Ciclo Fronteras de la Física | «The large deviation approach to statistical physics»

Conferencia del Ciclo Fronteras de la Física, impartida por el profesor Hugo Touchette (Department of Mathematical Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa).

I will give in this talk a basic overview of the theory of large deviations and of its applications in statistical physics. In the first part, I will discuss the basics of this theory and its historical sources, which can be traced back in mathematics to Cramer (1938), Sanov (1960) and Varadhan (1970s) and, on the physics side, to Einstein (1910) and Boltzmann (1877). In the second part, I will discuss how the theory has been applied in recent years to study various equilibrium, nonequilibrium, and complex systems, such as interacting particle systems, turbulent flows, and random graphs, among many other examples. Some of these applications have been studied by researchers in the statistical physics group in Granada.

  • Fecha: Viernes 4 de Octubre de 2024
  • Lugar: Facultad de Ciencias – aula F-01
  • Retransmisión en línea: La conferencia también podrá seguirse ONLINE en el siguiente enlace
  • Horario: 12:30h
  • Organiza: Instituto Carlos I de Física Teórica y Computacional (UGR)
  • Más información: Ciclo Fronteras de la Física (enlace web)