- 2020 -- Lecturer at University of Granada. University of Granada
- 2014 -- Assistant professor. University of Granada
- 2008 -- PhD. Forest Engineer. University of Granada
- 2004 -- Geological Engineering (post-degree)
- 2003 -- Restoration of Degraded Areas (post-degree)
- 2001 -- Forest Engineer. University of Córdoba
Analysis and modeling of hydrological and geomorphological processes at basin scale. Development of simulation models in mountain river and semi-arid environments. Study of erosive processes at different scales. Group of Environmental Fluid Dynamics Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research (IISTA), University of Granada.
- Hydraulics and hydrology. (2º course). Degree on Civil Engineering.
- Hydrological planning. (4º course). Degree on Civil Engineering.
- Dynamics of ocean-atmosphere-coast. (2º course). Master on Civil Engineering.
- Integrated Water Resources Management. (4º course). Master on Civil Engineering.
- Fluvial engineering. (4º course). Master on Civil Engineering. Fluvial engineering book
- Atmospheric dynamics and meteorology (1st semester Master on Environmental Hydraulics)
- Scientific article: Millares, A., Eekhout, J.P.C., Martínez, A., García, R., Pérez, P., Conesa, C. 2022. Evaluation of sediment connectivity through physically-based erosion modeling of landscape factor at the event scale. CATENA.
- Scientific article: Eekhout, J. P. C., Millares, A., Martínez, A., García, R., PÉrez, P., Conesa, C., de Vente, J. 2021. A process-based soil erosion model ensemble to assess model uncertainty in climate change impact assessments. LAND DEGRADATION AND DEVELOPMENT.
- Scientific article: Moreno R., Vaz A.S., Herrero J., Millares A., Bonet F.J., Alcaraz D. 2020 Multi-scale evolution of ecosystem service provision in Sierra Nevada (Spain): an assessment over the last half-century. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES. 46, 101204.
- Scientific article: Millares, A., Monino, A., 2020. Hydro-meteorological drivers influencing suspended sediment transport and yield in a semi-arid mountainous basin. EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, 45(15), 3791-3807.
- Scientific article: Conesa-García, C.; Pérez-Cutillas, P.; García-Lorenzo, R; Eekhout, J.; Gómez-Gutiérrez A.; Millares-Valenzuela, A.; Martínez-Salvador, A. 2020. Dimensionless morphological ratios versus stream power variations at bankfull stage in an ephemeral channel. GEOMORPHOLOGY.
- Scientific article: Reyes-Carmona c, Barra A, Galve J.P., Monserrat O., Pérez-Peña J.V., Mateos R.M., Notti D., Ruano P., Millares A., Vinielles J.P., Azañón J.M. 2020. Sentinel-1 DInSAR for monitoring active landslides in critical infrastructures: the case of the Rules Reservoir (S. Spain). REMOTE SENSING.
- Scientific article: Millares, A., Chikh, H. A., Habi, M., Morsli, B., Galve, J. P., Perez-Peña, J. V., & Martín-Rosales, W. 2020. Seasonal patterns of suspended sediment load and erosion-transport assessment in a Mediterranean basin. HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL.
- Scientific article: Millares A; Díez-Minguito, M., Moñino A. 2018. Evaluating gullying effects on modeling erosive responses at basin scale. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING AND SOFTWARE, 111, 61-71.
- Scientific article: Millares A; Moñino A. 2018. Sediment yield and transport process assessment from reservoir monitoring in a semi-arid mountainous river. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 32:2990–3005.
- Scientific article. Millares, A.; Polo, M. J.; Losada, M. A.. 2009. The hydrological response of baseflow in fractured mountain areas. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. 13-7, pp.1261-1271. ISSN 1027-5606.
- Scientific article. Bergillos, R. J., C. Rodríguez-Delgado, A. Millares, M. Ortega-Sánchez, and M. A. Losada, 2016. Impact of river regulation on a Mediterranean delta: Assessment of managed versus unmanaged scenarios, WATER RESOURCES. RESEARCH, 52, 5132–5148.
- Scientific article. A. Millares, M.J. Polo, A. Moñino, J. Herrero, M.A. Losada, Bedload dynamics and associated snowmelt influence in mountainous and semiarid alluvial rivers, GEOMORPHOLOGY, 206, 2014, 330-342.
- Scientific article. A. Millares, Z. Gulliver, M.J. Polo. Scale effects on the estimation of erosion thresholds through a distributed and physically-based hydrological model. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 153–154, 2012, 115-126.
- Scientific article. M. Egüen, C. Aguilar, J. Herrero, A. Millares, M. J. Polo. On the influence of cell size in physically-based distributed hydrological modelling to assess extreme values in water resource planning. 2012, NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. 12-5, pp.1573-1582. ISSN 1561-8633.
