University of Granada


About Me


Selected publications

Books and book chapters

  1. Speech Recognition over digital channels: Robusness and standards
    A. Peinado, J.C. Segura, Wiley, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-470-02400-3
  2. Voice activity detection: Fundamentals and speech recognition system robustness
    J. Ramírez, J.M. Górriz, J.C. Segura, in Robust speech recognition and understanding, I-Tech, 2007, ISBN: 987-3-90213-08-0
  3. Speech recognition under noisy conditions: Compensation methods
    A. De la Torre, J.C. Segura, M.C. Benítez, J. Ramírez, L. García, A. Rubio, in Robust speech recognition and understanding, I-Tech, 2007, ISBN: 987-3-90213-08-0
  4. Speech recognition: Histogram Equalization for Robust Speech Recognition
    L. García, J.C. Segura, A. de la Torre, M.C. Benítez and A.J. Rubio, in Speech Recognition, I-Tech, 2008, ISBN: 978-953-7619-29-9

Journals and Conferences

  1. Subspace-constrained deconvolution of auditory evoked potentials
    Angel de la Torre, Joaquin T. Valderrama, Jose C. Segura, Isaac M. Alvarez and Jesus Garcia-Miranda
    J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 151 (6), June 2022, pp. 3745–3757
  2. Self-Referenced Multifrequency Phase-Resolved Luminescence Spectroscopy
    Angel de la Torre, Santiago Medina-Rodríguez , Jose C. Segura and Jorge F. Fernández-Sánchez
    Sensors 2020, 20(16), 5482
  3. A Polynomial-Exponent Model for Calibrating the Frequency Response of Photoluminescence-Based Sensors
    Angel de la Torre, Santiago Medina-Rodríguez, Jose C. Segura and Jorge F. Fernández-Sánchez
    Sensors 2020, 20(16), 4635
  4. Latency-dependent filtering and compact representation of the complete auditory pathway response
    Angel de la Torre, Joaquin T. Valderrama, Jose C. Segura and Isaac M. Alvarez
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148, 599 (2020)
  5. Classification of Isolated Volcano-Seismic Events Based on Inductive Transfer Learning
    Manuel Titos , Angel Bueno , Luz García , Carmen Benítez , and J. C. Segura
    IEEE Geoscience an Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 17, No. 5, pp.867-873, May 2020
  6. Matrix-based formulation of the iterative randomized stimulation and averaging method for recording evoked potentials
    Angel de la Torre, Joaquin T. Valderrama, Jose C. Segura, and Isaac M. Alvarez
    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol 146, pp. 4545-4556, Dec 2019
  7. Comprehensive recording of auditory evoked potentials by projecting over a base of functions
    Joaquin Tomas Valderrama Valenzuela, Angel de la Torre, Bram Van Dun, Jaime Undurraga, Jose Carlos Segura, Harvey Dillon, David McAlpine
    Journal of Hearing Science, Vol.7 No.2, May 2017
  8. Ultrasound-based orientation and location of mobile nodes combining TOF and RSSI measurements
    Carlos Medina, Antonio Bravo, José Carlos Segura, Santiago Medina and Ángel de la Torre
    Proc. IPIN 2016, pp. 1-4,  4-7 October 2016, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
  9. Real-time optimal combination of multifrequency information inphase-resolved luminescence spectroscopy based on rectangular-wave signals
    Santiago Medina-Rodrígueza, Carlos Medina-Rodríguez, Ángel de la Torre-Vega, José C. Segura-Luna, Sonia Mota-Fernández, Jorge F. Fernández-Sánchez
    Sensors and Actuators B 238 (2017) 221–225
  10. Advances on the automatic estimation of the P-wave onset time
    García, L., Álvarez I., Benítez, C., Titos, M., Bueno, M., Mota, S., De la Torre, A., Segura, J.C., Alguacil, G., Díaz-Moreno, A., Prudencio, J., García-Yeguas, A., Ibáñez, J.M., Zuccarello, L., Cocina, O.,  and  Patané, D.
