Communiqué 10th March 2020 15h00

Mié, 11/03/2020 - 12:36
An image featuring bacteria

This morning the UGR’s Monitoring and Steering Committee for the epidemiological situation caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) met to analyse the information available to date.

Firstly, as an overall conclusion of this meeting, the Committee would like to send a message of calm and normality. There are no cases of contagion in the province of Granada, thus allowing us to continue our academic and administrative activity.

However, precisely in order to maintain our normal activity, it is important for the community to adopt preventive measures as recommended by the health authorities, which are summarized in the diagram available below.

Similarly, and following the recommendations of the health authorities, it is strongly recommended to avoid non-essential travel, counting on your individual responsibility.

Furthermore, the Committee has continued to work on the drafting of a contingency plan which will establish the measures to be taken in each of the possible scenarios we may face, together with the corresponding mechanisms of coordination and communication.

A direct two-way communication channel with Deans and Directors of Faculties and Schools has also been set up in order to ensure that they are constantly updated on any new development and that they may ask any questions they wish. Moreover, coordination meetings have been called for this week with Deans, Directors, Administrators, Heads of Unit and trade union representatives.

Once again, we would like to insist that it is essential for the public in general, and the university community in particular, to pay heed ONLY to the official information issued by the health authorities.

Links to further information & recommendations (in Spanish)

– Preguntas y respuestas sobre el nuevo c oronavirus COVID-19 (Ministerio de Sanidad)

– ¿Qué debes saber del nuevo coronavirus? – infografía (Junta de Andalucía)

– Información actualizada sobre la situación de la crisis epidemiológica (Ministerio de Sanidad)

– El Consejo Interterritorial del SNS acuerda medidas concretas para zonas con transmisión comunitaria significativa de coronavirus – Nota de prensa (Misterio de Sanidad)

– COVID-19. Guía para Escuelas, Centros educativos y Universidades (Junta de Andalucía)

An infographic about the new coronavirus