Complex fluids confined in curved interfaces

Excellence Research Project, Junta de Andalucia ref. P07-FQM-02517

updated at 17:02:05 on 25/3/2016

Summary of project (spanish)

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Coffee Stain




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The well-known "coffee effect", i.e. the characteristic stains observed at the periphery of drying drops of any colloidal dispersion (see above image), is the starting point of this project. Complex fluids (suspensions of solid particles, polymeric dispersions, emulsions…) and simple liquids behave in different way at curved interfacial regions, just like sessile drops. The interfacial confinement of complex fluids is usually induced by the loss of bulk volume (desiccation). Desiccation of colloidal suspension drops appears in technological applications like coatings (paints, ink printing, paving), Chemical physics (colloidal templating) and Biomedicine (immunoassays). A better understanding of the complex phenomena involved would improve the productivity and competitiveness of the concerning industries. The elastic instabilities of drying systems, the formation of drying patterns and the driving mechanisms of the overall process are the main motivations in this multidisciplinary project. The presence of several interfaces and the complexity of the physicochemical characteristics of liquids, colloidal particles and solid surfaces, require microscopy techniques (AFM, Confocal Microscopy) as well as macroscopic interfacial techniques based on high-speed digital cameras. In this respect, a computer-aided device acquires the images, controls the liquid injection/suction and performs the image processing. Drop shape analysis allows monitoring desiccation upon different conditions. The properties of interfacial "shells" at the liquid-fluid interface will be measured using the Subphase-Exchange Sessile Drop (SESD).



Sessile Drop Goniometer (ADSA-P), low-rate dynamic contact angle, AFM, Confocal Microscopy, RF plasma discharge device

Laboratory of Surface and Interface Physics (LSIP) (.pps)



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  • Controlling the morphology of ring-like deposits by varying pinning time of driven receding contact lines. Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez, M.A. Cabrerizo-Vílchez and M.A. Rodríguez-Valverde. Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer 1(3) (2013) 195-205.
  • The role of the electrostatic double layer interactions in the formation of nanoparticle ring-like deposits at driven receding contact lines. Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez, Miguel A. Cabrerizo-Vílchez and Miguel A. Rodríguez-Valverde. Soft Matter 2013, 9, 1664-1673.
  • Self-assembly in Drying Complex Fluid at Low Capillary Number. Ching Hsueh, Carmen Lucía Moraila Martínez, Frédéric Doumenc, Miguel A. Rodríguez-Valverde and Béatrice Guerrier. Chemical Engineering and Processing (2012) doi: 10.1016/j.cep.2012.07.006.
  • The effect of contact line dynamics and drop formation on measured values of receding contact angle at very low capillary numbers. Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez, F.J. Montes Ruiz-Cabello, M.A. Cabrerizo-Vílchez and M.A. Rodriguez-Valverde. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 404 (2012) 63–69.
  • Nanoparticle deposits formed at driven contact lines. Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez. PhD Thesis dissertation (2012), University of Granada.
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  • Nanoparticle deposits formed at driven contact lines-MULTIFLOW 2010
  • Self-assembly of Drying Colloidal Suspensions at Low Capillary Number-European Coating Symposium 2011
  • Assisted drop evaporation: a new route for the formation of nanoparticle deposits-European Coating Symposium 2011
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