Generated by OntoTerm. Updated: 28/08/2002 3:25:53


originator: Maribel
origination date: 20/02/2002
subject field: medicine: disease
check date: 03/06/2002
checker: Pamela

Conceptual Structures

throat cancerpart of speech: noun
definition: see oropharyngeal cancer (en)
number: singular
reliability code: 7
term type: synonym
oropharyngeal cancerdefinition: cancer of the part of the pharynx that includes the soft palate, tonsil, walls of the pharynx, and the back third of the tongue. Tobacco and alcohol consumption contitute risk factors for developing oropharyngeal cancer. Most cancers of the throat develop in adults over 50 years old, and men are 10 times more likely than women to develop throat cancers. Symptoms may include a mild but persistent sore throat, a lump in the back of the tongue, difficulty swallowing, a voice change, a pain in the ear and velvety red patches, some of which are open sores. Occasionally there is difficulty in breathing and lumps in the neck. Diagnostic procedures may include examination of the neck and throat, laryngoscopy, cranial CT scan, cranial MRI, and biopsy. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the general state of health of the patient and other factors. The usual treatments are surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. (en)
term type: main entry term
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 9
context (x): i_orphca.txt

origination date: 12/06/2002
originator: Arianne
soft palate cancerdefinition: see oropharyngeal cancer. (en)
number: singular
reliability code: 10
term type: synonym
part of speech: noun

cáncer orofaríngeodefinition: cáncer de la faringe, paladar blando, tabique de la faringe y parte trasera de la lengua. El consumo de tabaco y alcohol representan factores de riesgo para desarrollar la enfermedad. El cáncer orofaríngeo presenta una incidencia más alta en personas mayores de 50 años y los varones son 10 veces más propensos que las mujeres a desarrollar el tumor. Los síntomas incluyen irritación de garganta persistente, bulto en la lengua, dificultad al tragar, cambio en la voz, dolor de oído y manchas rojas, algunas de ellas ulceradas. En ocasiones puede haber dificultad al respirar y bultos en el cuello. El diagnóstico se lleva a cabo con exploración de cuello y garganta, laringoscopia TAC craneal, RMN craneal y biopsia. El tratamiento depende de la fase de la enfermedad, el estado de salud del paciente y otros factores. Normalmente se recurre a la cirugía y a la quimioterapia. (es)
gender: masculine
number: singular
term type: main entry term
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 9
context (x): e_caorfa.txt

origination date: 12/06/2002
originator: Arianne
cáncer de la cavidad oralterm type: synonym
reliability code: 9
cáncer de gargantaterm type: synonym