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- Journals and Books:
- J.M. Cortes,J. Marro, P.L. Garrido and J.J. Torres, ``Switching between memories in neural
automata with synaptic noise'' Neurocomputing, to appear (2004) (ARTICLE)(pdf 200 K)
- J.J. Torres, M.A. Muñoz, J. Marro, and P.L. Garrido``Influence of topology on a neural network
performance'' Neurocomputing, to appear (2004) (ARTICLE)(pdf 200 K)
- J. J. Torres, L. Pantic, and H. J. Kappen ``On the Role of Synaptic Depression in the Performance of Attractor Neural Networks'' AIP Conference Proceedings 661, 174-180 (2003) (ARTICLE)
(pdf 300 K)
- J.J. Torres, N.L.N. Cornelisse, E. Harks, A.P.R. Theuvenet and D.L. Ypey, ``Modeling Action Potential Generation and Propagation in Normal Rat Kidney Fibroblasts'' submitted (2003) (ARTICLE)
- E. Harks, J.J. Torres, N.L.N. Cornelisse, D.L. Ypey, and A.P.R. Theuvenet ``Ionic basis for
Excitability of Normal Rat Kidney (NRK) Fibroblasts'' J. Cell. Physiol. 196, 493-503 (2003) (ARTICLE)
(pdf 200 K)
- L. Pantic, J.J. Torres, and H.J. Kappen, ``Coincidence detection with dynamic synapses''
Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 14, 17-33 (2003). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 1400 K)
- J.J. Torres, L. Pantic and H.J. Kappen,``Storage capacity of attractor neural networks
with depressing synapses'' Phys. Rev. E 66, 061910/1-5 (2002). (ARTICLE) (pdf 200 K)
- E. Romera, J.J. Torres, and J.C. Angulo, ``Reconstruction of atomic effective potentials from
isotropic scattering factors'' Phys. Rev. A 65, 024502/1-4 (2002). (ARTICLE) (pdf 620 K)
- P. Varona, C. Aguirre, J.J. Torres, H.D.I. Abarbanel and M.I. Rabinovich, ``Spatio-temporal
patterns of network activity in the inferior olive'' Neurocomputing 44-46, 685-690 (2002). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 215 K)
- L. Pantic, J.J. Torres, H.J. Kappen, ``On the role of dynamic synapses in coincidence
detection'' Trends in Research: Computational Neuroscience 2001, J.M. Bower editor,
Elsevier, 2001. (ISBN: 0-444-50742-6) (ARTICLE)
- L. Pantic, J.J. Torres, H.J. Kappen, and Stan C.A.M. Gielen, ``Associative memory with
dynamic synapses'' Neural Computation 14(12), 2903-2923 (2002). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 1.2 M)
- J.J. Torres, P.H.G.M. Willems, H.J. Kappen and
W.J.H. Koopman ``Hysteresis and bistability in a realistic model
for IP3-driven Ca2+ oscillations'' Europhys. lett. 55(5), 746-752 (2001).
(pdf 235 K)
- L. Pantic, J.J. Torres, and H.J. Kappen, ``On the role of dynamic synapses in coincidence
detection'' Neurocomputing 38-40, 285-291 (2001). (ARTICLE) (pdf 200 K)
(pdf 200 k)
- P. Varona, J.J. Torres, R. Huerta, H.D.I. Abarbanel and
M.I. Rabinovich ``Regularization Mechanisms in the Dynamics of
Spiking-Bursting Neurons'' Neural Networks 14(6-7),
865-875 (2001). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 900 k)
- P. Varona, J.J. Torres, H.D.I, Abarbanel, M.I. Rabinovich and
R.C. Elson ``Dynamics of Two Electrically Coupled Chaotic Neurons:
Experimental Observations and Model Analysis'' Biol.Cyber.
84(2), 91-101 (2001). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 500 k)
- M.I. Rabinovich, J.J. Torres, P. Varona, R. Huerta and
P. Weidman, ``Origin of Coherent Structures in a Discrete Chaotic
Medium'' Phys.Rev. E 60(2), R1130-R1133 (1999). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 370 k)
- J.J. Torres, J. Marro and P.L. Garrido, ``On the Effect of
Synaptic Fluctuations during Retrieval Processes in Neural Network
Models'' Comp.Phys.Comm. 121-122(1-3), 98-102 (1999).
(pdf 600 k)
- M.I. Rabinovich, P. Varona, J.J. Torres, R. Huerta and
H.D.I. Abarbanel, ``Slow dynamics and Regularization Phenomena in
Ensembles of Chaotic neurons'' Physica A 263(1-4),
405-414 (1999). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 511 k)
- J.J. Torres, P.L. Garrido and J. Marro ``Modeling Ionic
Diffusion in Magnetic Systems'' Phys.Rev. B 58(17),
11488-92 (1998).(ARTICLE)
(pdf 155 k)
- J. Marro, J.J. Torres and P.L. Garrido ``Neural Network in
which Synaptic Patterns Fluctuatewith Time'' J.Stat.Phys.
94(1-6), 837-858 (1999). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 400 k)
- J. Marro, P.L. Garrido, and J.J. Torres, ``Effect of Correlated
Fluctuations of Synapses in the Performance of Neural Networks''
Phys.Rev.Lett. 81(13), 2827-2830 (1998). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 150 k)
- P.L. Garrido, J. Marro, and J.J. Torres ``Nonequilibrium Neural Network with Competing Dynamics'' Physica A 253(1-4), 57-65 (1998). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 150 k)
- J.J. Torres, P.L. Garrido, and J. Marro ``Neural Networks With Fast Time-Variation of Synapses'' J.Phys. A: Math. and Gen.30(22), 7801-7816 (1997). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 213 k)
- A. Zarzo, J.S. Dehesa and J. Torres ``On a New Set of
Polynomials Representing the Wave functions of the Quantum
Relativistic Harmonic Oscillator'', Annals of Numerical
Mathematics 2, 439-455 (1995). (ARTICLE)
(pdf 500 k)
- Other publications:
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Joaquín J. Torres Agudo