Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF)
Coordinated with the Research Project MTM2011-28952-C02-01.
In this Project, we will study the properties of the multivariate orthogonal polynomial systems
in the standard and non standard case, that is, orthgonal polynomial systems associated with
inner products involving derivation operators in several variables. The results will be used to
find the fundamental characteristics of such a systems: structure, asymptotics, and others. The
main objectives of this Project can be resume as follows:
1. Development of techniques for analyzing families of multivariate orthogonal polynomials started
in the previous
2. Study of the analytic and structural properties for those polynomials.
3. Extension to several variables of the theory of orthogonal polynomial systems associated with
inner product involving derivarion operators (the so-called Sobolev orthogonality.)
4. Aplication of the constructive approximation methods in several variables to clinic problems
related with human vision as well as computered exploration techniques.
Begining 01/01/2012, end 12/31/2015.
- A. M. Delgado, L. Fernández, T. E. Pérez, M. Piñar, Multivariate orthogonal polynomials and
modified moment functionals.
- A. M. Delgado, L. Fernández, D. S. Lubinsky, T. E. Pérez, M. Piñar, Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit ball via outward derivatives.
- F. Marcellán, M. Marriaga, T. E. Pérez, M. Piñar, Matrix Pearson equations satisfied by Koornwinder weights in
two variables.
- C. Martínez, M. Piñar, Orthogonal Polynomials on the unit ball and fourth order partial differential
- C. F. Bracciali, J. H. McCabe, T. E. Pérez, A. Sri Ranga, A class of orthogonal functions given
by a three term recurrence formula. Math. Comp.
- L. Fernández, F. Marcellán, T. E. Pérez, M. Piñar, Y. Xu, Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on product domains. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 284 (2015), 202-215
- H. Dueñas, L. Garza, M. Piñar, A higher order Sobolev-type inner product for orthogonal
polynomials in several variables, Numer. Algorithms 68 (2015), 35-46.
- Y. Xu, Uncertainty principle on weighted spheres, balls and simplexes, J. Approx. Theory
192 (2015), 193–214
- Y. Xu, Complex versus real orthogonal polynomials of two variables, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.
26 (2015), no. 2, 134-151
- M. Alfaro, A. Peña, T. E. Pérez, M. L. Rezola, On linearly related orthogonal polynomials in several variables. Numer. Algorithms 66 (2014), 537-553.
- R. K. Beatson, W. zu Castell, Y. Xu, A Pólya criterion for (strict) positive-definiteness on the
sphere. IMA J. Numer. Anal. 34 (2014), no. 2, 550-568.
- F. Dai, Y. Xu, The Hardy-Rellich inequality and uncertainty principle on the sphere.
Constr. Approx. 40 (2014), 141-171.
- M. Sawa, Y. Xu, On positive cubature rules on the simplex and isometric embeddings.
Math. Comp. 83 (2014), no. 287, 1251-1277.
- Y. Xu, Tight frame with Hahn and Krawtchouk polynomials of several variables. SIGMA Symmetry
Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 10 (2014), Paper 019, 19 pp.
- R. Aktaş, Y. Xu, Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on a simplex Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2013
13, 3087-3131.
- C. F. Bracciali, T. E. Pérez, M. A. Piñar, Stieltjes functions and discrete classical orthogonal
polynomials. Comput. Appl. Math. 32 (2013), 537-547.
- A. M. Delgado, T. E. Pérez, M. A. Piñar, Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials on the unit ball.
J. Approx. Theory 170 (2013), 94-106.
- T. E. Pérez, M. A. Piñar, Y. Xu, Weighted Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit ball.
J. Approx. Theory 171 (2013), 84-104.
- B. Rider, C. Sinclair, Y. Xu, A solvable mixed charge ensemble on the line: global results.
Probab. Theory Related Fields 155 (2013), no. 1-2, 127–164.
- A. M. Delgado, L. Fernández, T. E. Pérez, M. A. Piñar, On the Uvarov modification of two variable
orthogonal polynomials on the disk, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 6 (2012), 665-676.
- L. Fernández, T. E. Pérez, M. A. Piñar, On Koornwinder classical orthogonal polynomials in two
variables, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 236 (2012), 3817-3826.
- K. Ivanov, P. Petrushev, Y. Xu, Decomposition of spaces of distributions induced by tensor
product bases, J. Funct. Anal. 263 (2012), no. 5, 1147-1197.
- H. Li, J. Sun, Y. Xu, Discrete Fourier analysis and Chebyshev polynomials with G2 group.
SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 8 (2012), Paper 067, 29 pp.
- Y. Xu, Orthogonal polynomials and expansions for a family of weight functions in two variables,
Constr. Approx. 36 (2012), no. 2, 161-190.
- Y. Xu, Minimal cubature rules and polynomial interpolation in two variables, J. Approx. Theory
164 (2012), no. 1, 6-30.