Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 24–29 March 2008. 18th Caribbean Geological Conference.

The 18th Caribbean Geological Conference will be held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in March 24th-29th, 2008 under the auspices of the Sociedad Dominicana de Geología, Dirección General de Minería and Cámara Minera Petrolera de la República Dominicana.


Visit the Conference Webpage


3rd Circular with schedule and list of talks


Want a poster of the event?



Session title and aim


Call for papers


Associated field trip


Deadlines and schedules




Abstracts submitted


Abstract Volume of the Conference


Fieldtrip 3 guide: Late Jurassic-Late Cretaceous Magmatic Sequence In The Jarabacoa-La Vega Area, Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic (by Javier Escuder Viruete and John Lewis)


Fieldtrip 4 guide: Field trip Guide to the Median Belt and subduction zone rocks, Dominican Republic (Compiled by Gren Draper and John Lewis)


Field trip photos

Session title and aim

Symposium #2. Caribbean Subduction in time and space: An integrated petrological, geochemical, tectonic, and geophysical approach

Who: Conveners: Antonio García Casco and Uwe Martens

When: March 25, 8.00 am - 17.00 pm.

What: Clarifying the history of subduction in the Caribbean region must be accomplished after systematic petrological, geochemical, structural, and geophysical studies of Caribbean high-pressure and related geological complexes. These studies should address issues such as the thermal structure of the subduction zone(s) in time and space, rates of subduction and exhumation, and tectonic relations with other geologic complexes, in an effort to refine plate tectonic reconstructions for the Caribbean. The session is open to contributions to the study of subduction zones. There will be some invited papers.

This session will include, but not be limited to, results from IGCP Project 546 “Subduction Zones of the Caribbean”.

More: This session is linked to the 3 day Post Conference field trip #4 to the Central Cordillera.

Call for papers

We invite you to present contributions from all fields of geophysics, geochemistry and geology applied to convergent tectonics and geodynamics of the Caribbean. Field-based, geochemical or petrologic studies of sutures and subduction complexes are welcome. We especially encourage contributions establishing links, contrasts and correlations among current and fossil subduction zones in the Caribbean area.

Submit your abstract to the session and promote it to your colleagues and students!

Associated field trip

Post Conference Field Trip # 4 - Three days field trip to the Median Belt in the eastern Cordillera Central and the Hispaniola Subduction Zone Complexes in the North Coast Belt

When: Saturday March 29th to Monday 31st.

Who: Field trip leaders: Grenville Draper, Richard Abbott, Javier Escuder-Viruete, James Joyce, Walter Maresch and James Pindell (North Coast Belt), John Lewis, Javier Escuder-Viruete (Median Belt).

What: This 3 days field trip is designed to give participants an overview of two of the most important structuralpetrological features in the northern Caribbean. We will see the Median Belt, a suture zone between the oceanic units of the early sea floor and the early Cretaceous island arc rocks in the central part of the island, in contrast to the high pressure metamorphic rocks of the Rio San Juan and Samana subduction zone complexes and other units of the North Coast Belt.

We will examine the main units making up the Median Belt, namely the Duarte Complex and the Siete Cabezas formation (both plume-related oceanic units), the Loma Caribe serpentinized peridotite, and the Peralvillo, Maimón and Los Ranchos formations (oceanic island arc related units).

In the North Coast Belt the meta-sedimentary blueschists, marbles and the Punta Balandra mélange of Samana will be compared to the blueschist-eclogite mélanges of the Rio San Juan Complex. The Cuaba gneisses and garnet peridotites of the southern RSJ Complex, the Caribbeans only Ultra High Pressure metamorphic terrane, will also be examined. Due to the long distances to travel and limited time, examination of the Puerto Plata area may depend on the number of participants interested in visiting this area. This field trip is linked to the special session # 2 on subduction zones at the conference.

Deadlines and schedules

Letter by Gren Draper: Registration and abstracts for 18th Caribbean Conference in Santo Domingo (Dec 12, 2007).


Dear Colleagues,

I am reminding you that the (cheaper) registration for the conference has to be done before January 20, 2008. Abstracts also should be submitted before then.

There has been a little confusion about how this should be done.

