The relation among the partners of the consortium MUNDUSFOR has strengthened along the time. From 2004 we started our informal contacts among the representatives of the different universities that compose the consortium looking forward to participating in the Erasmus Mundus project.
Four meetings, of two days each, were held with the participation of the associated universities. Most of these meetings were devoted to the preparation of the application dossier, to the reflection about the organization of the project and to making the university community and authorities aware of the importance of the realization of this project.
In the meeting held in Granada in October 25, 2005 it was stated the possibility to carry out common research projects in all the universities associated in the consortium. From this perspective the laboratories, groups and educational research institute of the five universities have presented their main fields, the research works carried out and the results obtained.
In this way common axes have been established. From our meeting in Porto, on March, 2006 we have gone deeper on this aspect. All the meetings have been carried out in different universities financed by each institution with their own resources as a way to manifest their commitment with the project MUNDUSFOR.
The universities participating in this consortium have a long and strong research tradition. Reims - Champagne - Ardenne and Akershus signed a collaboration agreement in 1999; in that same year the universities of Granada and Porto also signed a similar agreement. Within the Evaluation and Education Master Program taught in the University of Porto there is a course delivered by professors from the University of Granada. Other universities also have a significant collaboration experience within European programs for example Rovira i Virgili University from Tarragona and the University of Reims - Champagne – Ardenne participate in EU- Canada collaboration project on higher education and professional training. These relations bring about invitations for guest researchers and lecturers. For example the University of Reims has welcome professors from Akershus University in 2000 and from the University of Rovira i Virgili in 2004. Nowadays other projects are being elaborated for guest researchers and professors in different universities. This exchange of professors have intensified the collaboration supported by mutual knowledge and have enhanced team work. There has been created a dynamic based on:
- The organization in 2006 of a colloquium in the University of Reims by the Analysis and Evaluation of Professionalization Team (AEP) with the topic Education Professionals in Europe: professionalization, evaluation. This colloquium gathered all the members of the project MUNDUSFOR. Researcher professors from the partner universities participate in the scientific committee. PhDs and professors share common proposals.
- A Project of European Summer University by the University of Reims and the AEP Team, within the program ¨ higher education attraction and innovation for students international mobility¨ of the Ministry of Education in France. This University was in the process of evaluation when we were writing this dossier under the title ¨Education Professionals in Europe. The partners universities have associated in this Erasmus Mundus Project
- The presentation of a joint paper to the annual ATEE meeting (October 2006, Slovenia) ¨Inter university cooperation in professionalization and post graduate studies¨.
- The organization of an International Seminar on Training and Professionalization by the research group FORCE from the University of Granada on April, 2007 with the participation of lectures from the universities members of the consortium. Conclusions and acts were published.
- The organization of an International Colloquium on Evaluation of Teachers Training by the Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education, University of Porto on June, 2007, with the participation of postgraduate students and professors of the five universities members of MUNDUSFOR.