    Annals of Geophysics, Vol 59(4) 2016
  11. Selective processing of auditory evoked responses with iterative-randomized stimulation and averaging: A strategy for evaluating the time-invariant assumption
    Joaquín T. Valderrama, Ángel de la Torre, C. Medina, Jose C. Segura, A. Roger D. Thornton
    Hearing Research Vol 333, March 2016, pp. 66-76
  12. Auditory brainstem and middle latency responses recorded at fast rates with randomized stimulation
    Joaquin T. Valderrama, Angel de la Torre, Isaac M. Alvarez, Jose C. Segura, A. Roger D. Thornton, Manuel Sainz and Jose L. Vargas
    J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136 (6), December 2014, pp. 3233–3248
  13. A flexible and inexpensive high-performance auditory evoked response recording system appropriate for research purposes
    Joaquin T. Valderrama, Angel de la Torre , Isaac Alvarez , Jose Carlos Segura , Manuel Sainz and Jose Luis Vargas
    Biomedical Engineering, Volume 59, Issue 5, October 2014, Pages 447–459
  14. Automatic quality assessment and peak identification of auditory brainstem responses with fitted parametric peaks
    Joaquin T. Valderrama, Angel de la Torre, Isaac Alvarez, Jose Carlos Segura, A. Roger. D. Thornton, Manuel Sainz, Jose Luis Vargas
    Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Volume 114, Issue 3, May 2014, Pages 262–275
  15. A study of adaptation mechanisms based on ABR recorded at high stimulation rate
     Joaquin T. Valderramaa, Angel de la Torre, Isaac Alvarez, Jose Carlos Segura, A. Roger D. Thornton, Manuel Sainz, Jose Luis Vargas
    Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 125 (4), April 2014, pp. 805-813
  16. Ultrasound Indoor Positioning System Based on a Low-Power Wireless Sensor Network Providing Sub-Centimeter Accuracy
    Carlos Medina, José Carlos Segura and Ángel De la Torre
    Sensors 2013, 13(3), 3501-3526;
  17. A portable, modular, and low cost auditory brainstem response recording system including an algorithm for automatic identification of responses suitable for hearing screening
    Joaquin T. Valderrama, Isaac Alvarez, Angel de la Torre, Jose C. Segura, Manuel Sainz, and Jose L. Vargas
    2013 IEEE Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies (PHT) Bangalore, India, 16 - 18, Pages 180-183, January 2013
  18. Recording of auditory brainstem response at high stimulation rates using randomized stimulation and averaging
    Joaquin T. Valderrama, Isaac Alvarez, Angel de la Torre, Jose Carlos Segura, Manuel Sainz, Jose Luis Vargas
    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 132, Issue 6, Pages 3856-3865, December 2012
  19. A Synchronous TDMA Ultrasonic TOF Measurement System for Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks
    Medina, C. ;  Segura, J. C. ; de la Torre, A.
    IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Volume 62 , Issue 3, Page 599 - 611, March 2013
  20. Accurate time synchronization of ultrasonic TOF measurements in IEEE 802.15.4 based wireless sensor networks
    C. Medina, J.C. Segura, A. de la Torre
    Ad Hoc Networks. Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 442–452
  21. Feasibility of ultrasound positioning based on signal strength
    Medina, C.; Segura, J.C.; Holm, S.
    Proc. IPIN 2012, pp. 1-9,  Sydney, Australia, 13-15th November 2012
  22. TELIAMADE ultrasonic indoor location system: Application as a teaching tool
     Medina, C. ; Alvarez, I. ; Segura, J.C. ; de la Torre, A. ; Benitez, C.
    Proc. ICASSP 2012, pp. 2777 - 2780, Kyoto, Japan,
    25-30 March 2012
  23. Class-Based Parametric Approximation to Histogram Equalization for ASR
    Luz García, Carmen Benítez Ortúzar, Angel De la Torre, and Jose C. Segura
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 19, No. 7, July 2012, pp. 415-418
  24. Changes Over Time of the Refractory Properties Measured from ECAP in Pulsar CI(100) Cochlear Implant Recipients
    Alvarez, I; de la Torre, A ; Valderrama, J; Roldan, C; Sainz, M ; Segura, JC; Vargas, JL
      Volume: 7   Issue: 3   Pages: 398-407   Published: 2011
  25. Educational approach of a BAER recording system based on experiential learning
    Valderrama, JT, Alvarez, I, de la Torre, A, Segura, JC, Sainz, M , Vargas, JL
    Technics Technologies Education Management-Ttem Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 876-889 Published: 2011
  26. On-line Memory-Based Parametric Equalization to multimodal training conditions
    R. Gemello, F. Mana, L. Garcia, J.C. Segura
    Proc. ICASSP 2011 , pp. 5472 - 5475 , Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011
  27. Combining speaker and noise feature normalization techniques for automatic speech recognition
    L. García, C. Benítez, J.C. Segura, S. Umesh
    Proc. ICASSP 2011 , pp. 5496 - 5499, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011
  28. Progessive memory-based parametric non-linear feature equalization
