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Académicos de la Universidade do Porto

Manuela Terrasêca Manuela Terrasêca

Manuela has a Ph.D. in Education by the University of Porto (Portugal) and started to work in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Porto in 1990. She has cooperated in several books, such as Transgressões Disciplinares – Teatro/Escola (2005) [Disciplinary Transgressions – Theatre/School], and has written several articles concerning educational assessment and school evaluation.

Alexandra Sá Costa Alexandra Sá Costa

Alexandra has a Master in Education by the University of Porto (Portugal) and teaches in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of University of Porto since 1999 in areas such as Sociological Analysis of Educational Policies and Adult Education. She has participated in research projects in those areas and in the book Na Girândola de Significados – polissemia de excelências em escolas portuguesas do séc. XXI (2007). [In the Girandole of Meanings – polissemy of excellence in Portuguese schools in the XXI century]. She is preparing her Ph.D. in Education.

José Alberto Correia José Alberto Correia

José Alberto Correia is a Cathedratic professor in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of University of Porto, nd is the Scientific Coordinator of CIIE – Research and Intervention Centre in Education. He works in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Porto since 1988. He has been part of several research projects on various topics such as the Portuguese society and the globalization challenges and Education in Portugal in general.

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