Video made by J.E. Amaro with the Android app Pandemic
Monte Carlo simulation in a lattice. Planck P-model
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Monte Carlo simulation in a lattice with temperature T, representing the average
movility (or energy) of the individuals
The D model for deaths by COVID-19
J.E. Amaro
Preprint (unpublished)
We provide here our daily fits to the current data.
A basic function to parametrize the total deaths is
D(t) = a exp(t/b) / ( 1 + c exp (t/b) )
The values of the parametes a, b, c are at the top of the plots
Click on the figures to enlarge
D2, is the sum of two D-functions
D'2, is the derivative of the D2 function to fit the deaths-per-day
Extended SIR model where the recovered function r = R/N
is parametrized similarly as the D-function
Monte Carlo P-model. Virus simulation propagating in a grid of cells
Click here for SOUTH AFRICA fits:
Total deaths. Fit of the second wave using data starting from September. The top of the curve is expected in MARCH 2021.
Total deaths. Fit of the second wave using data starting from September. The top of the curve is expected in February 2021.
Deaths per day. Fit of the second peak using data starting from July. The maximum is expected in the first weak of Octobrer.
Total deaths. Fit of the second wave using data starting from July. The top of the curve is expected in the first weak of December.
Detail of the second peak, probably noise.
Second fit of the pandemic regrowth in Spain. The D model has been fitted to the data from July 12. After revision of data from the ministery a much smaller pandemic peak is found with maximum 15 August. This is compatible with noise.
El pico del pretendido rebrote se ha quedado en un pulso estadisticamente poco significativo, pero no corresponde a ninguna pandemia.
First prediction of the pandemic regrowth in Spain. The D model has been fitted to the data from July 12. A new pandemic peak is found with maximum 30 October and ending on 30 January. The results are orientative and are expected to change as more data are added to the model.
Primera predicción del rebrote en España. Hemos ajustado el modelo D a los datos disponibles desde el 12 de julio. Encontramos un nuevo pico que alcanza el máximo el 30 de octubre y que habrá desaparecido el 30 de enero. Los resultados son orientativos e irán cambiando a medida que adjuntemos nuevos datos al modelo.
First prediction of the pandemic regrowth in Spain. The D model has been fitted to the data from July 12. A new pandemic peak is found with maximum 30 October and ending on 30 January. The results are orientative and are expected to change as more data are added to the model.
Primera predicción del rebrote en España. Hemos ajustado el modelo D a los datos disponibles desde el 12 de julio. Encontramos un nuevo pico que alcanza el máximo el 30 de octubre y que habrá desaparecido el 30 de enero. Los resultados son orientativos e irán cambiando a medida que adjuntemos nuevos datos al modelo.
This Monte Carlo was fitted to data up to May 2. The end of the pandemic, around May 25, was well reproduced.
The Monte Carlo was fitted to data up to May 2. After the final data corrections by the Ministry of Health, Spain reached the Monte Carlo predictions for the total deaths at the maximum of the curve.
This Monte Carlo was fitted to data up to May 2. The end of the pandemic, around May 25, was well reproduced
The Monte Carlo was fitted to data up to May 2. After the data correction by the Ministry of Health on May 25, Spain reached the Monte Carlo predictions for the total deaths at the maximum of the curve.
This fit to deaths in Spain up to 23 March shows the uncertainty of of the D-model with few data is quite large (200% in this case)
This Monte Carlo was fitted to data up to May 2
This Monte Carlo was fitted to data up to May 2
The Monte Carlo was fitted to data up to May 2 and is now subestimating data
This Monte Carlo was fitted to data up to May 2
The Monte Carlo has been fitted to data up to May 2
This Monte Carlo was fitted to data up to May 2
The Monte Carlo has been fitted to data up to May 2
The Monte Carlo has been fitted to include
effects from 8M public events and lock-down
The Monte Carlo has been fitted to include
effects from 8M public events and lock-down
The Monte Carlo has been fitted to include
effects from 8M public events and lock-down
The Monte Carlo has been fitted to include
effects from 8M public events and lock-down
The Monte Carlo has been re-fitted to include
effects from 8M public events and lock-down
seven days after it.
This figure shows the Monte carlo without the 8M event
and with lock-down the following day 9M.
The Monte Carlo has been re-fitted to include
effects from 8M public events and lock-down
seven days after it.
This figure shows the Monte carlo without the lock-down effect.
The new Monte Carlo has been re-fitted to include
effects from 8M public events and lock-down
seven days after it.
