: different definitions, classifications, etc. Secondly, he shows us the particularities of this concrete ritual, specially in Homer, the main source of the period. Then, thanks to the passage (Od., III, 395 & ff.) He offers us a rich vision of sexual customs in this age. Due to this passage we find a special sexual component, unnusual in these situations. Finally, with all these elements, the author explains the transitional character of this rite and for this reason, he involves us in the interesting world of Greek homosexuality.

FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, M. Isabel, Universidad de Granada: CVDAS, Alfarero del Centro de Producción de T.S.H. de los Villares de Andújar (Jaén).
Abstract: Le centre de production de terre sigillée d'Andujar est située dans la province de Jaén, sur la rive droite du Guadalquivir. Il a été l'objet de dix compagnes de fouilles qui se sont succédées jusqu' présent; on a centré essentiellement ces campagnes dans les dépotoirs. La production décorée a permis d'isoler la production des potiers M.S.M., QUARTIO, CVDAS et TITI OPPI. Mais il faut souligner la présence d'autres styles décoratifs, anonymes por le moment, mais bien différenciés. Nous étudions l'activité et la decoration du potier CVDAS. Il a fabriqué, principalment, des petits bols décorés qu'on a appelés provisioirement 'décorés hémisphériques'. Leur production est déj trs importante au temps de Claude, mais le début de son activité remonte l'époque tibérienne.

GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Jesús M, Universidad de Granada: Dihle, A., Etnografía Ellenistica (1962/1983).
Abstract: There is a lapsus in the identification of the author of Aithiopik quoted by Athenaeus (566 C).

GARCÍA MORÁ, Felix, Universidad de Granada: Quinto Sertorio: 100-98 a. C. Triennium sine armis?  
Abstract: About the activities of Quintus Sertorius, we have, especially, three dark moments. The youth, his share at the events of Cinnae dominatio and the triennium that is the purpose of this study. I have a increasing interest in the manofacturing of hypothesis that we help us to attain a better understanding of the place of Sertorius in the last years of the Roman Republic. One should not forget that Sertorius had served with C. Marius in the war against the germans tribes; his attaching to the lands of the north of Italy, a military service filled with a singular splendour and others merits, was enought to open him the narrow soor of the cursus honorum: at the end of 98 B.C., Sertorius was elected tribunus militum by the consular Titus Didius.

GONZÁLEZ ROMÁN, Cristóbal, Universidad de Granada: Inscripciones romanas inéditas de la provincia de Jaén. III.
Resumen: Los epígrafes que publicamos a continuación constituyen el fruto del trabajo de campo que estamos realizando durante los últimos aos (continuación de las publicadas en Cuadernos de Prehistoria de la Universidad de Granada 10, 1985, pp. 449-462 y 12, 1987), y se enmarcan tanto en el contexto de la catalogación de la totalidad de la epigrafía romana y visigoda de la provincia de Jaén, cuya publicación está prevista en fechas próximas, como en el de la revisión del CIL.
Abstract: The article is about six inscriptions from the province of Jaén, which should be located either in the town of Isturgi Triumphale or in the district of Beas de Segura. In these inscriptions we are told of the existence of several remains of Roman "villa". The are mainly funerary inscriptions, with the exception of the one which is on the votive altar stone. This is dedicated to Silvano, and comes from the surroundings of the present-day Andújar (Jaén), most specifically from the territory of the old Isturgi Triumphale.

GONZÁLEZ VÁZQUEZ, José, Universidad de Granada: La creación poética en las elegías ovidianas del destierro: su expresión a través de las imágenes.
Abstract: The article deals with an important subject in the ovidian elegies of the exile: the poetic creation as a consequence of a deep inwardness of this poetry and its expression throug the most miscellaneous images; some of them are taken from the nature world, the other ones are extracted from the human activity, inspired with the navigation principaly.

HIGUERAS MALDONADO, Juan: Nuevos títulos universitarios latinos en el Archivo Catedral de Jaén.
Abstract: It is a work on the fifteen latest and -probably- definitive parchments with Latin university degrees, which are kept at the Historic Archive of the cathedral in Jaén (Spain); they complete another ten already published by the author in the CÓDICE review III (1988), pp. 65-86. They are grouped in chronological order (s. XVI-XVIII) according to the respective university. They include the following special fields of study: Art and Philosophy (six degrees from Baeza and Granada), Law (six from Osuna and Granada and another one in Salamanca) and Theology (one in Avila and another particulary especial from Count Sfortia in Rome). It is not only a global work on the fifteen manuscripts, with a brief linguist commentary, and their descriptions, but also the transcription and translation of the six more complete and representative ones.

LENS TUERO, Jesús, Universidad de Granada: On textual and non textual quotations from historical works.
Abstract: Its very nature does not contribute to the textual quotation of prosastic (as distinct from poetic) texts, and usually some kind of alteration must be taken for granted, given the fact that textual accuracy in quoting is not a most valued quality in a considerably aural cultural world. Examples are taken from Photius 'Bibliotheca and Diodotus' Bibliotheca historica.

