Generated by OntoTerm. Updated: 28/08/2002 3:26:36


originator: Maribel
origination date: 20/12/2001
subject field: medicine: disease
check date: 10/06/2002
checker: Pamela

Conceptual Structures

small cell lung cancerdefinition: cancer of the tissue of the lungs characterised by cells that are small and round or oval or shaped like grains. It is the most aggressive type of lung cancers. Its main cause is smoking. Other risk factors include exposure to certain industrial chemicals and exposure to radiation. It often shows no symptoms until it is fairly advanced. Some symptoms associated to the disease are blood in the sputum, hoarseness, shortness of breath, wheezing unrelated to asthma, repeated episodes of pneumonia. Procedures used in the diagnosis include chest X-ray, CT scan, bronchoscopy and percutaneous needle biopsy. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease but includes chemotherapy and surgery (in early stages of the disease). (en)
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 9
term type: main entry term
undifferentiated small cell lung cancerterm type: synonym
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10
definition: see small cell lung cancer (en)
SCLCterm type: synonym
definition: see small cell lung cancer (en)
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10

cáncer de pulmón de células pequeñasterm type: main entry term
part of speech: noun
number: singular
gender: masculine
definition: neoplasia maligna del tejido pulmonar, caracterizada por células que son pequeñas y redondeadas, ovaladas o en forma de pequeños granos. Es el más agresivo de todos los cánceres de pulmón. Su principal causa es el tabaco. La exposición a radiación se puede considerar otro factor de riesgo. Con frecuencia no hay síntomas hasta que está bastante avanzado. Entre los síntomas asociados se encuentran la presencia de sangre en el esputo, la ronquera, dificultad al respirar, sibilancias no asociadas a asma y episodios repetidos de neumonía. Los procedimientos utilizados en el diagnóstico son radiografía de tórax, TAC; broncoscopia y biopsia percutánea. El tratamiento depende del estadio de la enfermedad. En etapas tempranas se puede recurrir a la cirugía y en etapas avanzadas la quimioterapia es el principal tratamiento. (es)
cáncer microcítico de pulmónterm type: synonym
number: singular
number: singular
reliability code: 10
gender: masculine
definition: véase cáncer de pulmón de células pequeñas (es)
CPCPterm type: synonym
number: singular
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10
gender: masculine
definition: véase cáncer de pulmón de células pequeñas (es)