    L. García, R. Gemello, F. Mana, J.C. Segura
    Proc. INTERSPEECH 2009 , Brighton, UK, 2009
  29. ATLINTIDA: A robust indoor ultrasound location system: Design and evaluation
    Enrique González, Laura Prados, Antonio J. Rubio, José C. Segura, Ángel de la Torre, José M. Moya, Pablo Rodríguez and José L. Martín. 3rd Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, 2009
  30. Advanced Front-end for Robust Speech Recognition in Extremely Adverse Environments
    D. Dimitriadis, J.C. Segura, L. Garcia, A. Potamianos, P. Maragos and V. Pitsikalis,
    Proc. Interspeech- Eurospeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, Aug. 2007
  31. Robust Distributed Speech Recognition Using Histogram Equalization and Correlation Information
    P.M. Martinez, J.C. Segura, L. Garcia
    Proc. Interspeech- Eurospeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, Aug. 2007
  32. Revised contextual LRT for voice activity detection
    J. Ramíerz, J.C. Segura, J.M. Górriz, Proc. ICASSP'07, Vol IV, pp. 801-804, Honolulu, 2007
  33. Statisticall voice activity detection based on integrated bispectrum likelihood ratio test for robust speech recognition
    J. Ramírez, J.M. Górriz, J.C. Segura, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121(5), May, 2007, pp. 2946-2958
  34. Improved voice activity detection using contextual multiple hypothesis testing for robust speech recognition
    J. Ramírez, J.C. Segura, J.M. Górriz, L. García, IEEE Trans. on Audio Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 15(8), November, 2007, pp. 2177-2189
  35. Continuous HMM-based seismic-event classification at Deception island, Antartica
    M.C. Benítez, J. Ramírez, J.C. Segura, J.M. Ibáñez, J. Almendros, A. García-Yeguas, G. Cortés, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and remote sensing, Vol. 45(1), January, 2007, pp. 138-146
  36. An effective cluster-based model for robust speech detection and speech recognition in noisy environments
    J. M. Górriz, J. Ramírez, J. C. Segura, C.G. Puntonet, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Vol. 120(1), July 2006, pp. 470-481
  37. SVM-based speech endpoint detection using contextual speech features
    J. Ramirez, P. Yelamos, J.M. Gorriz, J.C. Segura, IEE Electronics Letters Vol. 42(7), March 2006 pp. 426 - 428
  38. Generalized LRT-Based Voice Activity Detector
    J.M. Gorriz, J. Ramirez, C.G. Puntonet, J.C. Segura, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.13(10), Oct. 2006 pp. 636 - 639
  39. Speech/non-speech discrimination based on contextual information integrated bispectrum LRT
    J. Ramirez, J.M. Gorriz, J.C. Segura, C.G. Puntonet, A.J. Rubio, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 13(8),  August 2006 pp. 497 - 500
  40. Normalization of the inter-frame information using smoothing filtering
    L. García , J.C. Segura , C. Benítez, J. Ramírez, A. de la Torre, Proc. INTERSPEECH'2006, pp.369-372, Pittsburgh, 2006
  41. HMM-Based Continuous Sign Language Recognition using a Fast Optical Flow Parameterization of Visual Information
    G. Cortés, L. García, C. Benítez and J.C. Segura, Proc. INTERSPEECH'2006, pp.1288-1291, Pittsburgh, 2006
  42. Speech/Non-Speech discrimination combining advanced feature extraction and SVM learning
    Javier Ramírez, Pablo Yélamos, Juan Manuel Górriz, José C. Segura and Luz García, Proc. INTERSPEECH'2006, pp.1662-1665, Pittsburgh, 2006
  43. Noise robust model-based Voice Activity Detection
    Ángel de la Torre, Javier Ramírez, Carmen Benítez, José C. Segura, Luz García, Antonio J. Rubio, Proc. INTERSPEECH'2006, pp.1954-1957, Pittsburgh, 2006
  44. An Efficient Bispectrum Phase Entropy-based Algorithm for VAD
    J.M. Górriz, J. Ramírez, C.G. Puntonet, J.C. Segura, Proc. INTERSPEECH'2006, pp.2322-2325, Pittsburgh, 2006
  45. Parametric Nonlinear Feature Equalization for Robust Speech Recognition
    L. García, J.C. Segura, J. Ramírez, Ángel de la Torre, Carmen Benítez, Proc. ICASSP'2006, vol.1, pp.529-532, Toulouse, 2006
  46. Effective speech/pause discrimination using an integrated bispectrum likelihood ratio test
    L. García, J.C. Segura, J. Ramírez, Ángel de la Torre, Carmen Benítez  Proc. ICASSP'2006, vol.1, pp.801-804, Toulouse, 2006
  47. GAIALAB: A weblab project for digital communications distributed learning
    J. Ramírez, J. C. Segura, J. M. Górriz, C. Benítez, A. Rubio, Proc. ICASSP'2006, vol.2, pp.981-984, Toulouse, 2006
  48. Continuous HMM-based volcano monitoring at Deception island, Antartica
    C. Benítez, J. Ramírez, J.C. Segura, A. Rubio, J. M. Ibáñez, J. Almendros, A. García-Yeguas, Proc. ICASSP'2006, vol.5, pp.749-752, Toulouse, 2006
  49. Noise Subspace Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Robust Speech Recognition
     Juan Manuel Górriz, Javier Ramírez, José C. Segura, Carlos García Puntonet, J. J. González , Proc.
