Henrik Zinkernagel's publications 

2017 'Naturvidenskabelig dannelse og ćstetik' [Bildüng (cultural education) and aesthetics in natural science]. In S. N. Larsen y J. Raahauge (eds.), Dannelse pĺ universitetet [Bildüng (cultural education) at the university level]. Copenhagen: Sophia, 2017, pp. 98-117. [Preprint version]

2017 'Giv plads til ćstetik i naturfagene' [Make room for aesthetics in science teaching].  Aktuel Naturvidenskab [Current natural science], Vol. 5, 2017, p. 2.

2017 'Limits of time in cosmology' (with S.E. Rugh). In K. Chamcham, J. Silk, J. Barrow and S. Saunders, The Philosophy of Cosmology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp. 377-395. https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05449

2016 'Ćstetik, fysik og motivation' [Aesthetics, physics and motivation]. KVANT (tidsskrift for Fysik og Astronomi) [Journal for Physics and Astronomy], Dec. 2016, pp. 4-10.

2016 'Niels Bohr on the wave function and the classical/quantum divide'. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, Vol. 53, 2016, pp. 9-19. https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.00353

2015 'Are we living in a quantum world? Bohr and quantum fundamentalism'. In Aaserud, F. and Kragh, H. (eds.) (2015) One hundred years of the Bohr atom: Proceedings from a conference. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Volume 1 of the series: Scientia Danica. Series M ˇ Mathematica et physica, pp. 419-434. http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/11785/

2014 ‘Philosophical aspects of modern cosmology'. Introduction to Special Issue in Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (Vol. 46A), pp. 1-4. http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/10616/

2013 'Bohr mellem klassisk og kvantisk virkelighed' [Bohr between classical and quantum reality]. In L. Bruun, H. Kragh and F. Aaserud (eds.) Bohr pĺ ny [Bohr anew]. Copenhagen: Epsilon, pp. 197-211.

2013 'A critical note on time in the multiverse' (with S.E. Rugh). In V. Karakostas and D. Dieks (eds.) Recent Progress in Philosophy of Science: Perspectives and Foundational Problems. Berlin: Springer, pp. 267-279. http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/9735/

2011 'Some trends in the philosophy of physics'. Theoria, 71 (2011), pp. 215-24. http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/8761/

2011 'Weyl's principle, cosmic time and quantum fundamentalism' (with S.E. Rugh). In D. Dieks et al. (eds.), Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation. Springer (2011), pp. 411-424. http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/5451/

2010 'Causal fundamentalism in physics'. In M. Suárez, M. Dorato y M. Rédei (eds.), EPSA Philosophical Issues in the Sciences: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Springer, pp. 311-322.  http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/4690/

2009 'żLa desaparición del tiempo? Gödel y las teorías de la relatividad' [The disappearance of time? Gödel and the theories of relativity]. Teorema: Revista internacional de filosofía, Vol. 28/1, pp. 125-139.

2009 'On the physical basis of cosmic time' (with S.E. Rugh). Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, Vol. 40, pp.1-19. arXiv:0805.1947v1 [gr-qc]

2008 'Did time have a beginning?'. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 22:3, pp. 237-258. http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00005312/

2006 'The philosophy behind quantum gravity'. Theoria, Vol. 57, pp. 295-312. (pdf-version)

2005 'The beginning of cosmic time' in F. Stadler and M. Stöltzner (eds.) Time and History, Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig
Wittgenstein Society, Vol. XIII (pp. 346-348). Kirchberg am Wechsel: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.

2004 'Fysikfilosofi' [Philosophy of Physics] in L. Aagaard and S. Brock (eds.) Videnskabens Ansigter [The faces of science] (pp. 214-231).
Aarhus: Philosophia.

2004 'A critical examination of the cosmological constant problem' (with S.E. Rugh). In S. Basa, V. Le Brun, and A. Mazure (eds.)
Where cosmology and fundamental physics meet (pp. 296-297). Marseille: Frontier Group

2002  'The quantum vacuum and the cosmological constant problem' (with S.E. Rugh). Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, Vol. 33., pp.663-705, available at philsci-archive.pitt.edu (pdf-version) and xxx.lanl.gov

2002  'Cosmology, particles and the unity of science' Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics,  Vol. 33, pp. 492-516, available at philsci-archive.pitt.edu (pdf-version) and xxx.lanl.gov

2002  'Bohr's relevance to philosophy and contemporary physics', in Quantum Theory and Reality (ed. A. Rivadulla, Madrid: Complutense University Press), pp.155-170

2001  'Philosophical Motivations for Quantum Gravity - Another "Bohr/Einstein" Debate?', in J.J.Acero et al (eds.) Proceedings of the III conference of the spanish society for analytical philosophy (Granada University Press, 2001), p.113-120

2000  Review of Tian Y. Cao (ed.) Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Field Theory in Achives Internationales D'histoire des Sciences, vol.50, p.205

1999  'The Casimir effect and the interpretation of the vacuum' (with S.E. Rugh and T.Y. Cao). Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, vol.30 March, p. 111-139

1999  'g-2 and the trust in experimental results' (with B. Lautrup). Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, vol.30 March, p. 85-110

1998  'High-Energy Physics and Reality -- Some Philosophical Aspects of a Science', Ph.D. thesis, Niels Bohr Institute, February. (pdf-version)

1997  'Referential Realism and Appropriate Technology', Review article of Hans Radder In and About the World in EASST Review (European Association for Studies in Science and Technology), vol. 16,3.

1997  'Grćnser for videnskab' [Limits of Science] (with B. Lautrup) in Aksel Wiin-Nielsen (ed.) Prometeus vender tilbage [Return of Prometeus], Teknisk publishing company

1996  'Sociology of Science -- Should Scientists Care?' EASST Review (European Association for Studies in
Science and Technology). vol. 15,3

1996  'On the Cosmological Constant Problem and the Reality of Vacuum Fluctuations'. (with S. E. Rugh). Contribution to Conference on Relativistic Astrophysics in Honour of Prof. Igor Novikov's 60th Birthday, Copenhagen, January (1996) (Available upon request).

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