N Concordance 1 nt endovascular fixation during acrylic embolization because of a weaker cathete 2 hypertension induced by continuous air embolization (CAE) into the pulmonary ar 3 graphy. The superselective angiographic embolization of intrahepatic aneurysms i 4 treatment, to receive hepatic arterial embolization with homologous dura mater 5 blation by transcatheter renal arterial embolization in the treatment of benign 6 on of complications of bronchial artery embolization using superselective cathet 7 etimes a special treatment called chemo-embolization is used to treat childhood 8 en to inhibit endothelial function. CO2 embolization did not significantly alter 9 trahepatic portosystemic shunt and coil embolization for treatment of duodenal v 10 lications include thrombosis and distal embolization, rupture and vasospasm. The 11 fair midterm outcome, with no post-GDC embolization hemorrhages. Twenty patient 12 y undescribed technique of percutaneous embolization of intrahepatic and extrahe 13 describe the technique of preoperative embolization of the inferior petrosal si 14 otentiality of treatment with selective embolization of renal artery were cause 15 . Two patients required partial splenic embolization (PSE), endoscopic infusion 16 clinical presentation is due to tumor embolization of dermal lymphatics or to 17 and reliable. Preoperative portal vein embolization is an effective method for