Step 1: Download the registration form and second circular at

Step 2: Photocopy both the front and back of the credit card that you wish to use to pay for registration

Step 3: Fax the registration form and the copies of the card images to 809-565-5651c/o Marilyn Terrero (This is the number ignore the others). (You may have to call your card company to tell them that is is a legitimate charge).

Step 4: email abstracts (< 300 words) to

Step 5: Please forward this email to all your Caribbean Geology colleagues.

Gren Draper

Prof. of Geology,
Office PC 316, Department of Earth Sciences, Florida International University, SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199, Tel 305-348-3087, Fax 305-348-3877,


Iturralde-Vinent, M. Diaz, C.; Garcia-Casco, A. and van Hinsbergen, D.

Paleogene Foreland Basin Deposits of North-Central Cuba: A Record of Arc-Continent Collision Between the Caribbean and North American Plates

Abbott, R. and Draper, G.

Review of Evidence for UHP Conditions in the Cuaba Terrane, Rio San Juan Complex, Dominican Republic

Sisson, V.B., Avé Lallemant, H.G., Hemming, S., Valencia, V., Brueckner, H., Roden-Tice, M., Blythe, A. and Harlow, G.E.

New U/Pb and Fission Track Geochronologic Constraints on the Subduction History of Central Guatemala

Cardona, A., García-Casco, A.; Ruiz, J.; Valencia, V.; Bustamante, C.; Saldarriaga, M. and Weber, M.

Late Cretaceous Caribbean-South America interactions: insights from the metamorphic record of the NW Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

Pindell, J.

Early Cretaceous Caribbean Tectonics: Models for genesis of the Great Caribbean Arc

Mann, P. and Calais, E.

Impact of GPS studies on the understanding of Caribbean neotectonics (1989-2008)

Stanek, Klaus P. and Maresch, Walter V. 

The timing of HP metamorphism in subduction complexes - example from the Escambray Massif, Cuba

Blanco-Quintero, I. García-Casco, A., Proenza, J., Rojas-Agramonte, Y., Kröener, A., Lázaro, C., Iturralde-Vinent, M., Rodríguez-Vega, A. and Millán, G.

Geochemistry and age of a partially melted subductred slab. La Corea mélange (eastern Cuba)

Maresch, W.V., Schertl, H.-P., Krebs, M., Baese, M. and Draper, G.

Jadeitite from the Rio San Juan Complex, northern Dominican Republic

Schertl, H.-P. Krebs, M., Maresch, W.V., and Draper, G. 

The intra-oceanic Rio San Juan Complex (Northern Dominican Republic) and its eclogites: Petography, PT-paths, consequences

Draper, G. Abbott, R.A.; Escuder-Viruete, J.; Joyce, J.; Krebs, M.; Maresch, W.V.; Perez-Estaun, A.; Pindell, J.P. and Schertl, P.

Tectonic overview of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene subduction zone rocks of Hispaniola

Martens, U. Solari, L.; Mattinson, C. G.; Wooden, J. and Liou, J. G.

Polymetamorphism at the southern boundary of the North American plate: the El Chol unit of the Chuacús Complex, Central Guatemala

Brueckner, Hannes K.-

The Evolution of Garnet-bearing Peridotite in HP Collisional Terranes

Stanek, Klaus P. and Maresch, Walter V. 

Age of HP metamorphism from the Escambray Massif, Cuba - geotectonic implications

Buchs D.M., Baumgartner P.O., Arculus R.J. and Baumgartner-Mora C.

Late Cretaceous-Miocene tectonic development of the SW- margin of the Caribbean Plate (Costa Rica, Panama)

Baumgartner, P.O., Kennet Flores, Alexandre Bandini, Claudia Baumgartner-Mora and David Buchs

Terranes of NW-Costa Rica and the Hess Escarpment: A Pre-Campanian paleo-plate boundary.

Please, note that additional IGCP-546 related talks and posters will be presented in other sessions.

Abstracts submitted

Abstract Volume of the Conference


Dominican Rep., Cuba, Puerto Rico, Spain, Germany, USA, Chile, Guadalupe, Colombia, Venezuela, Canada, Argentina.

We look forward to seeing you in Santo Domingo in March 2008!

last modified: 11.29.09 11:12 +0100