LENS TUERO, Jesús, Universidad de Granada: Cercidas III Livrea.
Abstract: "Pimelosarkophagôn", as given by the Papyrus, must be maintained. The contrast between the two kinds of person is a psychological, not an ethical one.

LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Concepción, Universidad de Granada: Traducción de Europa, poema de Moschos de Sicilia, Traducción del Canto Fúnebre en honor de Adonis, poema de Bion.
Resumen: Desde el Renacimiento el "Canto fúnebre en honor de Adonis" es considerado como obra de Bión. Las cualidades y defectos del estilo, la gran fluides de los hexámetros que, a excepción del último pie, no contienen nunca más de dos espondeos, el tono erótico y sentimental, la forma en que son presentados los personajes mitológicos, cuadra con Bión y los fragmentos certeros de sus obras. Por tanto, parece preferible aceptar la hipótesis de Camerarius basada en la comparación del "Canto fúnebre en honor de Adonis" y el "Canto fúnebre en honor de Bión". Según Camerarius hay en el segundo alusiones directas al primero, como son los versos 68 y 69 que corresponden al 13 y 14 del Adonis, la utilización de no frecuente tripócetos, en el verso 51 del canto en honor de Bión y el 28 del de Adonis... Sigo también aquí la edición de Legrand salvo el verso 94 donde acepto la conjetura de Ahrens.

LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Concepción, Universidad de Granada: El mito de Grecia en Luis Cernuda.
Resumen: La tradición clásica: concepto y presencia en la literatura espaola. El helenismo en Luis Cernuda: su enclave en la historia literaria espaola. Opiniones de la crítica y del propio poeta.

LUQUE MORENO, Jesús, Universidad de Granada: De pedum nominibus II: Los nombres de los pies en los tratadístas de métrica griegos y latinos.
Abstract: This paper deals with the names of the foot in the ancient treatures of Metrics.

MARTÍNEZ LÓPEZ, Cándida, Universidad de Granada: Las mujeres en la conquista y romanización de la Hispania Meridional.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyse the especific difference of gender during the conquest and romanization of the Baetica. The concrete process of contact, under its differents ways: war relations, conquest, changes at all levels, etc., is seen and different according to economic and military interests, or the position on the social scale of such groups; but also it's different according to the gender, if it deals to women or men. For this reason they are analised the previous situation of the conquest, the first contacts, the proccess and the evolution of contact with permanent character and the consequences and transformation during the republic period.

MIGUEL JOVER, José Luis de: H Zetsis tes aletheías: Tuc., I.20.3 y la Historia Verdadera.
Abstract: Analysis of the most famous passage of Thucydides 'History, with emphasis in the model of this historiographical program, wich our author intends to establish as unparalleled and so much the better, althoug this claim was in the basis of the epistemological reflection for the fifth-century.

MIGUEL JOVER, José Luis de: El Cresfontes de Eurípides: Tragedia de intriga o de suspense?.
Abstract: The author of this paper ananlyzes on detail the fragments and notices of the lost Euripidean play. Brief discussion of structure and theme which aim is to show the Cresfonte's placing in the last euripidean dramatic production. The poet should safely exploits complexes devices to deepen the implications of the tragic action.

MOLINA SÁNCHEZ, Manuel, Universidad de Granada: La ruptura de la ilusión escénica: notas sobre la caracterización del "aparte" en la Aulularia de Plauto.
Abstract: The "aside" is one of the most frequently used procedures by the ancient play wrights in order to make the audience participate in the play and thus break the logical development of the dramatic action. Taking as a basis Plautus' Aularia, the different types of 'aside' are examined and the characteristics that shape its dramatic and linguistic structure are defined.

MORAL LOZANO, M de la Sierra: Una interpretación de a-ka-na-jo (a3-ka-na-jo).
Abstract: The author studies the word a-ka-na-jo in the PY Cn 328 tablet and taking into account some factors she proposes as the reading of this word..

MUÑOZ MUÑOZ, Francísco A., Universidad de Granada: Sobre la guerra, la paz y el imperialismo en la República Romana.
Abstract: The most outstanding feature of the foreing policy of the Roman Republic is the territorial expansion, with enormous dimensions both spacial and chronological. Researches agree labelling this behaviour as Imperialism and is the dinamizing factor. The rest of the factors are secondary and depend on the interests of the army and the necessary task is to research on the relations among all the factors to get a better knowledge of its causes.

MUÑOZ MARTÍN, M Nieves y SÁNCHEZ MARÍN, J. Antonio, Universidad de Granada: Apuntes sobre los epigramas del humanista granadino Juan Latino.
Abstract: This paper describes the epigrams of Juan latino, a black poet and formen slave, who lived in Granada during the Renaissance under the patronage of the House of Córdoba, Dukes of Sessa an descendands of Gran capitán. The characteristics and content of the different extracts are briefly analized and this poetry is then related to the Italian and Spanish poetry, of the same genre and period.

