PORTA LINGUARUM, Monograph IV, January 2022



Guest editors


Journal committees and other data

Introduction, Mª Camino Bueno-Alastuey, Mª Victoria López-Pérez, Magdalena Romera



-        Mobile assisted language learning: Scope, praxis and theory, PASCUAL PÉREZ-PAREDES, DANYANG ZHANG.

-        Underrepresentation of the construct in Spanish standardized foreign language exams: A computer assisted exam proposal, MIGUEL FERNÁNDEZ ÁLVAREZ, JESÚS GARCÍA LABORDA, TESA MAGAL-ROYO.

-        The impact of CLIL teacher education on the beliefs of in-service secondary CLIL teachers, Mª PAZ AZPARREN LEGARRE.

-        Exploring audiovisual translation as a didactic tool in the secondary school foreign language classroom, MARÍA BOBADILLA-PÉREZ, RAMÓN JESÚS CARBALLO DE SANTIAGO.

-        The Forging Links project: Knowledge transference using pre-service teachers’ CLIL units with ICT integration, IZASKUN VILLARREAL, Mª CAMINO BUENO-ALASTUEY.

-        Telecolaboración y competencia comunicativa intercultural en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de ELE: un proyecto en Educación Superior, GLADYS VILLEGAS-PAREDES, SILVIA CANTO, INMACULADA RODRÍGUEZ MORANTA.

-        Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y Elevator Pitch: una innovación metodológica en español como lengua extranjera, MARÍA LUISA AZNAR JUAN.

-        The productive vocabulary of multimodal and unimodal English as a foreign language learners, ALEJANDRA MONTERO-SAIZAJA.

-        Teaching multimodal metadiscourse in academic English as a foreign language, MARÍA LUISA CARRIÓ-PASTOR.

-        El relato digital (digital storytelling) como proyecto de ELE en inmersión: aprendizajes, dificultades y cambios,IRANZU PEÑA PASCUAL

-        Perceived changes of identity construction through digital storytelling: A collective study abroad case study, YERKO SEPULVEDA, MAYA EDWARDS, RAYCHEL VASSEUR, IDOIA ELOLA


Book Reviews

-        Literatura infantil y lectura dialógica. La formación de educadores desde la Investigación, JUAN RAMÓN GUIJARRO OJEDA


Back cover: journal scope and co-financial institutions