originator: Arianne
origination date: 29/01/2001
bronchioalveolar lung cancer | term type: main entry term part of speech: noun number: singular reliability code: 9 definition: adenocarcinoma of the lung that arises from the terminal bronchioles or alveolar walls of the lung. It is not associated with smoking. Treatment includes surgery and radiation therapy. (en) |
cáncer bronquioalveolar | term type: main entry term part of speech: noun gender: masculine number: singular reliability code: 10 definition: tipo de adenocarcinoma de pulmón que se origina en los bronquiolos o en las paredes alveolares. Entre sus causas no está el fumar. Su tratamiento principal es la cirugía y la radioterapia, aunque se está investigando la quimioterapia. (es) |