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Grant from the spanish 'Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia' to develop
an under-graduated research
work in the 'Departamento de Química Inorgánica' of the ' 'Universidad de Granada', Spain
We explored the catalytic activity of some activated carbons against the butane decomposition
2.- Chemistry degree at the 'Facultad de Ciencias' of the 'Universidad de Granada', Spain (1995)
Best mark degree award in chemistry (granted by the 'Academia de Ciencias Matemáticas,
Físico-Químicas y Naturales de Granada')
3.- Responsible of the 'Instituto del agua' (Water Institute) laboratory of the 'Universidad de Granada',
Spain (1996)
'Universidad de Granada' research transfer contract to evaluate the potability of public drinking
Participation in the european 'MOLAR' (Mountain Lake Research) project
'Ramón Areces foundation' pre-doctoral grant to do the doctoral work at
the 'Departamento de
Química Orgánica' of the 'Facultad de Farmacia' of the 'Universidad de Granada', Spain. (1997-1999)
5.- Ph. D. degree at the 'Facultad de Farmacia' of the 'Universidad de Granada', Spain
Title (in English): 'Estereoselective synthesis, from carbohydrates, of potential glycosidase
inhibitors' Pdf file without NMR spectra
Mention: 'Cum laude' (January, 2000)
Supervision: Isidoro Izquierdo Cubero, Mª Teresa Plaza
López-Espinosa and Rafael Robles Díaz
Best doctoral thesis award in organic chemistry (granted by the 'Universidad de Granada')
One-year post-doctoral grant, given by the 'Universidad de Granada',
Spain, to perform a research
work at the 'Departamento de Química', CINVESTAV, México, D. F. (2000-2001), under the
supervision of Eusebio Juaristi
Study of the conformational change of substituted dioxanes and dithianes by the action of transition
One-year post-doctoral grant, given by the CNRS, France, to perform a research work at the 'Institut
de chimie de substances naturelles', ICSN (CNRS), Gif-sur-Yvette, France
(2002-2003), under the
supervision of Nicole Langlois
Estereoselective synthesis of pyrrolidines from pyroglutamic acid
8.- Two-year post-doctoral contract, given by the 'Junta de Andalucía - Universidad de Granada',
Spain, to perform a research work at the
'Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique' of the 'Université de
Strasbourg, France (2003-2005), under the supervision of Alain Dedieu
DFT computational studies of Pd catalyzed processes
9.- Three-year research contract of the 'Universidad de Granada', Spain, at the 'Departamento de
Química Inorgánica', under the supervision of Enrique Colacio (2005-2008)
10.- Accreditation for the spanish 'Contratado Doctor' scale
11.- Two autonomic tracts (spanish evaluation levels of research + teaching) for the period 1996-2006
12.- Member of the Faculty Council from february 2008
13.- Two-year research contract of the 'Universidad de Granada', Spain, at the 'Departamento de Química
Inorgánica', under the supervision of Enrique Colacio (2009-2010)
14.- I3 research accreditation (2009)
15.- University professor accreditation (April 2010)
16.- Professor at the 'Departamento de Química Inorgánica' of the 'Universidad de Granada', Granada,
Spain (October 2010)