    ICCSA 2006, pp.772--229, Glasgow, UK, May 8-11, 2006
  50. Bispectrum Estimators for Voice Activity Detection and Speech Recognition
    J.M. Górriz, C.G. Puntonet, J. Ramírez, and J.C. Segura
    Lecture Notes in Artificial Inteligence, No. 817, pp. 174–185, 2005.
  51. Improved MO-LRT VAD based on bispectra Gaussian model
    J.M. Górriz, J. Ramírez, J.C. Segura, and C.G. Puntonet
    IEE Electronic Letters, Volume 41, Issue 15, pp. 877-879, July, 2005
  52. Bispectra Analysis-based VAD for Robust Speech Recognition
    J.M. Górriz , C.G. Puntonet, J. Ramírez and J.C. Segura
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3562/2005, pp. 567-576
  53. Voice Activity Detection Using Higher Order Statistics
    J.M. Góoriz, Javier Ramírez, José C. Segura, S. Hornillo
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3512/2005, pp. 837 - 844
  54. Statistical Voice Activity Detection using a Multiple Observation Likelihood Ratio Test
    Javier Ramírez, José C. Segura, Carmen Benítez, Luz García, Antonio J. Rubio
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 12, No. 10, October 2005, pp. 689-692
  55. An Effective Subband OSF-Based VAD With Noise Reduction for Robust Speech Recognition
    Javier Ramírez, José C. Segura, Carmen Benítez, Ángel de la Torre, and Antonio Rubio, IEEE Trans. on SAP, Vol. 13, No. 6, Page(s): 1119-1129, November 2005
  56. Histogram equalization of the speech representation for robust speech recognition
    Angel de la Torre,  Antonio M. Peinado, José C. Segura, José L. Pérez, M. Carmen Benítez, Antonio Rubio, IEEE Trans. on SAP, Vol. 13, No.3, Page(s):355 - 366, May 2005
  57. A Survey of Forecasting Preprocessing Techniques using RNs
    J.M. Górriz, J.C. Segura-Luna, C.G. Puntonet, M. Salmerón Informatica Vol. 29 (2005) pp. 13-22
  58. Improved Voice Activity Detection Combining Noise Reduction and Subband Divergence Measures
    Javier Ramírez, José C. Segura, Carmen Benítez, Ángel de la Torre, Antonio Rubio
    Proc. INTERSPEECH 2004, ICSLP, Jeju Island, Korea, October 2004
  59. Including uncertainty of speech observations in robust speech recognition
    M.C. Benítez, J.C. Segura, A. de la Torre, J. Ramírez, A. Rubio
    Proc. INTERSPEECH 2004, ICSLP, Jeju Island, Korea, October 2004
  60. A new Voice Activity Detector Using Subband Order-Statistics Filters for Robust Speech Recognition
    J. Ramírez, J. C. Segura, C. Benítez, A. de la Torre, A. Rubio. Proc. ICASSP'2004, vol.1, pp.849-852, Montreal, 2004
  61. Voice Activity Detection with Noise Reduction and Long-Term Spectral Divergence Estimation
    J. Ramírez, J. C. Segura, C. Benítez, A. de la Torre, A. Rubio. Proc. ICASSP'2004, vol.2, pp.1093-1096, Montreal, 2004
  62. A New Kullback-Leibler VAD for Speech Recognition in Noise
    Javier Ramírez, José C. Segura, Carmen Benítez, Ángel de la Torre, Antonio J. Rubio
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.11, No.2, pp. 666-669, February 2004
  63. Efficient Voice Activity Detection Algorithms Using Long-Term Speech Information
    Javier Ramírez, José C. Segura, Carmen Benítez, Ángel de la Torre, Antonio Rubio
    Speech Communication, Volume 42, Issues 3-4 , April 2004, Pages 271-287
  64. Cepstral Domain Segmental Nonlinear Feature Transformations for Robust Speech Recognition
    José C. Segura, Carmen Benítez, Ángel de la Torre, Antonio J. Rubio, Javier Ramírez
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters Vol.11, Issue 5, Pages:517 - 520, May 2004
  65. Musical Style Recognition by Detection of Compass
    F. J. Salcedo, J. E. Díaz-Verdejo and J. C. Segura