This figure shows the Monte Carlo without 8M events.
The Monte Carlo has been re-fitted to include
effects from 8M public events and lock-down
seven days after it.
Results from the Plack model are points computed with Monte Carlo
simulation in a lattice with temperature T, representing the average
movility (or energy) of the individuals
Results from the Plack model are points computed with Monte Carlo
simulation in a lattice with temperature T, representing the average
movility (or energy) of the individuals
The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
Results from the Plack model are points computed with Monte Carlo
simulation in a lattice with temperature T, representing the average
movility (or energy) of the individuals
The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
Results from the Plack model are points computed with Monte Carlo
simulation in a lattice with temperature T, representing the average
movility (or energy) of the individuals
The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
Results from the Plack model are points computed with Monte Carlo
simulation in a lattice with temperature T, representing the average
movility (or energy) of the individuals
The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
THE D2 MODEL ASUMES TWO CHANNELS OF INFECTION 1 and 2 with different parameters. Here the fit is made to the total deaths. The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
THE D2 MODEL ASUMES TWO CHANNELS OF INFECTION 1 and 2 with different parameters. Here the fit is made to the total deaths. The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
THE D2 MODEL ASUMES TWO CHANNELS OF INFECTION 1 and 2 with different parameters. Here the fit is made to the total deaths. The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
THE D2 MODEL ASUMES TWO CHANNELS OF INFECTION 1 and 2 with different parameters. Here the fit is made to the total deaths. The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
THE D2 MODEL ASUMES TWO CHANNELS OF INFECTION 1 and 2 with different parameters. Here the fit is made to the total deaths. The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
THE D2 MODEL ASUMES TWO CHANNELS OF INFECTION 1 and 2 with different parameters. Here the fit is made to the total deaths. The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters.
THE D2 MODEL ASUMES TWO CHANNELS OF INFECTION 1 and 2 with different parameters. Here the fit is made to the total deaths. The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters. This is the worst scenario we can predict with this data.
THE D2 MODEL ASUMES TWO CHANNELS OF INFECTION 1 and 2 with different parameters. Here the fit is made to de deaths per day. The data are more compatible with the sum of two D-functions with different parameters. This is the worst scenario we can predict with this data.
THE D'2 MODEL ASUMES TWO CHANNELS OF INFECTION 1 and 2 with different parameters
In china the pandemic is under control and they are at the top of
the D-curve
The values of the parametes a, b, c are at the top of the plots
Click on the figures to enlarge
This is a summary of the paper
The D model for deaths by COVID-19
by J.E. Amaro
The D model (D is for deaths) derives form the SIR model
(susceptible, infected, recovered) as a particular case with an
analytical solution. We assume that the recoved individuals have no
effect on the infection rate.
The D model is based on two hypothesis:
1. The infection rate over time is proportional to the infected and
non-infected individuals (SI model) :
dI(t) = lambda I(t) ( N - I(t) ) dt
where N is the total population exposed to the virus.
2. The number of deaths at some time t is
proportional to the infestation at some former time T.
Therefore we define the D-function as
D(t) = mI(t − T )
Where m is the mortality or death rate, and T is the mortality time.
With this assumption we can write the D function as
D(t) = a exp(t/b) / ( 1 + c exp (t/b) )
The three constants a, b, c are the parameters of the model. They
are obtained by fit to actual data for the first pandemia days and
they can be used to make predictions for the next days.
The D-model for COVID-19 pandemic describes well the current data
of several countries, including China, Spain and Italy with only
three parameters.
The assumption made in the SI model is that the recovered
individuals do not influence the increase of the infected ones, This
hypothesis does not seem to be very bad since the model reproduces
well the data up to now. This could indicate that the
total population N is not a constant as assumed in the SIR model,
but it increases over time as more people are exposed, for example,
in villages that until now had been isolated from the sources of
infection in big cities.
The D model is simple enough to provide fast
estimations of pandemic evolution in other countries, and could be
useful for the control of the disease.
Exponential fit (t in days)
The resulting funtion was f(t) = 32.4 exp( t / 3.75 )
The time T = 3.75 log(2) = 2.6 days is the time to get twice the number of deaths
This fit predicted about 1800 deaths the next day. The actual value was 1720
This fit allowed to predict the deaths for ne next days.
It was estimated about 7000 deaths for day 20 (saturday march 28).
This is shown in the next figure;
The exponential fit gave f(t) = 34.3 exp( t / 3.8 )
The twice time was T = 3.8 log(2) = 2.6 days
The constant in the exponent, b = 3.8 days, increased by 0.05
days with respect to the previous fit, which indicates that the
behaviour is not purely exponential, but somewhat slower.
