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Line-to-line distance computation

$ \newcommand{\vo}{\mathbf{o}} \newcommand{\vv}{\mathbf{v}} \newcommand{\vs}{\mathbf{s}} \newcommand{\vp}{\mathbf{p}} $ In this page I show how to easily compute the minimal distance between two arbitrary lines.

Assume we have two lines, each represented by a point and a normalized direction vector (first line is $(\vo_1,\vv_1$) and second ($\vo_2,\vv_2)$). For simplicity, we will use these definitions: $$ \begin{array}{rclcrclcrcl} a_1 & = & \vs\cdot\vv_1 & ~~~~~~ & b & = & \vv_1\cdot\vv_2 & ~~~~~~ & \vs & = & \vo_1-\vo_2 \\ a_2 & = & \vs\cdot\vv_2 & ~~~~~~ & c & = & \vs\cdot\vs & ~~~~~~ & & & \end{array} $$

A pair of points (one on each line) can be obtained by using two real values $t_1$ and $t_2$, by substituion on the parametric equations of the lines. These points are, obviously: $$ \vp_1(t_1) ~~=~~ \vo_1\,+\,t_1\vv_1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \vp_2(t_2) ~~=~~ \vo_2\,+\,t_2\vv_2 $$ The squared distance function $d_{sq}(t_1,t_2)$ is defined as: $$ d_{sq}(t_1,t_2) ~~=~~ \left(\vp_1(t_1)-\vp_2(t_2)\right)\cdot\left(\vp_1(t_1)-\vp_2(t_2)\right) $$

Non parallel lines

When the two lines are not parallel, then $b$ is not $1$. Note that $\vv_1$ and $\vv_2$ are normalized, thus in the case of non-parallel lines, these two vectors are not collinear and their inner prodcut ($b$) cannot be $1$ (it is a value between $-1$ and $1$).

It can be easily shown (by equating its derivate to cero) that, in this case, function $d_{sq}$ has its (unique) minimun value for $t_1=s_1$ and $t_2=s_2$, where: $$ \begin{equation} s_1~~=~~ \frac{a_2b-a_1}{1-b^2} ~~~~~~~~~~ s_2~~=~~ \frac{a_2-ba_1}{1-b^2} \end{equation} $$

The squared minimun distance ($m_{sq}$) between these two lines can be obtained by computing the pair of closest points ($\vp_1(s_1)$ and $\vp_2(s_2)$) and then the computing the squared distance between then, that is: $$ m_{sq} ~~=~~ d_{sq}(s_1,s_2) $$ by expanding $d$, this distance can also be written directly in terms of $s_1$ and $s_2$, as follows: $$ m_{sq} ~~=~~ s_1^2 \,+\, s_2^2 \,+\, 2(a_1s_1-a_2s_2-bs_1s_2) $$ by substituting $s_1$ and $s_2$ above and then simplifying, we arrive to this expression: $$ m_{sq} ~~=~~ \frac{a_1^2\,+\,a_2^2\,-\,2ba_1a_2}{b^2-1} \,+\,c $$

Parallel lines

In the case $b=1$ then the two lines are parallel ($\vv_1=\vv_2$). The squared distance can be computed simply as the squared length of the $\vs$ component perpendicular to the lines. To obtain this value, we observe the component of $\vs$ parallel to the lines ($\vs_{||}$), and the component perpendicular to those lines ($\vs_{\perp}$). These vectors can be expressed as: $$ \vs_{||} ~=~ (\vs\cdot\vv_1)\,\vv_1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \vs_{\perp} ~=~ \vs\,-\,\vs_{||} $$ If we consider the triangle formed by $\vs$, $\vs_{||}$ and $\vs_{\perp}$, and by using Pythagoras theorem, we get this equality for the squared lengths: $$ \vs\cdot\vs ~~=~~ (\vs_{||}\cdot\vs_{||}) \,+\, (\vs_{\perp}\cdot\vs_{\perp}) $$ in this expression, we can do these substitutions: \begin{eqnarray*} \vs_{\perp}\cdot\vs_{\perp} & = & ~m_{sq} \\ \vs_{||}\cdot\vs_{||} & = & ~(\vs\cdot\vv_1)^2\,(\vv_1\cdot\vv_1) ~~=~~ (\vs\cdot\vv_1)^2 ~~=~~ a_1^2 \\ \vs\cdot\vs & = & ~c \\ \end{eqnarray*} Thus we can finally get an expression for $m_{sq}$: $$ m_{sq} ~~=~~ c-a_1^2 $$

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