Dani García defended his thesis, that was awarded SUMA CUM Laude!
Our last original scientific contribution is published!
New publication!
Alberto Arenas defended his thesis, that was awarded with International Mention and SUMA CUM Laude.
Félix, Ana, Juan y Marisol presented our work in the EACR congress in Torino, Italy.
We disseminate our work in an invited seminar at Aarhus University, Denmark. Thanks to the Professor Giehm for his kind invitation.
First publication of JuanRo as first-author (together with Carlos Baliñas).
William Forys starts his scientific intenship in our lab coming from Brown University
Our lab is recognized with "Granada Ciudad de la Ciencia" Award.
Very proud of it!
Juan Rodrigo obtained an EMBO shorth term fellowship to research in the Di Ruscio's lab at Harvard University.
Thank you so much, to Anna Lisa Anna Lisa Di Ruscio and his fantastic team!
Ana Pena starts his scientific visit coming from Technische Universität München.
Wellcome Ana!