Generated by OntoTerm. Updated: 28/08/2002 3:24:48


subject field: medicine: disease
originator: Clara
origination date: 18/04/2002
check date: 06/05/2002
checker: Pamela

Conceptual Structures

infiltrating lobular carcinomadefinition: invasive breast cancer arising in the lobules of the breast (small end ducts that branch off the lobes in the breast) which is made up of small cells in a linear arrangement with a tendency to grow around ducts and lobules. It is often an area of ill-defined thickening in the breast, in contrast to the lump characteristic of ductal carcinoma. It commonly spreads to the axilary lymph nodes and then, to the meninges and surfaces with serum. It usually has a poor prognosis. It is relatively uncommon, accounting for only 5%-10% of breast tumors. (en)
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10
term type: main entry term
context (x): i_ifloca.txt

origination date: 28/05/2002
originator: Arianne

carcinoma lobulillar infiltranteterm type: main entry term
definition: carcinoma de mama invasivo que se origina en los lobulillos de la glándula mamaria (pequeños conductos en los que se dividen los lóbulos de la mama), caracterizado por el crecimiento celular lineal alrededor de los conductos y lóbulos de la mama. A diferencia del carcinoma ductal de mama, que presenta bultos, el carcinoma lobulillar infiltrante suele formar un crecimiento mal delimitado de la mama. Suele extenderse con rapidez a los ganglios linfáticos de la axila, y posteriormente, a las meninges y las superficies serosas, por lo que normalmente tiene un mal pronóstico. Es relativamente poco frecuente, representando entre el 5 y el 10% de todos los tipos de cáncer de mama. (es)
gender: masculine
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10
context (x): e_icaloif.txt

origination date: 27/05/2002
originator: Arianne
carcinoma lobulillar invasorterm type: synonym
definition: ver carcinoma lobullar infiltrante (es)
gender: masculine
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10
context (x): e_icaloiv.txt

origination date: 27/05/2002
originator: Arianne
carcinoma lobulillar invasivoterm type: synonym
definition: ver carcinoma lobullar infiltrante (es)
gender: masculine
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10