Granada, Spain, 5–16 May 2008. IGCP 546 Course "Geotermobarometria y trayectorias P-T" ("Geothermobarometry and P-T paths")



Post-course info.


Course contents and aim

Practical course for Latin-American students and researchers to be held in the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Granada, during 5-16 May 2008.

The course will consist of two weeks (morning 10 am - afternoon 20 pm) of intensive and personalized advice on the principles, theory and practice of thermobarometry, mineral chemistry, mineral assemblage and texture analysis, and electron microprobe analysis and BSE and XR imaging.

Students are encouraged to bring their own thin sections and analytical data of their case studies (MSc and/or PhD Thesis) to de studied and discussed during the course. Some samples will be selected for analysis with the microprobe.

Some links: >> Geotermobarometría ( pdf version - in Spanish-) >> Análisis de Sistemas Heterogéneos >> Cspace


5-8 May.

Morning 10 am - afternoon 14 pm: Theory.

Afternoon 16 pm - evening 20 pm: Practice and introduction to software (excel spreadsheets, CSpace, DWImager, Thermocalc).

9-15 May.

Morning 9 am - afternoon 15 pm: Microprobe work at Centro de Instrumentación Científica (Univ. Granada).

Afternoon 16 pm - evening 20 pm: Practice.

16 May.

Morning 10 am - evening 20 pm: Practice.


Antonio García Casco. Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Granada.


Maximum 10 students.

Interested students must send a letter of interest (signed pdf) to Antonio García Casco, indicating affiliation, research projects, date and time of arrival.

Students will be picked up at Federico García Lorca Granada-Jaén Airport upon individual arrival.

Financial Support

A maximum of 500 € per student will be allocated from IGCP 546 funds to help cover travel and subsidence expenses.

The total cost of 5 days of microprobe work (1750 €) will be covered by project CGL2006-08527/BTE (MEC, Spain).


At Corrala de Santiago (University). Individual (52 €) or double rooms (70.5 €).

Rent of flats for several persons can be also arranged.

We look forward to seeing you in Granada in May 2008!

Post Course Information: Attendance

Six students from Colombia, Cuba and Spain finally attended the course:

XR maps of Mg from a high-pressure schist (Guajira Peninsula, Colombia) and a garnet amphibolite (Medellín, Colombia) performed during the course practices and worked out by students Monica Tobón and Mauricio Ibáñez, respectively.

José, Mónica, and Mauricio meeting an old friend in Granada

last modified: 09.21.08 19:40 +0200