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Mundusfor consortium selects every year several scholars coming form non European countries that for their scientific knowledge or their high professional specialization in the context of education and education professionals training or both enrich or master program teaching staff.

The scholars visiting our universities as guest scholars give our students the opportunity to know their discourse and experiences form other parts of the world so as to have a wider and real view of education worldwide and also put them in contact with non European universities and centres of professional excellence.

4th Ed. (2010-2011)     3th Ed. (2009-2010)     2th Ed. (2008-2009)     1th Ed. (2007-2008)

Scholars for Academic Period 2007-2008


He has developed his academic career in different universities in the United States, such as California State University, and nowadays he is Associate Professor in Mary Lou Fulton College of Education, in the Arizona State University. Furthermore, he has been Visiting Professor in the Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico). At present he is also Member of the Latin American Research Centre in Arizona.

Zalizan Mohd Jelas ZALIZAN MOHD JELAS:

Ms Jelas is Doctor in Education by the George Washington University (United States) and nowadays she works as university professor in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia). In the past, she has been Dean at the Faculty of Education in this university, where she has been working since 1977. Also, she has done a Master in Education Science in the Indiana University (United States).


After studying Social Sciences and Pedagogy, she became Doctor in the University of Sao Paulo (Brasil) in 2001. Nowadays she works as university professor in the Faculty of Education in the University of Sao Paulo, where she has been working since 1998.

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Phone: (+34) 958 249 030 | Fax: (+34) 958 243 009 | E-mail: mundusfor@ugr.es
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