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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


To how many joint programmes can a student apply?

Students can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to a maximum of three (3) different joint programmes (Erasmus Mundus Master Programme and Erasmus Mundus joint Doctorate Programme together)

Does the Erasmus Mundus Programme offer scholarships for part-time studies?

No, the Erasmus Mundus scholarships are intended for full-time studies only.

Is it obligatory for a student applying for an EM scholarship to have completed his/her previous degree before submitting his/her application?

No. Students can apply for an EM scholarship even if they have not yet completed the studies required by the consortium responsible for the joint programme.

They must however have completed the relevant degree before the enrolment deadline in the joint programme concerned.

It is the consortium’s responsibility to assess the student credentials and competences in order to assess if he/she presents sufficient guarantees for completing his/her current study cycle before the beginning of the joint programme’s activities. If this assessment is positive, the student may be selected for a scholarship on a conditional basis, provided he/she completes the degree concerned prior to the beginning of the joint programme.

When and how will the student be notified of the scholarship selection results?

It is the Consortium's responsibility to inform the students of the scholarship selection results after being notified by the Agency. The Consortium will submit the list of students proposed for a scholarship (as well as the reserve list of students) to the Agency by 28th February .A month later, after having checked the eligibility of the proposed lists, the Agency will inform the consortium of the approval of the list and provide it with the students’ visa support documents. As soon as the Consortium has received this confirmation, it can in turn notify the students concerned. This should occur by early April..

Can a student or scholar benefitting from an EM scholarship benefit from other scholarships while performing his/her EM joint programme activities?

The basic and only rule in this case is that a Community funding beneficiary can never benefit from other Community financial support for the same activities for which he/she has already received funding.
As a result, students or scholars benefiting from an EM scholarship can benefit from other for non-EU funded support prior or during their joint programme activities (e.g. student jobs or placement/internship allowances if the national legislation of the host country permits it).

How are the student “participation costs” calculated? How are they paid?

The student participation costs must be calculated by the consortia in accordance with their means and needs. In other words, the individual participation costs amount should be defined taking into account the following parameters: a. How much does it cost the partner HEIs to implement and maintain an EM joint programme (taking into account that these costs must include all mandatory study/research activities expected from the students, including the insurance coverage )? b. How much (/which) of these costs are covered by the partner institutions or other sponsors (including the EM programme flat rate for the consortium management costs)? c. What are the annual student intake estimations? In principle, the student participation costs should correspond to (a – b.) / c The corresponding participation costs (and what they give right to) should be clearly announced on the joint programme’s web site. Although there can be different participation costs for European and non-European students, the amounts must be the same for scholarship holders and self-paying students. The student participation costs are paid to the consortia as part of the scholarship. • For masters programmes, the participation costs amount included in the scholarship will vary in accordance of the actual amount defined by the consortium (with a maximum of 4000 or 2000 € per semester for Category A and B respectively) While the participation costs are defined and allocated for the entire duration of the joint programme, consortia should only charge them on a semester basis or, if not possible because of institutional practices, at least on an annual basis.


What are the application dates?

On line Application will be from November 15th to January the 10th 2011 January the 20th will be the deadline for receiving the photocopies of official documents by postal service.

Is the application just on line or do I have to post documents too?

There is an online application and after that , the documentation that has to be posted are recommendation letters and photocopies of the diplomas, notes certificates, document proving that the applicant speaks a foreign language and other documents mentioned in the online application.


When should I arrive to the host university?

Classes start the first week of October, It’s highly recommended to arrive early September in order to do arrival certificates, enrolment, opening of a bank account and to finish the procedure of legalizing the stay as a foreign student.


May I combine the master with other studies or a temporary job?

The master requires 100% of student’s attention since the classes are 100% presential. The schedules vary according to the university and the semester. Last year it’s necessary to combine courses and practicum.

Once I’ve been accepted, what is the process of enrolment?

Once at the host university, the student should enrol at the host university, and then to the UGR since is the coordinator, for that a photocopy of the diploma the notes and passport.
At the moment of enrolment the student can present just photocopies, but before the end of his/her studies he/she should have shown an official translation of those certificates signed by the Spanish consulate


Where can I stay?

Universities are not responsible of providing accommodation, but can proportionate helpful information to students about those matters. In the case of Porto, Arkhesus and Reims, the student can contact the International relations office and the can made reservations in the university residences. The student will be in charge of the payment of this room and may need to do some other procedures to complete this process. In spain the most common is to share a room , for this the most recommended is to arrive and look for it . there are may classified ads about accommodation at the university.


Are there any financial programs that help me to study the Mundusfor Program?

There are 2 kinds of Erasmus Mundus scholarships:
Category A scholarships can be awarded to third-country masters students selected by EMMCconsortia who come from a country other than an eligible applicant country2526 and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
Category B scholarships can be awarded to European masters students selected by EMMC consortia as well as to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.
It should be noted that, while the Category A scholarships should be considered as “full scholarships” covering all necessary costs of the student during his/her study period in Europe, Category B scholarships have to be considered as a “financial contribution” to the student’s costs while following his/her EMMC studies.
For European students there are also mobility scholarships as Erasmus, here are also grants from the government, some institutions or foundations.
There are also scholarship programs for non European students that varies in each country.
The student who decides to enrol to the program is free to decide the kind of scholarship (s) that suits better to his/her needs.


Students holders of a Erasmus Mundus scholarship will get a free insurance offered by the European commission.


Visa applications depend totally of each consulate, for this reason is recommended to check the corresponding web page. Consortium will provide letters of acceptance to the master course that should facilitate this procedure.
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Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales
Complejo Administrativo Triunfo | Universidad de Granada | Cuesta del Hospicio s/n. | 18071 Granada, España
Phone: (+34) 958 249 030 | Fax: (+34) 958 243 009 | E-mail: mundusfor@ugr.es
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