originator: Arianne
origination date: 30/01/2001
gastrointestinal cancer | term type: main entry term part of speech: noun number: singular reliability code: 9 definition: different cancers that occur in the lower gastrointestinal tract. Common symptoms are blood in the stools, change in bowel habits, gas pains and constant indigestion. Diagnostic procedures include endoscopy, bbiopsy, digital rectal exam and occult blood stool test. (en) context (x): i_gainca.txt origination date: 12/06/2002 |
cáncer gastrointestinal | term type: main entry term gender: masculine number: singular reliability code: 9 definition: distintos tipos de cánceres que ocurren en la parte inferior del tracto gastrointestinal. Los síntomas incluyen sangre en las heces, dolores e indigestión. El diagnóstico se lleva a cabo por endoscopia, biopsia, examen rectal digital y análisis de la sangre de las heces. (es) context (x): e_cagain.txt origination date: 12/06/2002 |