relationship between languages in European educative contexts: mediations,
circulations, comparisons and confrontations.”
(XVIth to early XXth century)
for papers
The didactics of plurilingualism has nowadays
achieved the status of an innovative branch in the field of teaching/learning
languages. This approach redefines the disciplinary contours of this research
field of study as it promotes a plural model where languages are set in terms
of complementarity. The objective of the colloquium is to place the didactics
of plurilingualism in History to allow a contemporary reflection with a
necessary historical perspective.
This is
one of the reasons the Colloquium is structured along a series of events which took
place in Europe between the XVIth and the beginning of the XXth
century, marking the evolution of European mentalities about languages. For
example: the progressive abandon of Latin as the language of the educated and
scholars, the importance of some vernacular languages as vehicular languages
(and the confrontation between them), the transformation of the languages in
constitutive elements of culture and national identities, the articulation of
national cultures within humanistic and classical culture, etc
The terms a quo and ad quem have
been chosen as an example of the deep
changes the schooling institution underwent during this period, in particular
with the raising of Nations-States and the national identities.
In a general frame (which place the languages are
taking in Education), the Colloquium focuses its attention on some aspects relating the contact between
languages in the institutions and educative contexts, proposing a number of
topics to reflect which affect plurilingualism in one or another.
Four axes of reflections are proposed:
(1) the relationships between
different languages in their social uses and educative contexts
groupings (or oppositions) are built among languages (in their different
nomenclatures: classical, modern, life, dead, mother tongue, foreign language,
etc. What arguments are developed, as an opposition, concerning the relevance
of one or another? The aim is to put in evidence the possibilities of
cohabitation of the different languages within the educative institutions. The
relationships between languages and national cultures can be tacked as an axis
of reflection.
(2) the means for the teaching/learning process
of different languages
Which metalinguistic means are produced
(lexical, grammatical) and what is their specificity according to the languages? What other plurilingual works (texts,
novels, catalogues, etc.)? These works appear as a simple juxtaposition or
establish relationship between existing languages (in the description or in the
exercises they suggest)? This axis fixes the topic of the specificity of the
pedagogical plurilingual means.
(3) didactic and
methodological discourses
Which pedagogical
traditions have acted upon the language didactics? Which didactics actions
affect languages in general? Which traditions have been passed from one
language to another? Can the didactic of dead languages be opposed to the
didactics of languages in use? Is it possible to talk about reference models or
even didactic transversality? Consequently,
the objective is to discover if some principles for the teaching/learning of different
languages, and if so happens according to what modalities.
(4) ‘language teachers’ and their training
(initial and long life)
What can we say about plurilingual teachers
(who publicised the ability to teach many languages) When can we talk about
author’s methods? What type of training facilities Governments facilitate to
train future language teachers and how many of those are able to teach? What methodological measures are set up
(training journal, specialise associations, etc.) once the language teaching is
institutionalised with the development of school systems?
colloquium is organised by a number of associations involved in the study of
the history of teaching language diffusion:
SEHEL: Sociedad Española para
APHELLE: Associaçao Portuguesa
para a Historia do Encino das linguas e Literaturas
CIRSIL: Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Storia
degli Insegnamenti linguistici .
SIHFLES: Société Internationale pour
l’Histoire du Français Langue étrangère et Seconde.
PHG (Peeter Heynsgenootschap):
organisation committee wants to place the focus on the reflection upon the way
teaching languages between themselves are considered and not in the teaching of
one specific language. The contributions will be case studies, so forth it
would be advisable to set the historic, linguistic and social context.
contributions could be in any language of the different associations involved in
the organisation of the Colloquium, as well as in English and German.
The scientific Committee will be responsible
for the selection of those contributions which will be published in the Journal
Documents de
Those researchers
interested should in the event have to submit their proposals before 30 April
2008 to one of the following directions:
All papers
should have the title, name and family name pf the author/s, personal references,
and a brief summary (no more than 3.000 characters). Acceptance confirmation
will be passed before 30 June 2008. For each communication each participant
will have twenty minutes for the exposition and ten for discussion.
Fees are 60 € for the
members of each of the association involved in the organisation and 100 € for
those who are not.
Those papers selected will be Publisher in the
SHIFLES Journal Documents or in
the Colloquium Publication (printed and/or electronic version).
Organizing Committee (
Suso López
Eugenia Fernández Fraile
Rodrigo López Carrillo
Carmen Alberdi
Natalia Arregui
Mercedes Montoro
Scientific Committee
Michel Berré, University of Mons-Hainaut (Belgium)
Gérard Vigner, IPR/IA Lettres, Versailles
Ana Clara Santos, University of Algarve
José Salema, Minho University
Herminia Amado Laurel, University of Aveiro
Antonio Martínez
González, University of Granada
Pedro Barros,
Wilhelm, Universities of
Nadia Minerva,
November 5, 6 and 7, 2008
de Filosofía y Letras