Enjoying the Granada autumn together in a walking route. Afterwards, we regained our strength with gourmet burgers from Muma's place.
Our labmate Sergio presents our work at the 19th ASEICA International Congress
The research communication of Ana Utrilla is selected for oral communication in the "Bridging RNA Biology and Therapy Symposium" at CIMA, Pamplona.
Pedro Medina talks in the "I Workshop in Chromatin alterations in Cancer development" at the Centro Biología Molecular (CBM) at Madrid.
Our lab participate in the "The European Night of Researchers".
Marta Cuadros gives a talk entitled “Fighting cancer” at the I.E.S. Luis Bueno Crespo.
István Szepesi-Nagy from the Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary) starts its scientific internship in our lab. Wellcome István!
Our labmate Marisol won the "Best Oral Communication Award" in the Jornadas Andaluzas de Bioinformática.
Fernado, Pablo and Pedro from our group present 3 research communications to the EHA2025 Congress - European Hematology Association.
DEVA (Evaluation and Accreditation Department of the Andalusian Knowledge Agency) has given our research group the highest score: EXCELLENT.
Thanks to all the team members who made this possible.
We will continue working to give our best!
On a day in April 10 years ago, the group "Regulation of gene expression and cancer" CTS-993 was positively evaluated by the Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento and officially registered in the Scientific Information System of Andalusia (SICA).
In an environment where we have seen many research groups disappear due to lack of support, we are extremely happy to have come this far. We hope celebrate many years more researching together.
Happy to see Juan Rodrigo Patiño successfully defending his thesis entitled "Implications of BCL7A in acute myeloid leukemia."
Proud to have a new international doctor in the world!
Farewell lunch for Alberto, who is joining the Karolinska Institute (Sweden), and for Dani, who is joining the “López-Neyra” Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine (IPBLN).
A bittersweet moment, because we will miss them. We wish them the best for their future.