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2652/2003, pp.876 - 883
  66. Improved Feature Extraction Based on Spectral Noise Reduction and Nonlinear Feature Normalization (PDF slides)
    José C. Segura, Javier Ramírez, Carmen Benítez, Ángel de la Torre, Antonio J. Rubio
    Proc. EUROSPEECH'03 pp.353-356, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2003
  67. Assessment of dialogue systems by means of a new simulation technique
    Ramón López-Cózar, Ángel de la Torre, José C. Segura, Antonio J. Rubio
    Speech Communication 40(3) pp. 387-407 (2003)
  68. A New Adaptive Long-Term Spectral Estimation Voice Activity Detector
    Javier Ramírez, José C. Segura, Carmen Benítez, Ángel de la Torre, Antonio J. Rubio
    Proc. EUROSPEECH'03 pp.3041-3044, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2003
  69. CDF-matching based Nonlinear Feature Transformations For Robust Speech Recognition
    Presentación en la reunión del proyecto COST 277 en Edimburgo (3/12/2002)
  70. Testing dialogue systems by means of automatic generation of conversations
    R. López-Cózar, A. De la Torre, J.C. Segura, A.J. Rubio and V. Sánchez
    Interacting with Computers 14 (5) (2002) pp. 521-546
  71. Discriminative feature weighting for HMM-based continuous speech recognizers
    Ángel de la Torre, Antonio M. Peinado, Antonio J. Rubio, José C. Segura, Carmen Benítez, Speech Communication 38 (2002) 267–286
  72. Feature extraction combining spectral noise reduction and cepstral histogram equalization for robust ASR (PDF slides)
    José C. Segura, M. Carmen Benítez, Angel de la Torre, Antonio Rubio, Proc. ICSLP'2002, pp.225-228, Denver (CO), September 2002
  73. HMM-based methods for channel error mitigation in distributed speech recognition
    Antonio M. Peinado, Victoria Sánchez, José L. Pérez-Córdoba, José C. Segura,  Antonio Rubio, Proc. ICSLP'2002, pp.2205-2208, Denver (CO), September 2002
  74. A new method for testing dialogue systems based on simulations of real-world conditions
    R. López-Cózar, A. de la Torre, José C. Segura, A.J. Rubio, J.M. López, Proc. ICSLP'2002, pp.305-308, Denver (CO), September 2002
  75. Non-linear transformations of the feature space for robust speech recognition
    Angel de la Torre, José C. Segura, M. Carmen Benítez, Antonio M. Peinado, Antonio Rubio, ICASSP'2002, vol.1, pp.401-4, Orlando, 2002
  76. VTS Residual Noise Compensation
    José C. Segura, M. Carmen Benítez, Angel de la Torre, Stéphane Dupont, Antonio Rubio, ICASSP'2002, vol.1, pp.409-12, Orlando, 2002
  77. Model-based compensation for the additive noise for continuous speech recognition: Experiments using the AURORA II database and tasks
    José C. Segura, Ángel de la Torre, M.C. Benítez, Antonio M. Peinado, Proc. EUROSPEECH'2001, vol.1, pp.221-24, Scandinavia, 2001
  78. Feature Extraction from Time-Frequency matrices for Robust Speech Recognition
    José C. Segura, M.C. Benítez, Ángel de la Torre, A. Rubio, Proc. EUROSPEECH'2001, vol.3, pp.1637-40, Scandinavia, 2001
  79. MMSE-Based Channel Error Mitigation for Distributed Speech Recognition
    Antonio M. Peinado, Victoria Sánchez, José C. Segura, José L. Pérez-Córdoba, Proc. EUROSPEECH'2001, vol.4, pp.2707,10, Scandinavia, 2001
  80. A new word-confidence threshold technique for enhace the performance of spoken dialog systems
    Ramón López-Cózar, Antonio J. Rubio, P. García, José C. Segura. Proc. EUROSPEECH'99, vol.3, pp.1395-98, September, 1999
  81. Empirical multirresolution models applicable to gray-level image processing
    M.J. Salinas, J.F. Gómez-Lopera, P.L. Luque-Escamilla, J. Martínez-Aroza, R. Román Roldán, José C. Segura. Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol.11(2), pp. 83-93, December, 1997
