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Académicos de la Université Rovira i Virgili

Charo Barrios Arós Charo Barrios Arós

With a Ph.D. in Education by the Universidad Rovira i Virgili, she has worked for the URV since 1997. She has written several articles about the professional development of teachers and the formation of professionals. Nowadays she is the director of the Department of Pedagogy and is member of the RED AECI (Programme of Cooperation between Universities for the establishment of Teaching Thematic Networks).

Ángel-Pío González Soto Ángel-Pío González Soto

Ph.D. in Education by the University of Barcelona, he has taken part in several research projects about the Formation of Teachers in Information and Teaching Communication Technologies. He has written a great deal of articles about it and has contributed in several books, such as Formación y Empleo: Enseñanza y competencias (2000) [Formation and employment: Teaching and competences].

Pilar Iranzo García Pilar Iranzo García

Pilar Iranzo got her Ph.D. in Pedagogy in 2002 and has been professor at the Universidad Rovira i Virgili since 2005. She has cooperated in a research project on the improvement of the teaching staff formation, a topic about which she has written several articles and books. She has also worked in the Enciclopedia de Didáctica [Encyclopaedia of the Methods of Teaching].

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