PACHÓN ROMERO, Juan Antonio y PASTOR MUOZ, Mauricio, Universidad de Granada: La necrópolis 'ibérica' de Osuna: Puntualizaciones cronológicas.
Resumen: Se trata de analizar en este artículo un hallazgo de la necrópolis de Osuna, que ha pasado desapercibido por la investigación más reciente; por lo cual, mediante comparaciones con modelos conocidos y bien fechados del mediodía peninsular, se puede establecer un nexo cronológico entre los hallazgos más antiguos de dicha necrópolis y alguna de las esculturas que de allí se conocen. De todo ello se concluye una fecha más alta para ciertas de esas esculturas, pertenecientes a un muy probable monumento turriforme funerario que, como superestructura monumental, cubriría originalmente aquel hallazgo del que partimos.
Abstract: In this article, we comment and analyze a significant finding in the Osuna necropolis which the latest research current has neglected till now. According to our appreciation, comparison with already known and well dated models of southern peninsula permits establishing a chonological link between the oldests findings of the above mentioned necropolis and some sculptures discovered in that site. As a concclusion, some of those sculptures can be dated long before the predominant belief, as belonging to a former towerlike funerary monument which, as a monumental superstructure, originally covered the finding we study.

PÉREZ GÓMEZ, Leonor, Universidad de Granada: La semiótica del furor regni: el Thyestes de Séneca.
Abstract: The narratological analysis when applied to the study of drama allows us to cast light and formalize asoects which have passed unnoticed to traditional philology. In this paper we have applied this theoretical model to Thyestes, following the same line of our previous papers on Fedra and Medea, analizing the narrative mechanism and the semantic structures of the story, and this, we consider, is a compulsory step in order to elaborate a General Grammar of Drama in Seneca.

PICKLESIMER, Mª Luisa, Universidad de Granada: La novia que llegó del mar.
Abstract: Thetis the Nereid, Achilles'mother, is an unusual character among Greek goddesses; as we have it, the tale of her wedding with a human being is the only one in Greek mythology. On the other hand, a brief recapitulation of the chief events in Achilles'life presents us with a hero who has unmistakable points of similarity with Bhisma, one of the heroes of the Mahbhrata poem; likewise, there is enough similarity between Thetis and Gang, Bhsma's mother. The confrontation of both tales does indeed illustrate in Thetis character the goddess through whom, in an old indoeuropean mythologem, the "great war", needful for world counterpoise, was possible.

RISUEÑO OLARTE, Beatriz y ADROHER AUROUX, Andrés M, Universidad de Granada: La cerámica de importación en el registro arqueológico.
Abstract: In this work we try to find the real paper of the roman and preroman imported pottery from the chronological and economical point of view. We can see the relationship between the cultural an social changes and the expression of analitical study of the porcentual quantities of the different kind and types ceramics. Finally we examine the imitation problematic from this imported pottery, and the possibilities of reconogzing each one of local or natives productions into the sames sites.

ROCA ROUMENS, Mercedes, Universidad de Granada: Estado actual y perpectivas de la investigación de los centros productores de terra Sigillata Hispánica: el ejemplo de los Villares de Andújar, Jaén.
Resumen: Partiendo de los resultados obtenidos en el Proyecto de Investigación centrado en el centro de producción de Terra Sigillata Hispánica de Los Villares de Andújar (Jaén), se plantea un estado de la cuestión de los centros productores de sigillata hispánica en base a la consideración de una serie de aspectos como son los referidos a intervención arqueológica, cronología, tipología, criterios de atribución -marcas, decoración, análisis de pastas- y difusión.
Abstract: Starting the results achieved in the Research Proyect which studies the centre of production od "Terra Sigillata Hispánica" in Los Villares de Andújar (Jaén) a state of the art is offered about the centres of production of "Sigillata hispánica" on the basis of several aspects such as archeological intervention, chronology, tipology, criteria of attribution -markers, decoration, analysis of pastes- and diffusion.

SALVADOR VENTURA, Francísco, Universidad de Granada: Ciudad y campo en Hispania Meridional durante los siglos VI y VII.
Abstract: It's just arrived on the II and III a.C. when begin for decaying the normal roman citizen way of life. Is not exactly the same for the totality of the empire because there are many places where continued that important paper, like southern of Hispania. By other hand every ciuitates hold its administration, economic, military function, but with another one new the religious function. is normal the latifundia like explotation. but as citizen way of life as rural way of life where going to have an important change with the christianitation.

VILLENA PONSODA, Miguel y ARRIOLA ACIÉN, Eva: Universidad de Granada:El último intento por llegar a la concordia en Grecia: la paz del 366 en Tebas.
Abstract:The Peace of 366 B.C. had but one consequence: a marked change of the status quo which the Teban general had left in the Peninsula of Peloponeso after his victory at Leuctra. This shift forced Epaminondas to launch a fourth invasion, which in fact turned out to be a challenge to his hegemonic power; the battle of Maintinea.


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