This fit predicted about 2200 deaths the next day.
The actual value was 2182
The model estimated 6500 death for the day 20 (saturday, march 28),
less than the previous estimation.
Ajuste exponencial realizado con gnuplot (tiempo t en días)
La función ajustada fue f(t) = 36.6 exp( t / 3.9 )
El tiempo de doblaje T = 3.9 log(2) = 2.7 días es el tiempo que tiene que transcurrir para que el número de muertes se multiplique por dos.
La constante de tiempo en el exponente, 3.9 días, aumentó en 0.1 con respecto al ajuste anterior, lo que indica que el aumento no es puramente exponencial sino algo ligeramente más lento.
Este ajuste predecía unas 2700 muertes al día siguiente. El valor real fue de 2696.
El ajuste permitía estimar el número de muertes los días sucesivos. Este valor se estimó en cerca de 8000 para el día 21 (doming 29 de marzo),.
Ajuste exponencial realizado con gnuplot (tiempo t en días)
La función ajustada fue f(t) = 40.9 exp( t / 4 )
El tiempo de doblaje T = 4 log(2) = 2.8 días es el tiempo que tiene que transcurrir para que el número de muertes se multiplique por dos.
La constante de tiempo en el exponente, 4 días, aumentó en 0.1 con respecto al ajuste anterior, lo que indica que el aumento no es puramente exponencial sino algo ligeramente más lento.
Este ajuste predecía unas 3500 muertes al día siguiente. El valor real fue de 3434.
El ajuste permitía estimar el número de muertes los días sucesivos. Este valor se estimó en cerca de 8000 para el día 21 (doming 29 de marzo),.
Ajuste exponencial realizado con gnuplot (tiempo t en días)
La función ajustada fue f(t) = 43.2 exp( t / 4.1 )
El tiempo de doblaje T = 4.1 log(2) = 2.84 días es el tiempo que tiene que transcurrir para que el número de muertes se multiplique por dos.
La constante de tiempo en el exponente, 4.1 días, aumentó en 0.1 con respecto al ajuste anterior, lo que indica que el aumento no es puramente exponencial sino algo ligeramente más lento.
Este ajuste preveía unas 4500 muertes al día siguiente, jueves 26 de abril.
El ajuste permitía estimar el número de muertes los días sucesivos. Este valor se estimó en cerca de 9500 para el día 22 (lunes 30 de marzo),.
El modelo exponencial solo es válido al inicio de la pandemia
El modelo meseta supone que el número de contagios es proporcional al número de contagiados
y también al número de no contagiados
dN = p (A-N) N dt
p es una constante
N es el número de contagios
A es la población total
La solución de esta ecuación diferencial es
N(t) = a exp( t/b)/( 1-c + c exp(t/b))
Veremos que el parámetro c es mucho menor que uno, y se puede aproximar 1-c =1 en el denominador
Los parámetros ajustados con los datos hasta este dia son
a= 30.5
b= 3.6 dias
c = 0.0021 << 1
Esta funcion inicialmente crece de forma exponencial pero algo más lenta, como se ve a continución;
Sin embargo la función tiende a una constante, alcanzando un plateau alrededor de 30 días,
ES DECIR, EL 8 DE ABRIL, como se ve a continuación
El modelo meseta supone que el número de contagios es proporcional al número de contagiados
y también al número de no contagiados
N(t) = a exp( t/b)/( 1-c + c exp(t/b))
Los parámetros ajustados con los datos hasta este dia son
a= 28.5
b= 3.5 dias
c = 0.0024 << 1
Esta funcion inicialmente crece de forma
exponencial pero algo más lenta, como se ve a continuación.
Se compara con la función exponencial que se ajustó el día anterior
Esta función tiende a una constante, alcanzando un plateau en unos 30 días,
ES DECIR, EL 8 DE ABRIL, como se ve a continuación
----(Series empieza el 8 de marzo)------------------
1 17 3.08 domingo
2 28 3.09
3 35 3.10
4 54 3.11
5 86 3.12
6 133 3.13
7 195 3.14 sabado
8 289 3.15
9 342 3.16
10 533 3.17
11 623 3.18
12 830 3.19
13 1043 3.20
14 1326 3.21 sabado
15 1720 3.22
16 2182 3.23
17 2696 3.24
18 3434 3.25
19 4089 3.26
Actualizado al 26 de marzo de 2020, hora de España 12:00