Welcome to my WWW home page

My current Research Interests are:

Perception and Attention, IOR (Inhibition of Return) & Negative Priming.

Here are some of my works:

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

  • Lupiáñez, J., y Weaver, B. (in press). On the Time Course of Exogenous Cueing Effects: A commentary on Tassinari et al. (1994). Vision Research.

  • Weaver, B., Lupiáñez, J., & Watson, F.L. (in press). The effects of practice on objects-based, location-based, and static-display inhibition of return. Perception & Psychophysics.

  • Lupiáñez, J., Tudela, P. & Rueda, Ch. (in press). Control Inhibitorio en la Orientación Atencional: Una revisión sobre Inhibición de Retorno. [Inhibitory Control in the Orienting of Attention: A review of Inhibition of Return]. Cognitiva

  • Lupiáñez, J., Milán, E., Tornay, F.J., Madrid, E., & Tudela. (1997). Does IOR occur in Discrimination Tasks?: Yes, it does, but later. Perception & Psychophysics, 59, 1241-1254.

  • Lupiáñez, J., & Solano, C. (1997). Inhibición de Retorno en una tarea de discriminación de color: No interacción con el efecto Simon. [Inhibition of Return in a color-discrimination task: No interaction with the Simon effect]. Cognitiva, 9, 195-205.

    Under review

  • Lupiáñez, J., Milliken, B., Solano, C, Weaver, B., & Tipper, S.P. (sumitted). On the endogenous control over the time course of Inhibition of Return. JEP:HHP.

  • Milliken, B., Lupiáñez, J., Debner, J., & Abello, B. (sumitted). Attentional Modulation of Priming in Stroop Color Naming JEP:LMC.

  • Milliken, B., Tipper, S.P., Houghton, G., & Lupiáñez, J. (sumitted). Attending, Ignoring, and Repetition: On the relation between Negative Priming and Inhibition of Return. JEP:General.

  • Lupiáñez, Weaver, B., Tipper, S.P., & Madrid, E. (submitted). The effects of practice on cueing in detection and discrimination tasks. Perception & Psychophysics .

  • Lupiáñez, J., & Tudela, P. (submitted). Inhibición de Retorno al lugar y al color en detección y discriminación [Location- and Color-based Inhibition of Return in detection and discrimination]. Cognitiva

    Book Chapters

  • Lupiáñez, J., Tipper, S.P., & Tudela, P. (in press). Orientación de la atención espacial: Captura de la atención, Inercia atencional, Interrupción e Inhibición de Retorno [Orienting of Spatial Attention: Attentional capture, Attentional inertia, Interruption and Inhibition of Return]. To appear in J. Botella and V. Ponsoda, Estudios multidisciplinares sobre atención [Multidisciplinary studies of attention].

  • Tipper, S.P., Howard, L.A., Houghton, G., Meegan, D, & Lupiáñez, J. (in press). Cómo alcanzar un objeto con la mano de forma selectiva: Mecanismos atencionales basados en la acción [How to reach an object selectively: Action-based attentional mechanisms]. To appear in J. Botella and V. Ponsoda, Estudios multidisciplinares sobre atención [Multidisciplinary studies of attention].

    Some other works presented at Conferences:

  • Lupiáñez, J., Tipper, S. P., & Tudela, P. (1997). Orientación de la Atención espacial: Inercia atencional, Interrupción e Inhibición de Retorno. [Orienting of spatial Attention: Attentional Inertia, Interruption and Inhibition of Return]. I Reunión Científica sobre la Atención (RECA 97), September 18-20, Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain..

  • Lupiáñez, J., & Tipper, S. (1997). Do new objects capture attention? UWB Psychology Mini-Conference. Bangor, Uk..

  • Lupiáñez, J., Weaver, B., & Madrid, E. (1997). The effects of practice on exogenous cueing effects: Facilitation and Inhibition of Return. UWB Psychology Mini-Conference. Bangor, Uk..

  • Lupiáñez, J., Tornay, F.J., & Tudela, P. (1996). Location-Based IOR: A different Time Course for Detection and Discrimination task. IX Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). Wurzburg, Germany..

  • Lupiáñez, J., Milán, E., Tornay, F.J., & Tudela, P. (1996). Inhibition of Return in Detection and Discrimination tasks: Differences in time-course. IIIV Congreso de la Sociedad española de Psicología Comparada. Málaga..

  • Milliken, B., & Lupiáñez, J. (1996). Contrast between negative and positive priming in Stroop color naming. 37th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Chicago, Illinois..

  • Lupiáñez, J., & Tudela, P. (1995). Negative and Positive Semantic Priming with Lexical Decision Task. A Time-Course function. IV European Congress of Psychology. Athens.

  • Lupiáñez, J., & Tudela, P. (1995). Negative and Positive Semantic Priming in a Lexical Decision Task. VIII Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). Rome.

  • My current details are:

    Juan Lupiáñez......................eMail: j.lupianez@bangor.ac.uk
    Research Fellow...................Tel: +44 248 383816
    Psychology Department...........Fax: +44 248 382599
    University of Wales, Bangor.....http://www.ugr.es/~jlupiane/
    Gwynedd LL57 2DG