  82. On the influence of frame-asynchronous grammar scoring in a CSR system
    Rubio, Antonio J.; Diaz-Verdejo, Jesús E.; Garcia, P.; Segura, José C. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1997. ICASSP-97., 1997 IEEE International Conference on , Volume: 2 , 1997 Page(s): 895 -898 vol.2
  83. STACC: An automatic service for information access using continuous speech recognition through telephone line
    Antonio J. Rubio, Pedro García, Ángel de la Torre, José C. Segura, Jesús Díaz-Verdejo, María C. Benítez, Victoria Sánchez, Antonio M. Peinado, Juan M. López-Soler, José L. Pérez-Córdoba, EUROSPEECH'97, vol.4 , pp.1779-82, September 1997
  84. Minimum classification error transforms for improving speech recognition systems
    Ángel de la Torre, Antonio M. Peinado, A. Rubio, José C. Segura, Victoria E. Sánchez
  85. MCE estimation of VQ parameters for MVQHMM speech recognition
    Antonio M. Peinado, Antonio J. Rubio, José C. Segura, Victoria E. Sánchez, Jesús E. Díaz
  86. Generating matrices for the discrete sine transforms
    Sanchez, V.; Peinado, Antonio M.; Segura, José C.; Garcia, P.; Rubio, Antonio J. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 44 Issue: 10 , Oct. 1996 Page(s): 2644 -2646
  87. Discriminative codebook design using multiple vector quantization in HMM-based speech recognizers
    Peinado, Antonio M.; Segura, José C.; Rubio, Antonio J.; Garcia, P.; Perez, José L. Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 4 Issue: 2 , March 1996 Page(s): 89 -95
  88. Diagonalizing properties of the discrete cosine transforms
    Sanchez, V.; Garcia, P.; Peinado, Antonio M.; Segura, José C.; Rubio, Antonio J. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 43 Issue: 11 , Nov. 1995 Page(s): 2631 -2641
  89. SLHMM: a continuous speech recognition system based on Alphanet-HMM
    Diaz, Jesús E.; Segura-Luna, José C.; Garcia-Teodoro, P.; Rubio-Ayuso, Antonio J. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1994. ICASSP-94., 1994 IEEE International Conference on , Volume: i , 1994 Page(s): I/213 -I/216 vol.1
  90. Use of multiple vector quantisation for semicontinuous-HMM speech recognition
    Peinado, Antonio M.; Segura, José C.; Rubio, Antonio J.; Sanchez, Victoria E.; Garcia, P. Vision, Image and Signal Processing, IEE Proceedings- , Volume: 141 Issue: 6 , Dec. 1994 Page(s): 391 -396
  91. Using multiple vector quantization and semicontinuous hidden Markov models for speech recognition
    Peinado, Antonio M.; Segura, José C.; Rubio, Antonio J.; Benitez, M.C. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1994. ICASSP-94., 1994 IEEE International Conference on , Volume: i , 1994 Page(s): I/61 -I/64 vol.1
  92. Multiple VQ hidden Markov modelling for speech recognition
    José C. Segura, Antonio J. Rubio, Antonio M. Peinado, P. García and R. Román. Speech Communication, 14 (2) (1994) pp. 163-170
  93. A new neuron model for an Alphanet-semicontinuous HMM
    Diaz, Jesús E.; Segura, José C.; Rubio, Antonio J.; Peinado, Antonio M.; Perez-Cordoba, José L.; Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1993. ICASSP-93., 1993 IEEE International Conference on , Volume: 1 , 1993 Page(s): 529 -532 vol.
  94. Improvements in HMM-based isolated word recognition system
    Peinado, Antonio M.; Lopez, José M.; Sanchez, Victoria E.; Segura, José C.; Rubio Ayuso, Antonio J. Communications, Speech and Vision, IEE Proceedings I , Volume: 138 Issue: 3 , June 1991 Page(s): 201 -206

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