- Scientific article. I. Moreno, A. Millares, J. Herrero, M. J. Polo , M. A. Losada. Futuro de los recursos hídricos en la cuenca del río Guadalfeo bajo supuesto de cambio climático. AMBIENTALIA. Universidad de Granada. 1-2009-2010, pp.28-40. ISSN: 1699-3063.
- Scientific article. Millares, A.; Polo, M. J.; Losada, M. A.. 2009. The hydrological response of baseflow in fractured mountain areas. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. 13-7, pp.1261-1271. ISSN 1027-5606.
- Book chapter. Marta Agüen Sánchez; et al. 2009. WiMMED, a distributed and physically-based watershed model. Application examples. THEORETICAL, EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL SOLUTIONS. TAYLOR AND FRANCIS GROUP. 1, pp. 229-231. ISBN 978-0-415-56697-1.
- Book chapter. María José Polo Gómez; et al. 2009. WiMMED, a distributed and physically-based watershed model. Description and validation. THEORETICAL, EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL SOLUTIONS. TAYLOR AND FRANCIS GROUP. 1, pp. 225-228. ISBN 978-0-415-56697-1.
- Book chapter. Agustín Millares Valenzuela; et al. 2014. Reservoir sedimentation and erosion processes in a snow-influenced basin in Southern Spain. RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION. CRC Press. 1-1, pp.91-99. ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9.
- Book chapter. J Herrero, A Millares, C Aguilar, FJ Bonet, MJ Polo, 2013. Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Data into Hydrologic Modeling for Ecosystem Services Assessment EARTH OBSERVATION OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES. CRC Press. pp.261-261.
- Book chapter. Bonet, F. J; Millares, A; Herrero, J. 2013. Snowpack as a Key Element in Mountain Ecosystem Services: Some Clues for Designing Useful Monitoring Programs. EARTH OBSERVATION OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES. CRC Press. pp.329-329.
- Book chapter. J. Herrero, A. Millares. 2012. Observatorio de cambio global Sierra Nevada. Metodologías de seguimiento OBSERVATORIO DE CAMBIO GLOBAL SIERRA NEVADA. CONSEJERIA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE. JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA. 1, pp.32-35. ISBN 978-84-92807-78-9.
- Book chapter. Piña-Bueno, Vanessa; et al. 2011. Diferencias en la relación almacenamiento-descargaen las vertientes norte y sur de Sierra Nevada. ESTUDIO EN LA ZONA NO SATURADA DEL SUELO. JOSE MARTINEZ FERNANDEZ, NILDA SANCHEZ MARTIN EDS. X, pp.347-352. ISBN 978-84-694-6642-1.
- Book chapter. Millares-Valenzuela,Agustin; et al. 2009. Caracterización del caudal base en zonas de alta montaña a partir de un análisis estacional de recesiones. ESTUDIOS DE LA ZONA NO SATURADA DEL SUELO VOL. IX ZNS'09. ORLANDO SILVA ROJAS Y JESUS CARRERA RAMIREZ (EDS.). IX, pp.417-424. ISBN 978-84-96736-83-2.
- Book chapter. Aguilar-Porro, María Cristina; et al. 2009. Efectos de escala en la calibración de la conductividad hidráulica saturada en un modelo hidrológico distribuido. ESTUDIOS DE LA ZONA NO SATURADA DEL SUELO VOL. IX ZNS'09. ORLANDO SILVA ROJAS Y JESUS CARRERA RAMIREZ (EDS.). IX, pp.369-376. ISBN 978-84-96736-83-2.
- Book chapter. Millares-Valenzuela, Agustin; Polo-Gómez, María José; Losada-Rodriguez, Miguel Angel. 2009. Integración del caudal base en un modelo distribuido de cuenca. Estudio de las aportaciones subterráneas en ríos de montaña. SERIES MONOGRAFICAS DEL GRUPO DE PUERTOS Y COSTAS. GRUPO DE PUERTOS Y COSTAS. UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA, 4, pp.1-300. ISBN 978-84-692-1477-0.
- Book. Millares-Valenzuela, Agustin. 2006. Estudio hidrogeológico para la gestión integrada de la cuenca del rio Guadalfeo (Granada) SERIES MONOGRAFICAS DE TRABAJOS DE INVESTIGACION TUTELADA. GRUPO DE PUERTOS Y COSTAS. UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA. 4, pp.1-153. ISBN 84-690-2681-X.
- Book. Millares-Valenzuela, Agustin; et al. 2006. Proyecto Guadalfeo. Modelo de gestión integral de cuencas mediterráneas. Proyecto Guadalfeo. GRUPO DE DINAMICA DE FLUJOS AMBIENTALES. UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA. 1-1, pp.1-92. ISBN 978-84-691-0148-3.
- Article. Diaz-Perez, Antonio; et al. 1998. Dinámica selvícola del pino canario en Tamadaba. REVISTA MEDIAMBIENTE CANARIAS CONSEJERÍA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE Y POLÍTICA TERRITORIAL. pp.7-12.
C.V. Agustin Millares Valenzuela.pdf